Advice Anyone ever interviewed for a national newspaper?


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
So after around 3 months of looking for a new job, I finally landed an interview. The job is for a Junior Designer position at the Telegraph. I currently work for a local newspaper, so I have that on my side, but I don't have a huge amount of experience and I'm not coming from a strictly design background as I have an Illustration degree. However, I know I have the skillset to do the job and am confident in that sense.

I've never interviewed for such a high profile company though and am really quite nervous in that respect. This would be an amazing opportunity for me and a chance to take a big step in my career.

So my question to you, FreddysHouse, is do you have any golden tips for me? Help me land my dream job. :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
dont show up completly naked.

grats tho, sounds cool - wish i could help but ive never landed any big interviews.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
The usual interview advice really, go in, be polite, honest and calm.

A good tip is taking a second or two to process the question before answering and try and make eye contact rather than looking down at the floor etc!

But I'm sure you already know these things! Absolute best of luck to you though mate! let us know how it goes!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
message Cerb, afaik he works at a big news organisation in the US he might be able to help you out


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Thanks for the encouragement guys! Super excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait for Thursday. I go on holiday the next day aswell, why does everything always happen all at the same time?!


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Aw I thought they were interviewing you because you were famous or something. :(

Good luck though!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I used to work for the BBC, does that count?

All interviews are the same; be yourself (unless yourself is an axe-murderer, in which case, don't be yourself, ever), don't be evasive, and don't lie about obvious stuff (you were not, and never have been, a Space Cowboy). Interviewers expect you to accentuate the positive, but don't come across as an arrogant dick (exception, gambling companies, they seem to really like arrogant dicks).

Telegraph will probably have a two or three stage process, and in your case it will all be about, a. your portfolio, and b. they'll be looking for solid evidence of working to tight deadlines, this will be their most critical requirement from a junior designer; workrate first, creativity second, be prepared with solid examples of both.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Great advice. Thanks a lot!

I was a Space Cowboy though, I swear! :eek:


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
I've interviewed loads of people over the last 10 years and this thread is full of sound advice.

Be confident, but not arrogant. If you've worked for a newspaper don't forget to carry a mental list of your responsibilities. I interviewed a pharmacist who had done the job for 6 years and failed once to mention what he did extra in the community, then some chap came in who has worked for one year but was able to explain what he did for his customers and local healthcare professionals. WINNAR!!

If they start asking for examples don't worry about using the same thing twice, if it fits what they are asking, it fits. All you need to do is explain thoroughly why that example/situation is relevant.

Take some notes in if you are able to and refer to them. It doesn't make you look inept, it shows you are organised, have prepared and are serious about the job.

How about asking your current editor or media contacts for the sort of competencies they think the interviewer will ask you about: some already mentioned ie meeting deadlines (have an example) working alone/in a team, working under pressure (these are pretty basic but I dont really have any experience in the media business so I cant be specific)

Best of luck mate!


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
any skills in phone hacking?? might come in usefull!

sorry for unhelpful reply, couldn't help my self


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
More excellent advice, thank you very much Sydrik. I will be flying to Tenerife the next day, hopefully with a positive reply awaiting me when I'm home. Will update with how it went!

Definitely going to organise my portfolio to give specific examples as advised. I've tried to basically set it up with my digital portfolio having specific examples of work, then my physical portfolio is made up entirely of examples of 'real' things I have worked on/in - newspapers, magazines, t-shirts, records, blabla, so I should have a good cross-section of work. Any feelings of 'work in progress'? I work in my current job on a visitor guide for the town. I've been asked to redesign it this year and was going to include mocked-up pages I'm working on, alongside last year's guide to show my work progress and what I've done to improve something.

Litmus, as helpful as ever. ;)


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Never had to go to an interview, just went into the work said i was looking for work preetty much got hired on the spot, last year when i swapped company they gave me a raise to keep me on.

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