Anti Drug Propaganda


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I agree tbh. My friend started out with knives and forks, before I knew it he has gone down that slippery road that everyone who uses kitchen utensils goes down and ended up cracking someones skull open with a meat cleaver.

Ban cutting implements tbh :|


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Listen. You're hearing an expert speak.
Ok ok a pissed expert, but all the same ...
Dope can be a bit good for some people. The more mouthy, obnoxious ones can definately be chilled out by a spliff or two, and im not talking temporarily either, more of a life change of some kind. The introverted can become MORE introverted though. And after years of use, you can become a bit dependant on it. I think most people here are talking with the blind optimism of youth on thier side a bit. Im only jealous by the way ;)
Oh, and herb can definatley do your short term memory, I assure you, though that appears to return.
The only reason smoking dope leads to other drugs is because its illegal , hence you come into contact with other illegal stuff at the same time. If it was legal I would expect a lot of this would disappear.
To lump it in the same boat as smack, or even coke is entirely foolish too, its nothing like them kinds of thing. And I dont really think coke is a hard drug in the sense that H is either. But thats another story.
Qualifications for these remarks ?
2 years using horse, lost all my possesions, ended up with hepatitus, liveing in a garage. Literally.
18 years smoking dope, gave up in the end because my wife insisted in the end. At first I regretted it, but now a few years later Im not bothered.
Currently only vices are beer and wine :)

This will be deleted tomorrow :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
But seriously folks, stay away from cake. It's a made up drug :\


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Just commenting on the "alcohol kills more people" remark.

If you smoked marihuana(or some other shit) as much as you needed to drink to off yourself with alcohol, you'd probably kick the bucket long before the alcohol drinkie.

Bollocks. Utter utter bollocks. You have to smoke 65 POUNDS of grass to overdose from THC poisoning. A couple of bottle of Jack D will do the same job. I think the smoker will still be trying to polish off the lethal amount long after the drinker is six feet under.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
My friend's son, who first got into drugs through grass and is now on heroin, had little to no idea about drugs. He got hooked on heroin because his dealer gave him a sample and told him he'd like it.

If you know when and where to stop then more power to you, but don't blithely think that everybody can or does. And don't be so arrogant to think that one day it might not be you that dabbles with something new and pays the price.

Personally I abhor drug and alcohol abuse. Life is too precious to throw it away with some nefarious substances. If you want to break the law and possibly throw your health and life away then that's your choice. You'll excuse me if the strongest drug I'll take is caffeine.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Turamber said:
And don't be so arrogant to think that one day it might not be you that dabbles with something new and pays the price.

Oh come on, that's pretty silly isn't it. Also as Throd already said, if marijuana were legal that sort of thing wouldn't happen. No one said that everyone has enough of a clue to avoid stupid drugs but that's no reason to say "drugs are bad, mmkay".

For the record, I don't do drugs nor have I ever (apart from the *very* odd pint here and there).


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
Bollocks. Utter utter bollocks. You have to smoke 65 POUNDS of grass to overdose from THC poisoning. .

Random guess by any chance? :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Bodhi said:
Bollocks. Utter utter bollocks. You have to smoke 65 POUNDS of grass to overdose from THC poisoning. A couple of bottle of Jack D will do the same job. I think the smoker will still be trying to polish off the lethal amount long after the drinker is six feet under.

Quuuite. Show me a person who can drink a couple of bottles of JD before passing out. Killing yourself with alcohol is a long term process and we should honor the ones who actually have the stamina for wait....

Anyway, the main point of view i have on any stuff is:

Drink what you want, smoke what you want, don't bring that shit around me. Everything can kill, even wanking.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Quuuite. Show me a person who can drink a couple of bottles of JD before passing out. Killing yourself with alcohol is a long term process and we should honor the ones who actually have the stamina for wait....

Err do you know how many people die of alcohol directly or indirectly every year?? think about not only liver, heart disease, strokes in the long term but drink driving, over consumption and in combination with drugs. It is insanly easy for any person to drink enough to kill them and you obvously dont know that this is true. You even quote one of the major problems which is people passing out , many drown in their own vomit long before the alcohol kills them. You dont need stamina to kill yourself with alcohol. If you dont believe me or what the others on this thread state look up some of the statistics yourself


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Bodhi said:
Sorry kiddies, but drugs are great. Before I started the "evil" weed I was a mess to be frank. I had both thumbs wedged halfway up my arse in an effort to get my head up there too, I was on my way to getting kicked out of uni and had little or no consideration for other people's feelings. Now I toke every day, take pills most weekends and have the odd halluginogenic holiday every 3-6 months. I also now have a degree from one of the top universities in the country, feel much better balanced in every day society and may even get a decent job if I can be arsed.

But you're still the same arsehole deep down, whether you smoke & pop pills or not. Plus spliffs make you stink of shit and turn you into a useless cock.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I think Staz needs to meet new people, that aren't retarded.

At least it sounds that way.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
I have had a lot of experience with drugs over the years, have tried pretty much all of them, appart from heroin/crack. Have seen good sides and bad sides to all of them. I'm guessing that most of the people here who are throwing in the 'Drugs are bad, mmkay' comments have had very little REAL experience.

Cannabis is not as harmless as some people seem to think, I have seen it pretty much destroy someones life. Waking up, doing a bong, then spending the rest of the day trying to work out how to get money for more, be it stealing or whatever. He was no criminal, an honest decent bloke from a good background, lost his job/girlfriend, moved back home and just slipped into desperate a drug enduced cycle.

Thats a pretty extreme case, he ended up on anti-depressants and getting professional help. I smoke a fair bit, I see no harm in reality but its easy to see how people push it just a little too far.

I see it as an alternative way of thinking/feeling everybody needs some kind of escapism in their lives or you'd just go nuts. Some people play games, watch films, play sports .. others choose to get out of their tree. Who's to say who is right and wrong?

Any drug used sensibly and in moderation is fine in my opinion, its when people use it as an excuse to drop out of society for a while it becomes a problem. Thats a problem with the person, not the drug.

I'm with Bodhi on this one, if you enjoy it and it doesnt begin to have a detrimental effect on your, and the people around you's lives then there is no problem, enjoy it while your young!

PS: Staz, I know a high ranking member of a london council who earns more money in a month that you probably would in a year that smokes spliffs in his lunch hour, would hardly call him a useless cock.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Furr said:
Err do you know how many people die of alcohol directly or indirectly every year?? think about not only liver, heart disease, strokes in the long term but drink driving, over consumption and in combination with drugs. It is insanly easy for any person to drink enough to kill them and you obvously dont know that this is true. You even quote one of the major problems which is people passing out , many drown in their own vomit long before the alcohol kills them. You dont need stamina to kill yourself with alcohol. If you dont believe me or what the others on this thread state look up some of the statistics yourself

Yes i do know. But i also read from the statistics of how many people die of drug use, also directly/indirectly. These what they call "light drugs" like marihuana, cannabis and so on lead to heavier drugs. Even read reports from police of people using "light" hallucinogens(sp?), believed they were birds and jumped from a rooftop. Not with all cases this shit happens, but then again there are millions of people who don't drink a bottle of scotch before bedtime.

So, what we can agree on is that it's individual.

Some could drink hours on end of scotch and still feel happy happy joy joy about it with no sideeffects at all, others can smoke a cannabis rolled in marihuana and still walk a straight line and comment on world politics in detail.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Go listen to Bill Hicks please all those saying DRUGS R BAD MMKAY.

I smoke weed, I know people who smoke too much weed, I like weed, apart from getting me stoned it genuinely eases the pain in my knee and back which I suffer from.

I used to take a FUCKLOAD of acid (mainly microdots), I'm talking 8-9 dots a day. I was in cloud cuckoo land for about 6 months and it obliterated my short term memory. I woke up, stopped taking it and switched to weed. 9 years later and weed is the only drug I do, I haven't touched anything else since - this "it leads to Class A's" is shite. I HAVE given up alcohol, and fuckin ell do I feel a whole lot better for it.

Whatever our opinions, people can and will do drugs until the end of time. Having worked in a drug advisory centre, its much better to say "ok we know you're gonna take pills/mescaline/crack/whatever so if so please take these precautions..." rather than the totally unsuccessful JUST SAY NO, THEY SUCK OUT YOUR SOUL which gets people nowhere.

At the end of the day some minor drugs can be enjoyable and expand your horizons a little but it IS all too easy to start focusing on the drug for a good time.

Oh and I can drink a fuckload of JD but I'd rather smoke a fat one anyday thanks.

(meant this to be a lot more coherent and structurered but its an internet forum and I CBA - come down to the pub and I'll discuss over a diet coke ;))


Dec 22, 2003
Drugs are bad. Ok weed isnt the worst of drugs, I would never do it myself but wouldn't really care if other people did it.
My mum is a nurse and works with young people, 16-2x or so I think it is.
Drugs and drugs alone totaly destroyed their lifes and most don't have a chance in hell of getting better.
I don't care what anybody says, theres no way you can justify them unless your doctor gave them to you for medical help.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
I'm sure if the drugs didnt exist they would have found some other way of completely destroying their lives..


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Cyfr said:
Drugs are bad. Ok weed isnt the worst of drugs, I would never do it myself but wouldn't really care if other people did it.
My mum is a nurse and works with young people, 16-2x or so I think it is.
Drugs and drugs alone totaly destroyed their lifes and most don't have a chance in hell of getting better.
I don't care what anybody says, theres no way you can justify them unless your doctor gave them to you for medical help.

Translation - stick your fingers in your ears and go LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Good discussion guys keep it coming, but stay away from the 'you're a **** and I'm right' stuff please.

Oh... for the discussion I drink shedloads and feel shit the morning after,I'd rather relax with a joint instead if the Mrs didn't object to me getting my son to buy it for me at school :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jupitus said:
...Mrs didn't object to me getting my son to buy it for me at school :)


hmm, tough discussion, as a person who does not take "drugs*", through my own choice,I have no first hand experience of the effects they can have. I don't smoke either, again, becuase I don't like it, not because it is bad. I do however drink (usually in moderation, sometimes more). I have to say, I agree with those who say "drugs are as bad as you make them". I have friends who have taken drugs to the extreme, nearly ruining their lives, but the drugs came about because of problems in their lives, the problems would still have existed. I also have friends who take drugs on a regular basis, and they are still people I would consider to be highly intelligent.

ho hum, just my two pennith :D

*those drugs considered illegal by the government


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
lol Jup, had a good laugh at that one.

Anyway, i personally have never been interested in drugs, sure when i was a bit younger i decided to try out normal smoking... After 3 death sticks i decided it wasnt for me and quit. Well before it could get a grip or whatever.

I keep saying to myself "im not gonna go touch some drugs", but shite, im still young, and i never let things get a hold of me, so maybe one day i may try something, although at this time i dont have a need fr it, plus im skint anyway :p.

I find drugs to be acceptable in society, well, unless its the really hard stuff... Ive had many run ins with shoplifters who have been way high, glassy to fuck, but shite, its their life theyre throwing away not mine. Unless you happen to be the twats who mug people (ie, my mum at my Bro's grave :/)... They deserve nothing more than to OD.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
believed they were birds and jumped from a rooftop.

As Bill Hicks said, boo effing hoo. One less retard to pollute the gene pool. If he really thought he could fly, why not take off from the ground? Do you ever see a bird take the elevator to the top of a building and jump of there?



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
People need to stop saying they don't take drugs and in the same post admit to drinking.

Fucking fools, no wonder drug opinion is a joke here for the most part - it seems you don't even know what they are!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Swift^ said:
People need to stop saying they don't take drugs and in the same post admit to drinking.

Fucking fools, no wonder drug opinion is a joke here for the most part - it seems you don't even know what they are!

Thats so pedantic, It goes without saying that when people refer to 'drugs' in this context, they mean the ones that the government classify as banned.

Your right though, the majority of 'holier-than-thou' types really havent got a clue. Appart from maybe some great advice they were given by their secondary school teachers, which generally involved watching really badly made video's of kids dying.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
In a way it is pedantic, but cigarettes and alcohol are drugs - end of story. Just because the government has decided that they're legal, doesn't mean that they're better for you.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
nath said:
As Bill Hicks said, boo effing hoo. One less retard to pollute the gene pool. If he really thought he could fly, why not take off from the ground? Do you ever see a bird take the elevator to the top of a building and jump of there?


No offense, you just made my day by totally taking my example out of context.

Anyway, i wasn't condemning(sp?) drug-use but infact said anyone can smoke what they want. Just was saying that alcohol use ain't worse. If people want to defend dug-use, then they should do it by other means then "well, drinking and smoking is shitter!"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Just was saying that alcohol use ain't worse.

now you are right that alcohol being legal, doesnt mean that other drugs should be aswell. However exactly how is alcohol actually not worse than most drugs? More people die alcohol related deaths PER user than most(/any?) other drugs and certainly compared with weed.

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