Anyone else dissapointed in HL2?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Im i have to admit. No atmosphere, completely boring and pointless passages in game, almost arcadish feel at times. Fuck im drivin a stupid bugati for almoast a half a day. And last thing.....even the dumb D3 had better story than in HL2, because there is none in this game. 7.5/10 from me, only because of gravity gun.


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
Heh, im normaly very critical about games that were hyped as much as HL2, for example.Doom3 imo, after 5mins of playing it you've more or less done everything involved in the game... just another point and click shootum-up.

How ever when i first played HL2 i was amazed at how good it was, the graphics are the best i've ever seen and the game play matched too. Imo this game is a huge imporovment on what was becomeing quite a stale genrie(sp?) of game. Hope other follow in there footsteps :).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
They have nailed the atmosphere - like at the start running from the combine.

Or when you enter a room and you hear the tempo of the music speed up you know there is gunna be a massive firefight


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Storyline sucked ass nuff said.

The gameplay was good though.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
lefo said:
Im i have to admit. No atmosphere, completely boring and pointless passages in game, almost arcadish feel at times. Fuck im drivin a stupid bugati for almoast a half a day. And last thing.....even the dumb D3 had better story than in HL2, because there is none in this game. 7.5/10 from me, only because of gravity gun.

You think this game is boring and yet you play DAOC? sorry, I just had to! ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
lefo said:
Im i have to admit. No atmosphere, completely boring and pointless passages in game, almost arcadish feel at times. Fuck im drivin a stupid bugati for almoast a half a day. And last thing.....even the dumb D3 had better story than in HL2, because there is none in this game. 7.5/10 from me, only because of gravity gun.

I guess it depends upon your reason's for buying HL2.

Single player wise its ok. Nice design, gotta think about routes. I love the atmosphere - especially the intro movie. Very funky gun and feel to the game so far.

I however, didn't buy HL2 for HL2 (awaits screams of sacrilege etc etc). I bought it to give me access to the source modding community. DOD source? Can't Wait! CounterStrike: Source - BRING IT ON!

Rumours of another popular hl1 dm mod being brought over to source as the 'official' Hl2 deathmatch. I was a latecomer to cs - and whilst I think that some elements of the community (mainly the racist obnoxious chav scum kiddie element) suck, players are in the whole a good laugh and the game rocks.

I have a lot of buddies who have moved over to cs:s and whilst they get spanked early on, once the figure out that sound > all and learn the maps they love it.

If all I got out of buying hl2 was cs:s I would have paid £35 for that alone. Having a game to play when I can't / don't want to get online is an added bonus imo.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
`mongoose said:
I however, didn't buy HL2 for HL2 (awaits screams of sacrilege etc etc). I bought it to give me access to the source modding community. DOD source? Can't Wait! CounterStrike: Source - BRING IT ON!

If all I got out of buying hl2 was cs:s I would have paid £35 for that alone. Having a game to play when I can't / don't want to get online is an added bonus imo.


My feelings exactly.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
lefo said:
Im i have to admit. No atmosphere, completely boring and pointless passages in game, almost arcadish feel at times. Fuck im drivin a stupid bugati for almoast a half a day. And last thing.....even the dumb D3 had better story than in HL2, because there is none in this game. 7.5/10 from me, only because of gravity gun.

Each to their own, but the atmosphere in HL2 is absolutely immense: it supports discrete 5.1 surround sound and has all manner of pant wetting moments that create tension and caution. The scenery changes too, from towns to canals, from underground to coastal vistas, from cramped claustraphobic to great wide open spaces.

Doom 3 was just:

"corridor, corridor, corridor, lift, lift, smash some glass, corridor, room with goodies that if you pick up you'll get assaulted by 10 aliens, defeating the purpose of even picking them up in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE, corridor, corridor, BURST PIPE WITH STEAM, corridor, END".

I'm absolutely gripped by HL2, unlike Doom 3 which was a predictable pile of bollocks that I played for one day and then stopped. I must stress that I liked Doom 3 at the time of playing and i loved the atmosphere, but I got insanely bored with it eventually and lost the will to carry on. Absolutely superb graphics/sound though.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Big G said:
Each to their own, but the atmosphere in HL2 is absolutely immense: it supports discrete 5.1 surround sound and has all manner of pant wetting moments that create tension and caution. The scenery changes too, from towns to canals, from underground to coastal vistas, from cramped claustraphobic to great wide open spaces.

Doom 3 was just:

"corridor, corridor, corridor, lift, lift, smash some glass, corridor, room with goodies that if you pick up you'll get assaulted by 10 aliens, defeating the purpose of even picking them up in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE, corridor, corridor, BURST PIPE WITH STEAM, corridor, END".

I'm absolutely gripped by HL2, unlike Doom 3 which was a predictable pile of bollocks that I played for one day and then stopped. I must stress that I liked Doom 3 at the time of playing and i loved the atmosphere, but I got insanely bored with it eventually and lost the will to carry on. Absolutely superb graphics/sound though.

What a crock of shit imo HL2 has less atmosphere then D3 there is no scary moments that make you jump.. jesus for half of HL2 ur either on a hovercraft or in a buggy the rest is the same old crap of pummeling the crap special forces unit in HL2 wanna know how many times i died in HL2? a total of 3 times on normal, on D3 i died many times on normal.

Wanna know the best bit about half life 2? the end where you think to yourself wtf just happened? i dont understand the ending at all its the worst ending to an FPS in along time.

/sarcy mood off


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Aada said:
What a crock of shit imo HL2 has less atmosphere then D3 there is no scary moments that make you jump.. jesus for half of HL2 ur either on a hovercraft or in a buggy the rest is the same old crap of pummeling the crap special forces unit in HL2 wanna know how many times i died in HL2? a total of 3 times on normal, on D3 i died many times on normal.

Wanna know the best bit about half life 2? the end where you think to yourself wtf just happened? i dont understand the ending at all its the worst ending to an FPS in along time.

/sarcy mood off

You see Aada, i was diplomatic and said "each to their own" which means you're entitled to your own opinion and I respect that, so i voiced me feelings for HL2.

However, you've basically told me that my opinion i'm entitled to is a crock of shit - therefore I think you're a fucking cock.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Big G said:
therefore I think you're a fucking cock.

Whelp, you're entitled to your opinion of course - it's just in this particular case, your opinion happens to be fact.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
The airboat and buggy - they're used in 3 of the
levels of the game. Big fuckin deal, I enjoyed them too -
Highway 17 reminded me of Mad Max
. Great level.

Aada's already proven his speshul abilities with the "exploit" posts, no wonder Mr Fisher Price can't work out the ending. Need it spoon fed our kid? Ffs. Use your fucking imagination.

Finally what the FUCK has the amount of times you died got to do with if a game has atmosphere or is good?

Enter mong mode for the rest of your life or if you think its too easy crank up the difficulty.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
You're a top bloke Xtro, you got out what i was sorta thinking/trying to say :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I like HL2 quite a lot. Not fast and visceral enough to be my best FPS ever but it shits over that travesty called Doom 3 from a great height. Daikatana was more fun than Doom 3. Seriously. And not even on an ironic level. Doom 3 == worst fps ever :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Xtro said:
The airboat and buggy - they're used in 3 of the
levels of the game. Big fuckin deal, I enjoyed them too -
Highway 17 reminded me of Mad Max
. Great level.

Aada's already proven his speshul abilities with the "exploit" posts, no wonder Mr Fisher Price can't work out the ending. Need it spoon fed our kid? Ffs. Use your fucking imagination.

Finally what the FUCK has the amount of times you died got to do with if a game has atmosphere or is good?

Enter mong mode for the rest of your life or if you think its too easy crank up the difficulty.

Cock munching dole head.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Aada, why not go away and leave us in peace? Times like this we need Perplex posting in the HL forums again. Or Kez popping in because of a fucktard.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Half Life 2 has the best crafted world I've seen in any game so far. Atmospherically, geographically, and acoustically, I think they've nailed the dynamics of creating a plausible immersive world. The characters are natural and well scripted, the breaks in action help contribute to a feel of a distinct macrocosm that exists beyond just the boundaries of your character, and you can't beat smashing bottles or throwing whirly blades at people's heads.

Damini gives it TWO THUMBS FRESH!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ch3tan said:
Aada, why not go away and leave us in peace? Times like this we need Perplex posting in the HL forums again. Or Kez popping in because of a fucktard.

I wish the same.. can you not end your pointless existence?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
i am very disappointed that mx2 are shipping to my invoice address and not the address i specified to deliver to!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Not to mention the fact that it's MX2, by the time it arrives it'll be out of date :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Frankly anyone dishing HL2 is making himself look stupid.

Even if you forget the gameplay part HL2 is still a technically spectacular achievement and technical stuff doesn't fall under "subjective opinion", it's either up to the task or not.

- The psychics model ... is simply amazing, and the game makes full use of it's potential (gravity gun is brilliant !!!).
- The graphics engine : it's not only amazingly beautifull but it's also very well optimised, it can run well on lower spec PCs then Doom3 can, but with equal or better graphics. Guess which studio has the better coders ... Suck on that one Aada !!!
- Facial animations are also ace, faces can even convey more subtle emotions which is also never-seen-before (well for me in any case :p).
- Totally bug-free too.

About the gameplay, I love it too ... :worthy:

Wont talk about Doom III, but it's in any case better then FarCry, however great that game might have been.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
That's not the point though is it. Who cares about the physics and graphics if you aren't having fun playing it? At the end of the day, to me, it's just another FPS game. I only really like multiplayer games, and I'm warming to CS:S quite quickly.

Is it possible to play the single player mode with multiplayers?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Doom 3 bought nothing new to the table, yeah nice graphics but thats about it.
Hl2 has set the benchmark like the original did for the genre.
I liked the ending, like someone else said use your imagination. Hl3 should be intresting :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Who cares about the physics and graphics if you aren't having fun playing it?

Give me one hit FPS which didn't have top physics and graphics (for it's time). All big FPS franchises are founded on games who moved the technical goalposts (Doom/Quake, Unreal, Half-Life, Halo).

An FPS where the graphics look aged, the physics don't feel realistic, sound is unconvincing and the AI is bad won't be fun to play, it's that simple. All those elements might be purely technical, but they make or break an FPS.

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