Advice Anyone know much about contract law?


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
You can get overtime when on a salary. Though it is usually at the managers/directors discretion. I am on a salary but because I have to come in on new years eve I get triple pay. Whereas the rest of the company are off.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Can we all just leave the thread and admit we know next to fuck all about employment law? There's a very large gap between what is reasonable and what the law says.

If it was Finnish law then i could help a lot, but there's probably two of us here, if maybe three :D

Most of legal info can be found online around here, so it's easy to see you're not getting screwed.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Funny that because I'm pretty sure my contract says your salary will be x amount paid over 12 payments.

Yes, but to illustrate my point, if you get overtime it usually (not always, but usually) means your wages have been calculated up from an hourly rate (e.g. rate x normal working hours x weeks/12 months), whereas the general definition of salaried in HR terms is that your monthly wage is calculated down from an annual figure. This is one reason why salaried workers don't usually get paid overtime; if they get anything its time in lieu.

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