ouch, my p13 ! :D
W Wij Guest Nov 15, 2001 Thread starter #32 teehee, what a fun game of AoK we had last night eh Summo
S Summo Guest Nov 15, 2001 Thread starter #33 I laughed loads at the in-lobby speech. Never heard that before. Rogan? No. Rogan? No. Ro-? No. Didn't we spend, like 80 minutes preparing and only 5 mins playing? Boh!
I laughed loads at the in-lobby speech. Never heard that before. Rogan? No. Rogan? No. Ro-? No. Didn't we spend, like 80 minutes preparing and only 5 mins playing? Boh!
S Summo Guest Nov 15, 2001 Thread starter #37 We yielded to it. I'd be up for another game sometime, Wijlet. If you and your lovely chums would have me. So to speak. :/
We yielded to it. I'd be up for another game sometime, Wijlet. If you and your lovely chums would have me. So to speak. :/