Anyone got unreal2 yet?



i really liked the start, some nice set pieces that make you think this game will be good. Then after 2nd mission or so it just starts going down hill.
in 1 mission i just ran around like a loon, killed a few things and got a mission complete!!! i had to restart just to make sure i had not missed a huge chunk of the level...
expected a whole lot more

not finished it yet, had to work. hope it gets better

Mr. 47

i find the defend missions the most fun / tence... and the aracknid one also rocked, me like flames...

Mr. 47

most of the 'proper' reviews said it sucked, but most of the customer reviews said it rocked...


I'm not a customer in the strictest sense of the word.. (thank fuck) but it does blow.


Hmm I just read that review, it got 7 out of 10. How is that "sucking a big one" ?
I doubt Ill buy it, I dont play much sp stuff but all the same it looks very good according to that write up.
Or are you one of the p3 866 crowd, and thats why you dont like it, cos it wont run or your pc ?


It doesnt run very well on my pc.. (amd 1ghz, gf2 gts) but it's playable. The game just feels so one dimensional.


Originally posted by nath
man cage, you're such a geek :/

nah, just 90000000 japs can't be wrong :>
besides, you have an xbox! do you play it whilst you wait to go to your microsoft SQL lectures?



Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
He does have a point though, 10/10 should be the best game EVAH, and 9/10 is pretty damn close to the best game EVAH.

Blah, reviewers need to learn about percentages, or just get rid of numerical scores totally.

Gamespot is good in that respect, they've had about 4 games in 6 + years get 10, all of which rocked (Soul Calibur, both n64 Zelda games, I forget the others :/)

IIRC, pc mags back in the day used to have at least one 10 a month :/


I don't buy/play FPS anymore, bored shitless of it. RTCW was when i realised the genre was in an appauling state and needed to break free of its trends...

for example...

Realism - realism got boring the day i was born.

Linear levels gameplay

Fancy graphics - more time should be spent creating a branching story and more than one way to do a level.

The typical hero - Monosallabic american cunts. The best main character of anygame i have played in recent years is probably Tidus from FFX.

Multiplayer included when it really shouldn't have been

Multiplayer not included when it really should have been (or not done to full potential)

Too easy to save game (quicksave) - Max payne is an example of this, before running into a room, hit quick save (hardly any time at all to do this) run in, if your health goes down too much just quickload.

Weapons are unimaginative - eg, rocket launcher, assult rifle, mp5.

Overly scripted events

I guess Games will never be the same again since treats like Deus Ex, Giants: Kabuto, and AvP. Nevermind.


Originally posted by Custy
Too easy to save game (quicksave) - Max payne is an example of this, before running into a room, hit quick save (hardly any time at all to do this) run in, if your health goes down too much just quickload.
I agree there. Save games pretty much killed hardcore gaming, and opened it up to the casual players at the same time. Am i the only one who harks back to the days of Sonic et al, where you'd play for hours, reach the 2nd act of the last level, then die stupidly, like 3 times in a row, wasting a whole afternoon's gaming :D

Save games don't have be evil... GTA is an example of a game that was impossible to complete for any casual gamer, despite utilising save games. As the levels got harder, you had to spend hours playing them, in order to progress. And yes, i shall yet again pimp the fact that i completed the original GTA without cheating, and you lot didn't :p

Can anyone remember the game that started the trend of saving anywhere? TombRaider2 was one of the early adventure games to implement the save anytime, anywhere philosophy. RPGs obviously had this early as well(Pokemon anyone?), but what was the first platform/adventure/combat type game to feature this?


Quicksave feature is needed in many games these days due to the bad design. To make it challenging they can't throw millions of enemies at you like in Doom / Wolf 3D because it kills the gfx card so they just make them better shots who hit harder. Unfortunately the side effect is that one or two bad guys you haven't seen in a window above you can kill you in under a second. Instant death syndrome. Medal of Honour was terrible for that. Anyone remember the sniper infested town level ? Ugh :(

Quick save is the only way to get through it without destroying your mouse in frustration.


Sure, back in the hayday when I was a child and could focus hours of my attention at a game without a save option, I did. But I don't have that kind of time anymore, few do, outside the student demographic. Just for example, I got Resident Evil for my dust-ridden gamecube the other week -- an admittedly whimsical purchase -- but I've not touched it since the first ludicrous type-writer. Its just too much time to go through shit over and over again because either a) its hard; b) I'm shit.

Quick Save is the only reason that games are as widely accepted, really. Pick up, put down, any-goddamn-time.


Splinter cell offers to save at checkpoints... i.e. after you've got through a few rooms. They all tend to be like set peices, you have to work out the best way to sneak from a-b-c without killing anyone/getting spotted/blasting them all to shit etc. however you wanna do it, but you have to do the whole set peice at once. Once it's done, you can save. It's a good meet in the middle kinda way, not as gay as res evil type thing.. not as easy as quicksave games.

Originally posted by .cage
besides, you have an xbox! do you play it whilst you wait to go to your microsoft SQL lectures? :)

Unfortunately no. I play it when I get back from work, and I'm tired, and I can't be arsed to do anything else.

me no geek mistah!

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