Are You Living Life To The Full?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
I'm sat in my pants eating coco pops before uni! You tell me how I can live a fuller life!!!!


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
1. Stop worrying about money - don't give a fuck about money
2. Stop worrying about what other people think - nor what other people think on the whole.....
3. Take two holidays a year - ah, not giving a fuck about money has come back to bite me on the arse early :(
4. Enjoy little comforts in life - my whole life is one little comfort
5. Experience different cultures - always try to, more of a fan of doing this than sun worshipping while on hol.
6. Work to live rather than live to work - obviously
7. Pay off all debts - maybe one day, if I give a fuck about money enough to check out what debt I'm actually in.
8. Be true to yourself - I am true to myself. It's just eveyone else I have to lie too. They tend to freak when they find out I'm Batman.......
9. Concentrate on what you have instead of what you don't have - Aids?!?!
10. Use money on experiences rather than saving for a rainy day - Drinking is an experience right?
11. Make time for family and friends - Time can not be made :(
12. Try all types of food - Except Deathcaps, Rhubarb leaves and kangaroo anus; kangaroo anus won't hurt you but even so? really?
13. Find true love - I truely love myself, does that count?
14. Travel to at least 25 different foreign countries - genuinely want to do this, so far I'm on 10 ..... if you count the north as a seperate country.
15. Go outside more - That's harsh if you're homeless
16. Learn a new language - again, I speak fluent northen.
17. Be well thought of by family and friends - I'm either well thought of, or well lied to.....
18. Help a member of your family out when they really need it - So I don't have to help them if it's not dire? " can you help me move" "is it life threatening?" ".... of course not?!?!" "sorry no then, bye"
19. Lose a stone in weight - Lost about 6
20. Treat eat day like it's your last - I'd get arrested :(
21. Visit all of Britain's historical landmarks - again may actually do this one day...
22. Book an impulsive last minute holiday - most of them are
23. Volunteer for a good cause - whose good cause? Hitler had alot of volunteers but that's backfired massiveley for them.
24. Take up a challenge - I do every month
25. Go on safari - no
26. Blow a load of money in one shopping trip, just because you can - but I can't.........
27. Learn a new instrument - new? what one do I already know?
28. Be married for longer than 20 years - I'd have to go back in time and get married at 6 ........
29. Have enough money left for the grandchildren to enjoy - woah woah, calm the fuck down, we've missed a step here........
30. Start a family - oh there it is.......
31. Earn more than your age - In pence? pounds? rubles? esteem?
32. Have a pet - I have an epic hamster. He is named Hamlet!!!!!!
33. Drive a really fast car - do I have to drive the car fast? or the car just has to have the capacity to go fast?
34. Travel alone - done! I went to get milk this morning on my own! I'm so daring
35. Be able to keep the kids on the straight and narrow - Wha tif they want to be gay?
36. Meet strangers - Then they're no longer strangers?!?!
37. Move away from home to an unfamiliar place - done, twice.
38. Have a one night stand - I prefer a one night lay!! Check out my double entendre. Go on! Check it out!!!
39. Pass your driving test - surely I should have done this before driving that really fast car :( may need you to explain this to the police for me.
40. Get a degree - on it like sonic!!!!!
41. Rescue someone so that you're a hero for a little while - I'm always a hero, just by my general being.
42. Date someone exciting but completely wrong for you - done this, bored now
43. Get a promotion - I've been promoted at some point in my life, so can I stop now?
44. Reach the desired career peak by age 40 - not sure that lottery winner is a career gaol as such, but I shalll try for you
45. Have an all-night drinking session - 1 point per time? or just 1 point?
46. Perform something on stage in front of others - done, too many times.
47. Snog a stranger - Does it have to be recipricated or are we talking face rape??
48. Plan a surprise party - then I won't be suprised?
49. Embark on adrenaline packed activities such as sky diving or bungee jumping - WANT!!!!!
50. Spend time with children even if they aren't yours - this is what michael jackson and gary glitter got in trouble for, sterr clear!!!!


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
I'm sat in my pants eating coco pops before uni! You tell me how I can live a fuller life!!!!

Living life to the full would have read, "sat in my pants whilst Selena Gomez washes my jizz off her face and Nina Dobrev is cooking me a full english"


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
29. Have enough money left for the grandchildren to enjoy -fuck that.

This made me chuckle.

Most of the good items are worth doing in my opinion. Forgetting the circular references.

I think the first (enabling) item on all these lists should be: 1. Switch off the fucking TV.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
81 countries and counting. 23 years of working in Aerospace. Mostly travel alone and some trips were up to a year long. 1 year Oman, 4 months Malaysia, 3 Months China, 3 Months Hong Kong, 3 Months Singapore, 1 month Brazil.......Also lived with my family in UAE for past 10 years.

Traveling when you have to do it soon gets boring. Only country I have not been to that I really want to go to is Madagascar.

Scored 29 but then I am an old git.

I have some catching up to do - only 59 countries. Funnily enough Madagascar is on my list as well.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Are they mostly from work or holdiays?

Bit of both. There's probably only half a dozen I've only been to for work, but there are loads where I've done work and personal trips.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
I have some catching up to do - only 59 countries. Funnily enough Madagascar is on my list as well.

Keep a list on my laptop :)

Europe – East Europe (26)
Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Poland, Spain, Portugal,
Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Rep,Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Italy,
Andorra, Monaco, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Iceland
Middle East (12)
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iran
Sub-Continent (3)
Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka
Asia – South Pacific (14)
China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Brunei
Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa
Americas (9)
USA, Canada, Mexico, Columbia, Argentina,
Chile, Brazil, El Salvador, Peru
Caribbean (3)
Jamaica, St Lucia, Grenadines
Africa (14)
Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania
Mozambique, South Africa, Namibia, Congo, Ghana,
Botswana, Mauritius, Sudan, Djibouti

Not Countries - territories
Guam, Hong Kong (pre ’96), Macau (pre ’99), Hawaii


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
People that treat travelling like some kind of Pokémon "gotta collect 'em all" obsession tend to be the most dull/irritating people on Earth.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
People that treat travelling like some kind of Pokémon "gotta collect 'em all" obsession tend to be the most dull/irritating people on Earth.

Well there's a mind emphatically not being broadened.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There's nothing wrong with travel. It's just a lot of people go overboard and make travelling the ONLY thing. And then all they do is chew your ear off about their travels. They're dull people.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Hawkwind doesn't strike me as such, though. Your comment in relation to his post implied he is :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Oh no it wasn't meant like that. Just an observation that travelling isn't everything like some dullards would have you believe.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh no it wasn't meant like that. Just an observation that travelling isn't everything like some dullards would have you believe.

To be fair Waz, maybe travelling IS so interesting that when people talk about it incessantly upon their return all their conversation does is remind people of how little they've done with their lives and how much they've done with theirs.

Pretty much this sums it up:


People without travel = cucumber. People with travel = grapes.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's not about those people.

It's about the rare people that ONLY EVER talk about their own travels. They have nothing else to ever say to anyone. They have no interest in what anyone else has to say, they're only interested in telling their own travel stories.

It's not about people that go away and come back after a few months away and are eager and excited by what they've seen.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's about the rare people that ONLY EVER talk about their own travels. They have nothing else to ever say to anyone. They have no interest in what anyone else has to say, they're only interested in telling their own travel stories

A friend of my bird's is like that. She has lived for the past 8 years doing nothing but travel from country to country being involved in various projects doing [insert socially responsible thing here].

When she comes over she bores the fuck out of me (and makes me jealous) - and I bore the fuck out of her.

Why? Because our lives have no meeting point. She's not interested in a shitty western lifestyle and I've nothing to gain from listening to stories about her admittedly poorer but much more varied life other than feeling like I'm missing out.

They're not "dullards". They're different.

Edit: It's why Rita couldn't go home...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Any type of "two sheds" person is a dildo, not just well traveled people.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
True..ive travelled a lot and spent some time boring the ass off people about it..tbh it is overated...most of the world is the same..and you will see an awful lot of tourist aimed shite no matter how hard you try..if i tell a story now i leave out where it was


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
And get off hawks case..that amount of travel is epic in its own right.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Job said:
True..ive travelled a lot and spent some time boring the ass off people about it..tbh it is overated...most of the world is the same..and you will see an awful lot of tourist aimed shite no matter how hard you try..if i tell a story now i leave out where it was

I just flat out disagree with the bit about most of the world being the same; yes there are western economic and cultural inroads all over the place, but its superficial. There's still plenty of variety out there


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If go on holiday and eat from McDonalds or an English Cafe then it is bound to feel the same.


Dec 26, 2003
Sadly most tourists want abroad to be the same as home but with better weather.

It is now possible to visit many exotic destinations without ever leaving your original culture behind which robs travel of any deeper significance.

Personally I also hate ego tourism where a bunch of idiots go to a poor country build a shoddy hut and come back full of themselves.

If they really cared about the people they would just send all the money raised to the locals rather than wasting most of it on their travel and board.

There's a whole industry for ego tourism now - in vietnam they visit the orphanages and the orphans spend week after week singing welcome songs and thankyou songs to the tourists.

Theres even claims they keep the kids in shoddy clothes because the westerners want to help the shabbiest.

Tourists can even take an orphan out for a day which has serious child protection issues...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
If go on holiday and eat from McDonalds or an English Cafe then it is bound to feel the same.

Funnily enough, it doesn't. The McDonalds Test (copyright Quentin Tarantino) is a good barometer for how different a country can be when using "the same" template. Go to MaccyDs in Moscow or Bangkok and they're very different; and the American ones are the worst, mainly because the staff are all fat black women called "Showanda" or "Latoya" with low IQs and really bad attitudes (whereas in Moscow they're all students keen to practice their language skills and the girls are fit as).

Edit - having said that, its still weirdly exciting when you go to a country without a McDonalds at all. As far as I'm aware I've only been to about 5.


Dec 26, 2003
Scouse said:
You've been reading that Al Jazeera article by that bird who runs a volunteer organisation haven't you ;)

If its the same one she did the same piece for radio 3 or 4.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
LoL, think I've stated that most work related travel is actually very boring. All big chain hotels are all pretty much the same. Travelling can be more of a chore than a pleasure and I would certainly not go on about it :)

I think people who travel do gain a slightly different perspective on the world and a better understanding of cultural differences. You also appreciate what you have slightly more, especially after visiting Africa and the Sub Continent. I've had quite a few little adventures in my time most of which the wife will never hear about ;) Some scary and some funny. I don't talk about travel unless asked in general. I find people that go on about some holiday they had in 1989 to some remote shit hole as boring as hell.

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