Anti Drug Propaganda


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think when it comes to comparing heavy use of alcohol and marijuana, alcohol *is* worse.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Stazbumpa said:
But you're still the same arsehole deep down, whether you smoke & pop pills or not. Plus spliffs make you stink of shit and turn you into a useless cock.

I'm profoundly jealous. I pay through the nose for a priveledge you enjoy for free.

Right back at ya cockmuncher!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I think this is the first interesting thred I've seen on here for ages.

I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do any illegal substances. I smoked for a few weeks at school but then decided I'd rather spend my money on CD's and steal fags off mates when we skipped lessons. I'd probably carry on smoking now but after working at Cancer Research for 6 months it's put me off. I got absolutely obliterated a few times on alcohol and decided I didn't like it. I had a couple of spliffs once and I enjoyed it. I'd do it again but I don't know any drug dealers. I think I'd probably do any drug that was put in front of me at least once.

I had a really good point to make but I've forgotten it. I don't have a short term memory and I'm not a pothead, so fuck you anti-drug types!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Driwen said:
now you are right that alcohol being legal, doesnt mean that other drugs should be aswell. However exactly how is alcohol actually not worse than most drugs? More people die alcohol related deaths PER user than most(/any?) other drugs and certainly compared with weed.

I smoked cannabis in most of its forms, I dropped the odd tab, I did the odd line of whizz that was the limit of my dabbling in drugs.
I stopped, but only because I work on Oil Rigs and there is a random drug testing policy that would have me fired quicker than you could say 'your a run off motherfucker' *.
The reason I quote Driwen is just to point out that alcohol and its effects are always going to be statistically greater than any other form of recreational drug purely because of its availability and social acceptance. This will be the case till other recreational drugs become normalised within society. This will happen probably within our life times.
One of the things that pisses me off most about drugs and the media exposure they get is the sheer hysteria that is generated. If I mention Leah Betts (think that was the girls name) the first thing most people think of is she died from taking drugs, that is sad I have sympathy for her family. What I found extremely galling after the fact was how one death was used as a plitical tool. It is sad, a young girl died, but how many other people took ecstacy that weekend 1 million ? 2 million ? possibly up to 3 million people take ecstacy each weekend in the UK. How many people die from taking prescribed drugs which they are allergic too ? how many people die due to anaphylactic shock each year ? how many people get killed on the roads ?


*oilfield term for sacked


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
A kitchen knife is dangerous in the hands of the wrong person, in the hands of the right person you can make a lovley pie.

Some people use drugs to have a good time, have a bit of fun over the weekend with some friends. Other people will use drugs as a way of escaping from reality because they feel it sucks so bad. The latter is why they are banned, because the few choose to abuse them horribly and to usually disasterous result.

Its like closing the skateboard park because some kid decided he wanted to break the world record for jumping over burning tyres.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gef said:
A kitchen knife is dangerous in the hands of the wrong person, in the hands of the right person you can make a lovley pie.

Some people use drugs to have a good time, have a bit of fun over the weekend with some friends. Other people will use drugs as a way of escaping from reality because they feel it sucks so bad. The latter is why they are banned, because the few choose to abuse them horribly and to usually disasterous result.

Its like closing the skateboard park because some kid decided he wanted to break the world record for jumping over burning tyres.

the difference between the skateboard park, the knife and drugs is that the first two arent addictive. Sure it happens, but with certain drugs only one time can be enough to get addicted and from then on possibly ruin your life. When you pick up a knife or a skateboard that doesn't happen.
Now marijuana wont destroy lives and when people have a misserable one while using it, it is because it was already bad. So addiction isnt a real reason to make weed illegal, but it is for some of the harder drugs.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
My dad died this year because of drink. It took him 30 years of constant drinking to do it. In the meantime he wrecked his life and aliented all around him.

Fuck alcohol and people who think its a "nice" drug.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Driwen said:
Sure it happens, but with certain drugs only one time can be enough to get addicted and from then on possibly ruin your life.

It really takes a certain sort of person to get that way, people who are depressed, lonely, unhappy or just desperate to find something meaningful in life. The sort of people who will latch onto the first 'good' thing they find, and your right, they probably would want more. But even heroin/crack is not instantly addictive, I knew a good few people who used crack quite often and never picked up a do-or-die habit.

Its not the drug thats the whole problem, its the people, its easier for someone to hide their problems behind a something like a drug than it is to actually deal with them.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
Sure it happens, but with certain drugs only one time can be enough to get addicted and from then on possibly ruin your life. .

Sorry but thats absolute bollocks. Chemical addiction to heroin requires about 12 or so days constant use -before you do cold turkey - and thats just about the most addictive drug there is. Crack cocaine excepted, I have no knowledge of it.
Neither could you become mentally additced to something in one go either, sorry.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gef said:
It really takes a certain sort of person to get that way, people who are depressed, lonely, unhappy or just desperate to find something meaningful in life. The sort of people who will latch onto the first 'good' thing they find, and your right, they probably would want more. But even heroin/crack is not instantly addictive, I knew a good few people who used crack quite often and never picked up a do-or-die habit.

Its not the drug thats the whole problem, its the people, its easier for someone to hide their problems behind a something like a drug than it is to actually deal with them.

so you are seriously depressed for some reason, someone comes around offers you some drugs and that makes you feel ok for 2 hours and then instead of solving your actual problems you rather use the drugs. Now is the person who is offering the drugs not atleast slightly wrong for abusing a person at a weak moment?

And probably with all drugs you can still walk away from it after the first time, if you are stable and realize what you are doing. However most people are not, I am not saying that everyone who uses heroin or crack will have a shitty life. Just that you can get addicted to certain drugs real fast and then in some/most cases it has more power over your life than you do.
I dont think using drugs isnt that bad as long as you aren't harming anyone by doing it (junkies/drunk driving). However the drugsdealers are harming people and even if stuff like heroin or crack are legal, they will still be able to exploit people and maybe even easier.
Just saying that drugs are no way comparable to kitchen knifes. Sure both kill people, but drugs can make a person go further down, while he never really had a choice, that is if the drugs is really addictive.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
throdgrain said:
Sorry but thats absolute bollocks. Chemical addiction to heroin requires about 12 or so days constant use -before you do cold turkey - and thats just about the most addictive drug there is. Crack cocaine excepted, I have no knowledge of it.
Neither could you become mentally additced to something in one go either, sorry.
All I know is that after 6 days of morpine and codine in the hospital, i did go cold turkey.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
However the drugsdealers are harming people and even if stuff like heroin or crack are legal, they will still be able to exploit people and maybe even easier.

I think you (Driwen) and Gef are more on the same wavelength than you think. Anyway re: the bit I've quoted -

Missing the point of legalisation. If you legalise drugs the dealers that we all know and love right now (*cough*) will cease to exist. State sponsored outlets, prescribed from the GP etc etc. A giant slice of black market profits erased in one fell swoop.

Don't get me wrong I'm not a (total) loon - heroin/crack/coke - I can't see them ever being legalised in this country.

Its like prostitution - the liberal side of the argument (ie. legalise it) means that it will be regulated and women (or men!) won't be abused by pimps etc. The intentions are good, just can't see it happening here like in mainland Europe.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Driwen said:
so you are seriously depressed for some reason, someone comes around offers you some drugs and that makes you feel ok for 2 hours and then instead of solving your actual problems you rather use the drugs. Now is the person who is offering the drugs not atleast slightly wrong for abusing a person at a weak moment?

Of course its wrong, thats what i'm saying, someone who is unstable should never be allowed near drugs. But the same can be said for many things, you wouldnt put a knife in the hands of a madman, but thats not to say they wont get hold of one.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I have a knife :)

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