Anyone seen this before?

Jun 21, 2004
Septina said:
shush you its late :(
And for some reason i got 34 in my head but ofc its 35 :p

Avalonians get a discount for being super sexy! So its 34 for me! K!?!

supar sexy.. i demand proof! K! :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Kanim said:
5+10+15 equalled 30 last time I checked :)

Oh my, they charge extra for avalonians then :( basts...

Oh and its late yada yada.... besserwisser :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Septina said:
Oh my, they charge extra for avalonians then :( basts...

Oh and its late yada yada.... besserwisser :(

septina du e rutten xD


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Septina said:
Enlighten us please then how you 'beat' the runthrough.
Have you even ever played a caster?

The runthrough is extremely lame BUT so is strafing, dps debuffing etc etc etc.
All bugabusing to gain an advantage is lame but that wont stop people from abusing it, after all i THINK most people play this game to win. :)

"You target Septina"
"You cast Blinding Scintillation"
"You fall to the floor laughing as an Avalonian is interrupted for 5s"

hihihihihihihihiihihihi ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Like anyone owes you walk-through abuser any explaination.

Fucking hypocrites everywhere.
I don't think he's actually blaming anyone for abusing anything, but I could be wrong. Maybe you're right and he's asking for it! GOOOO MANISCH! Whine his ass to death :<


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
In any way, if it isn't a sick joke I hope it happens to you every time now, being an abuser yourself, you deserve it! Enjoy.
You deserve getting added on, in that case :eek:
Manisch Depressiv said:
I can stand losing, infact I can respec RAs and kill your dumb ass every time, regardless if you walk-through or not. It's easy you know and doesn't require any particular skill. At RR8 I have enough tools to kill a NS. But I can't be arsed, your existence in game is not important enough for me.

You are just abusing weak game code and a non-existant collision detection so you're not in view and can not be attacked. I call it cheating and players playing like this are usually clueless assholes who can't win a fight without abuse. Luckily there are enough stealthers out there who don't do it so I can distinguish between morons like you and the dudes who "pwned" me easily.
Important enough to whine about... thrice!
I guess you only have problems with walkthrough, but not strafing... being a caster and all?
Minstrel said:
Just 2 questions for u

1. When did i said? 'olol you cant counter it but i'm leet and can'
2. Did u ever moced + lajtap while someone was using walk through?
So, rather than answering Septina's question, you bring up more questions, because you're a clueless **** just like Manisch? :<
Septina said:
So you're calling manisch bitter cause he 'doesnt know' about your magic way of beating run through with moc, which btw costs 34 points and i doubt many sorcs even specc for at lower rr's

And unless he has respecced, Manisch doesnt have moc3 to start with.
30 pts :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Septina said:
Ok, i'll spell it out.... H O W?
Instead of saying 'olol you cant counter it but i'm leet and can', enlighten us all on how or is someone mebbe making stuffs up? :)

You dont need RA's to counter it. Its quite easy for a RR8 Sorc like Manisch:

Press SoI. Make various emotes
Press ML9 on pet. Keep making various emotes
Collect the RP's and money
Laugh at the victim.


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
I never used MoC and SoI in combination for lifetaping stealthers. Try again.

lol you used it a number of times versus me :p

oh and

Manisch Depressiv said:
But I can't be arsed, your existence in game is not important enough for me.

That from the same person who said I was arrogant for asking why he added on me the other day!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Manisch missed his anger management class this week cos his shrink is on holiday.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Minstrel said:

Yes i used f8 to target Pren after i wanted to atack him i got that msg and as u can see i even sticked him 3 times and still got the same message Grymligast too far away to atack. Can anyone explain?

I think this was on the bridge next to bled? I was passing (was playing grymli last night) and saw pren attack you. I just kept going tho and dont think I was ever targetable by you so odd bug :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Zedenz said:
That from the same person who said I was arrogant for asking why he added on me the other day!
Arrogant for asking why he added? I can't find the connection :p

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Zedenz said:
lol you used it a number of times versus me :p

I have MoC1, there was no point lifetaping with SoI up. I MoC2 lifetapped some Ranger once just to test how stupid it is, that was before I had SoI.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
I have MoC1, there was no point lifetaping with SoI up. I MoC2 lifetapped some Ranger once just to test how stupid it is, that was before I had SoI.
I guess you never used moc/soi combination just like you don't add, right? :D:D

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Straef said:
I guess you never used moc/soi combination just like you don't add, right? :D:D

Why do you generalize it further? I think 'till now we we're talking about MoC3/SoI-Lifetap. And I never had MoC3, that's why I never MoC3-Lifetapped someone, nor MoC3/SoI-Lifetapped someone. (And even if so, who cares and what has it to do with the original discussion?)

Hard concent for a Skald chasing noob like you to understand, I know. Only hope I have for you is that you'll understand one day, now fo and get lost. Cheers.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Well you can run-through the run-througher and by the time they hit /face they 300 units away and can mebbe get qc off.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Why do you generalize it further? I think 'till now we we're talking about MoC3/SoI-Lifetap. And I never had MoC3, that's why I never MoC3-Lifetapped someone, nor MoC3/SoI-Lifetapped someone. (And even if so, who cares and what has it to do with the original discussion?)

Hard concent for a Skald chasing noob like you to understand, I know. Only hope I have for you is that you'll understand one day, now fo and get lost. Cheers.
That's right, I'm the noob :>
If it weren't for you playing with a set group on daily basis (while still being on the same lvl as my average pug) you'd still be rr3. Why? Because you pretty much got pl'ed there. You're a mediocre sorc (or was the last time I grouped you, tho I doubt you've gotten uber since then) with fuck all experience, yet you go calling people noobs who played here three times as long as you have, as well as naming the same 'argument', if it's worth calling that, over and over, and over again. Did I say moc3? I really don't think I did. Let me check... Oh, I didn't :< 'Who cares?' Why bother replying if you don't? And exactly how often does a thread stay at the original subject and just that? That would be an extremely rare case, so you could've seen it coming. You still act surprised/aggitated tho, which makes Straef a happy boy.
Noob, newb, newbie. Someone new. New to the game, in this case, unless you're on about real life or something else now, which I doubt. Wouldn't that be you?
Telling me to fuck off, aswell as to get lost, would be the same thing, twice, smartass ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
lol, manisch makes me laugh :p and not in a "Im laughing with him kinda way".


Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Straef said:
That's right, I'm the noob :>
If it weren't for you playing with a set group on daily basis (while still being on the same lvl as my average pug) you'd still be rr3. Why? Because you pretty much got pl'ed there. You're a mediocre sorc (or was the last time I grouped you, tho I doubt you've gotten uber since then) with fuck all experience, yet you go calling people noobs who played here three times as long as you have, as well as naming the same 'argument', if it's worth calling that, over and over, and over again. Did I say moc3? I really don't think I did. Let me check... Oh, I didn't :< 'Who cares?' Why bother replying if you don't? And exactly how often does a thread stay at the original subject and just that? That would be an extremely rare case, so you could've seen it coming. You still act surprised/aggitated tho, which makes Straef a happy boy.
Noob, newb, newbie. Someone new. New to the game, in this case, unless you're on about real life or something else now, which I doubt. Wouldn't that be you?
Telling me to fuck off, aswell as to get lost, would be the same thing, twice, smartass ;p

Fuck off as in go away and get lost as in never come back.

A Sorc can be PL'ed in a set group like every other class and I got most of the RPs from groups. If you'd have any clue about the game you'd know that a Sorc with own speed and 1s lifetaps is a as good solo char as group char, but I actually prefer to have fun with some friends instead of pissing around and trying to pretend to be somehow cool.

I am an average player and I never claimed to be any good, but a dumb fuck like you, chasing Skalds that SoS, running constantly out of healing range and bitching at Clerics, torpedoing groups by joining them and leaving them after 5 minutes only to delay 7 people again, and that at RR8+, does give me the right to call you a noob even if you played here three times longer than me. I used the term as an offensive word towards you, you're not nessicarily new, somewhat experienced but at the same time disruptive.

Now go ahead and start some discussions about MoC and SoI in a thread about LoS issues. Noob!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Fuck off as in go away and get lost as in never come back.

A Sorc can be PL'ed in a set group like every other class and I got most of the RPs from groups. If you'd have any clue about the game you'd know that a Sorc with own speed and 1s lifetaps is a as good solo char as group char, but I actually prefer to have fun with some friends instead of pissing around and trying to pretend to be somehow cool.
Quote me where I said that a sorc can't solo. What made you bring that up? It doesn't have anything to do with what I said, at all. I'm perfectly aware of sorcs being good soloers, in fact, they're a bit too good, which probably wouldn't bother you. You don't pretend to be cool? The first time anyone ever heard anything from you was when you posted a whole series of whine threads about shit people couldn't care less about, making an arse out of yourself while at it, all in an attempt to be cool/show how leet you are? You're not going to tell me that was just to vent your anger/frustration, as it sure as hell didn't look like it, not on daily basis.
I still don't see your connection between a soloing sorc and anything I might have said in my post, so, please enlighten me.

Manisch Depressiv said:
I am an average player and I never claimed to be any good, but a dumb fuck like you, chasing Skalds that SoS, running constantly out of healing range and bitching at Clerics, torpedoing groups by joining them and leaving them after 5 minutes only to delay 7 people again, and that at RR8+, does give me the right to call you a noob even if you played here three times longer than me. I used the term as an offensive word towards you, you're not nessicarily new, somewhat experienced but at the same time disruptive.

Now go ahead and start some discussions about MoC and SoI in a thread about LoS issues. Noob!
How are you an average player? In time spent in the game, amount of rps earned, or even skill-wise? Surely you're not on about wit?
As far as I can judge, not having you on my 'friends list' (surprisingly enough) you're on pretty much every night, for several hours. I wouldn't call that average. You made more rps than the average player, though not by getting absurd amounts of rps/hour, so you must've played somewhat more than average, to say the least. At least you seem to realise that you're a dumb fuck, congratz on that.
I ran out of healing range to chase a skald once, and you mentioned it about what, 5-10 times, at the very least, your last post, for one. The funny thing is that you seem to be bugged by me whining at a cleric while I was at fault, which I really doubt I did, while you're grouped with someone who whines at clerics non-stop while being out of range. Surprisingly enough, you never seemed to be bothered by him, right? It wouldn't be the first time for you to come up with some hypocrit shit tho, unless it accidentaly slipped your mind, again.
I rarely ever, if ever, left a group before the first run, simply because I wasn't up for it, I usually give it one go at least. If my suspicions about the group (that they're shit) are proven right in that first run, I leave. How is that wrong? Should I stay in a shit group, feeling miserable, just to please them? I really don't think so.
Oh, and about the cleric whine. I only ever whined at one of the clerics in your group, which happened to be Lleana, and that was for obvious reasons.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Maybe if albs have a cival war, only hibs and mids will RVR?

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