

Resident Freddy
Aug 24, 2006
It's funny that you can buy antibiotics from a pharmacy in Spain without a prescription, but we are scared in the UK unless a Dr says OK.

i wish it was like that over here I'm sick off having to convince the doctors that i have a chest infection.

I'm prone to them as I'm asthmatic and can tell when I'm about to get them but doctors tell I'm fine...lone behold 1 -2 week later full blown chest infection. surprise!!


Dec 26, 2003
Yeah but that's why the effectiveness of antibiotics is in decline all around the world; too many people taking the damn things like sweets and not finishing the courses.

Thats more to do with agricultural usage - they constantly keep livestock on low doses because they cant complain when ill.

Constant low doses is a good way to build resistant strains and when you have millions of cattle on them thats a lot of opportunity.

In France they give em away like sweets when you have a cold - over here the NHS hoards them like a miser but its pointless when the rest of the world doesnt.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Thats more to do with agricultural usage

Sorry to burst your bubble, but largely not true.
Resistances to antibiotics has been a problem for ages. While agricultural usage might not have helped, resistance buildup in bugs in the human populations are/were still largely due to misuse of antibiotics by ppl ( using it for everything and then not finishing the course).
I know at least in Holland patients transfering to a dutch hospital from a hospital in southern europe are kept in quarantine (for a few days? ,or until discharged?) to eliminate/reduce chances of MRSA ( and other nastiness) spreading. A too large portion of those patients were infected with some sort of resistant bug, while dutch hospitals are still pretty much clear of resistant bugs.
This has been so for at least 20 years and probably a lot longer.
If agriculture played such a large role in the spread of MRSA among ppl/hospitals then this quarantine would never have been neccessary as Holland has a very large livestock stable which has/had a very large antibiotic useage.

Only in the last few years there's been a small increase in MRSA cases strictly due to agricultural infections ( on pig farmers/slaughter personel mainly).
The story is still developing on ESRB ( I hope I got the right name for that bug), which might change all of the above though.



Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Our peg has an 'embarassing' problem and she doesnt want to go to the doctors for it again.

She asked if about ordering antibiotics from a source online.

I told her i doubt it'd get through customs.

Am i wrong?

Yes it would probably get through customs, but yes you're still wrong... you shouldn't entertain such stupid ideas with a reasoned response. Next time, a simple 'Are you fucking kidding me?' should suffice.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Yes it would probably get through customs, but yes you're still wrong... you shouldn't entertain such stupid ideas with a reasoned response. Next time, a simple 'Are you fucking kidding me?' should suffice.


Go to the fucking doc with her. He/she's seen it all before already, so it's no excuse not to go, plus, after having seen an episode of Embarrassing Bodies I doubt (s)he'll be surprised at all. Besides, something may have changed in the meantime, for example, new drugs with less side-effects or whatever being developed for that particular problem, whatever it may be. Chance of whatever you order being not exactly as the label says, or misdiagnosing yourself is just too big to not go, so tell her to suck it up, and stop whining.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Laddey should also go to the doc and get his STD under controll so he stops reinfecting his lady.. :p


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
The question was would it get through customs lol not wether i should order her some.

They're expensive online...i'm sure i could ask around the ghetto and i'd get them cheaper. But that is out of the question, as is ordering them off the web.

Her doctors are fucking shite. She had some sort of bacterial infection on her lungs and they gave her an appointment for a week later.

Where as last week i had a bacterial infection in my throat, i went in on the Tuesday, he gave me charatid(sp) antibiotics, i had a reaction to them 3pm on the Tuesday afternoon and was back in the practice to see the same doctor at 5pm that day.

Is it possible to get her an appointment at my doctors although she's with a different one? My doctors surgery is great. Her's is a sham


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The question was would it get through customs lol not wether i should order her some.

Yeah, but if you came along asking what we thought the best trainers were for dodging traffic on the M1, I think most people would instead simply tell you it's not a grand idea.


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
Yeah, but if you came along asking what we thought the best trainers were for dodging traffic on the M1, I think most people would instead simply tell you it's not a grand idea.
And i appreciate everybodys advice as i have done since i joined FH. These boys helped me through loads and im thankful.

Again thanks for the advice....I'd say nike shox for dodging traffic on the M1. They have springs in the heel which will give you the extra UMPH


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The question was would it get through customs lol not wether i should order her some.

They're expensive online...i'm sure i could ask around the ghetto and i'd get them cheaper. But that is out of the question, as is ordering them off the web.

Her doctors are fucking shite. She had some sort of bacterial infection on her lungs and they gave her an appointment for a week later.

Where as last week i had a bacterial infection in my throat, i went in on the Tuesday, he gave me charatid(sp) antibiotics, i had a reaction to them 3pm on the Tuesday afternoon and was back in the practice to see the same doctor at 5pm that day.

Is it possible to get her an appointment at my doctors although she's with a different one? My doctors surgery is great. Her's is a sham

You can change doctors any time you like...


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Her doctors are fucking shite. She had some sort of bacterial infection on her lungs and they gave her an appointment for a week later.

Where as last week i had a bacterial infection in my throat, i went in on the Tuesday, he gave me charatid(sp) antibiotics, i had a reaction to them 3pm on the Tuesday afternoon and was back in the practice to see the same doctor at 5pm that day.

Is it possible to get her an appointment at my doctors although she's with a different one? My doctors surgery is great. Her's is a sham
As long as she lives within 20 minutes of the surgery, she should be able to swap to your surgery without a problem.

If your g/f is unhappy with the provision at her own surgery, she should write a letter of complaint to the Practice Manager stating what she finds unacceptable and what she wants done to remedy it.
My doctor's surgery went to an "on-the-day" system. Their phone line opens up at 8.30am and it's first come first served. You might need to hit redial a few times but you usually get through in a couple of minutes and get an appointment later that day. The best one for me was when I got a 9.00am appointment as I was the first person to call that morning. :)


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
As long as she lives within 20 minutes of the surgery, she should be able to swap to your surgery without a problem.

If your g/f is unhappy with the provision at her own surgery, she should write a letter of complaint to the Practice Manager stating what she finds unacceptable and what she wants done to remedy it.
My doctor's surgery went to an "on-the-day" system. Their phone line opens up at 8.30am and it's first come first served. You might need to hit redial a few times but you usually get through in a couple of minutes and get an appointment later that day. The best one for me was when I got a 9.00am appointment as I was the first person to call that morning. :)
I know a few people at her surgery and its the same story over and over. So we're gonna get her in to mine today hopefully :) thanks mate
only just noticed this.... been in to pegging long have you Ladbacon?

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