Are savages to be THAT nerfed?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Pin said:
Resists are not the same as absorb.
The 25% slash resist buff gives closer to AP2 damage reduction on studded, whereas the 25% thrust resist is closer to AP3.

But with the nerfs, I doubt you'll see many savages using these frequently at all.
It costs 5% of full health, dont tell me 25% less dmg isnt worth it.
3 healers dont really have a big problem keeping that up anyway. You use it as you see fit, a good savage would make great use of all those buffs.

Not that it matters. What im saying is that the class is much better then the other classes. Not if people use it alot of not. If you'r saying its useless you wouldnt mind taking them away either would you?

Answer me this simple question:
Can you really disagree on BM' and mercs not being equal to savages?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gahlzor said:
edit: wait, armsmen have xbow that can be loaded before drawing it meaning it is kind of an insta. tho, throwing weapons and bow is still hardly a insta interupt. ;) (also a typo corrected)

keep dreaming, we asked for xbow preloading but got nothing as usual :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Jox said:
My dear friend Glottis;

I didn't team with the noble hunter Nobi but I was aware of his presence and his damage output but I purged because I had a random infil spamming basiliskfang on me when I was stunned that you must have missed.

So what did I purge;

Your stun
Another 5 sec of basiliskfang

But I do agree that I burn all my abilities from time to time, even if I dont have to, but I do it coz I have something inc in real life and knows that Jox will be standing on pad the next 20 minutes.

Kindest regards


Yeah, very odd.
I did not see any other Alb around.
Otherwise you would not have attacked, you hate fair fights.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Aussie said:
they removed insta taunt
the self buffs will cost more hp (?) and last for 15sec less (?)
quads from 20% to 1,5%

I call that a decent nerf :eek:

yesh the nerf is quite noticable, damage output in terms od quads has dramically gone down along with the 15 secs buff duration being not alot what so ever. lol bof > new savage buffs :>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Korax said:
It costs 5% of full health, dont tell me 25% less dmg isnt worth it.
3 healers dont really have a big problem keeping that up anyway.

You have to ask yourself tho, why the fuck hit a savage with resistshouts up and 3 healers healing him?

And its 5% health if everyone uses the same weapondamage, and everyone dont do that. But I am sure that if you faced an alb-group with a savage, you would quickly see what kinda weaps they use, and out of that pop the best realize they were beating on your healers, so it didnt matter, you only lost some hits, and when the healers went down, all that happened was that you stood up 4 secs longer.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Glottis said:
Yeah, very odd.
I did not see any other Alb around.
Otherwise you would not have attacked, you hate fair fights.
Regards, Glottis

Said the rr 5 infil, lol


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Hercules-DF said:
they gonna get a proper nerf or still gonna be slightly downgraded but still take out cloth wearers in under 2s?

I hope they get the zerk treatment and if so
to the mids :)

I think you need to taste the salmon. It says you are wrong and some things need to be fixed on the other side as well.


Dec 23, 2003
i would wanna make a post regarding the lvl of necessary nerfing of savages, but that post would get me banned from FH.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
noaim said:
You have to ask yourself tho, why the fuck hit a savage with resistshouts up and 3 healers healing him?

And its 5% health if everyone uses the same weapondamage, and everyone dont do that. But I am sure that if you faced an alb-group with a savage, you would quickly see what kinda weaps they use, and out of that pop the best realize they were beating on your healers, so it didnt matter, you only lost some hits, and when the healers went down, all that happened was that you stood up 4 secs longer.
You are missing the point. Tell me this: Why don't every fighter go around naked, the healers get beat up first anyway. As you are saying that defense don't matter.
Ofcourse defence matters! All fights aren't the same. Ever tried slamming a savage that is hammering your healer? Its pretty darn fustrating when he evades everything and kills of your healer and the rest of hte grp.

The classes are not equal, thats my point, not that savages dont use their buffs in your everyday "healers die first" type of fight.

Oh the memories, back in pre 1.65 when my grps hero was insta killed 1st secound of the fight and our BM instakilled the 4th secound of the fight. Those were the days!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It's levelled savages out nicely. They still hit harder than any other assist chain (and believe me, I've been hit by all sorts!) but it's more survivable now. A well judged adjustment, rather than an outright nerf, imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Belomar said:
Yes. My minstrel wouldn't have any shouts and songs if I didn't spec in it -- thus, my songs and DDs are something I can have, not do have. ;)

true ;)

but if you don't specc instru it getws autotrained enough for the first shout/s? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Korax said:
The classes are not equal, thats my point

Korax, you really rock!

Korax said:
Oh the memories, back in pre 1.65 when my grps hero was insta killed 1st secound of the fight and our BM instakilled the 4th secound of the fight. Those were the days!

You´ve never fought a BM group with Ojaas in it? :twak:

The point why savages are so good is also the 4s backstun, which is ridiculoysly easy to pull off.

But yeah, savages got adjusted, they are still a good class but a bit more in line. I played my friends RR7 savage pre nerf, sometimes I could charge a cleric and kill him by the time backstun wore off that was totally out of hand :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Korax said:
You are missing the point. Tell me this: Why don't every fighter go around naked, the healers get beat up first anyway. As you are saying that defense don't matter.

Because then there would be no point killing the healers first, since the tanks would be instakilled. But as it is now, you need to kill the healers before you go for the tanks, be it a merc, bm, hero, armsman, warrior, zerk or savage.
2-3 free healers/clerics/druids/secondary healers can keep any of those tanks up if they are free to heal and 2-3 other tanks are beating em.

Defense do matter, but the normal tankdefense is high enough for people to go for the support first, thats why the extra resists that savages can have isnt that important. Evadeshout however is another matter, but resistshouts wont save you from a slam, and I believe you whined about the resistshouts in the post I replied to.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gahlzor said:
true ;)

but if you don't specc instru it getws autotrained enough for the first shout/s? ;)

How often would those shouts hit in rvr with the resists? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Gordonax said:
It's levelled savages out nicely. They still hit harder than any other assist chain (and believe me, I've been hit by all sorts!) but it's more survivable now. A well judged adjustment, rather than an outright nerf, imho.
How lovely to see that someone at these boards is still using his brain. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
problem with savage is they got maybe the best self buffs in game + best dmg output + tank RAs like det cheap IP and purge.

all other classes with selfbuffs dont have tank RAs and nearly as good dmg output as savage.

and a savage with evade buff evade just as much as a buffed assisian + it r advance!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
savages are no longer overpowered post nerf, however they are still the best tank in mid.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Jamblasticus said:
savages are no longer overpowered post nerf, however they are still the best tank in mid.

and in game!! like enchanter maybe still r the best caster in game.. i really dont think the nerf from 15 to 8 sec will mean that much u r still death after 3 secs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Lejemorder said:
and in game!! like enchanter maybe still r the best caster in game.. i really dont think the nerf from 15 to 8 sec will mean that much u r still death after 3 secs.
get a clue kk? 30 -> 15 :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
my opinion on the so called nerf

buffs: poor expers , in RvR its like before the nerf if u aint totally skillless and use em all the time

quads: well i quad much less but tripple alot more ,lose about 100-150dmg if i tripple insted of quad ,,, DR4 gives me 15% chanse to quad so aint that bad.

dmg:again poor expers h2h sucks so much at low lvl that u have to exp with 2h till atleast lvl40 and now they lower 2h dmg :(, RvR well 99% of all savages are h2h so they aint getting any lower dmg

so this nerf are evil to expers that dosent have a BB or able to PL,ofc exp in gps still works but u all know how slow that is :(

in RvR this nerf are mostly hurting low RR and ppl not using h2h , the quad part are imo not a nerf its a bug fix and have been a bonus as long it lasted


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Ilienwyn said:
How often would those shouts hit in rvr with the resists? ;)

not 100% sure, but even if they are resisted they should interupt.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Aonnz said:
my opinion on the so called nerf

buffs: poor expers , in RvR its like before the nerf if u aint totally skillless and use em all the time

quads: well i quad much less but tripple alot more ,lose about 100-150dmg if i tripple insted of quad ,,, DR4 gives me 15% chanse to quad so aint that bad.

dmg:again poor expers h2h sucks so much at low lvl that u have to exp with 2h till atleast lvl40 and now they lower 2h dmg :(, RvR well 99% of all savages are h2h so they aint getting any lower dmg

so this nerf are evil to expers that dosent have a BB or able to PL,ofc exp in gps still works but u all know how slow that is :(

in RvR this nerf are mostly hurting low RR and ppl not using h2h , the quad part are imo not a nerf its a bug fix and have been a bonus as long it lasted
Thank you thank you dear sir. 99% of savages defend their class, saying they aren't overpowered. And hell, is that DR thing a bug or something?

Anyway, Im not going to bother to discuss this anymore, preople are to hung up in being fotm rather then ahve game balance.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Hercules-DF said:
they gonna get a proper nerf or still gonna be slightly downgraded but still take out cloth wearers in under 2s?
to the mids :)

Why not nerf all mid chars to oblivion so u can wtfpwn us all even without the zerg.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Korax said:
And hell, is that DR thing a bug or something?

DR or Dualist's Reflexes gives 3%/level chanse to dual/tripple/quad hit but savages dosent get the 3%dmg/level as all the other classes get from that RA

so a BM with DR4 will have alot of % to dual = his dual hit everytime+getting more bonus dmg then a relic gives 12%

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