Anti Drug Propaganda


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003

Do the quiz.

What a fucking load of old crap. I really thought that the human race in general had left this sort of bullshit behind.

This scares me. Mariujana as addictive as Coke? Yes, of course. It'll fuck your life up kids. No, really.


Example, on being asked the question on whether or not spliff is addictive:

Nice try! The correct answer is false.
Research proves that marijuana is addictive.² It's true that withdrawal might not be as severe as with heroin or other drugs, but research shows that people who regularly smoke marijuana have withdrawal symptoms-drug cravings, decreased appetite, nervousness, irritability, stomach pain, aggression, and anxiety, among others.³


So wrong. They should be sued for spouting this crap. And where did I find it? Gamespy. So angry.

So very angry.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
"how to say no"
wtf?! take out the first three words and your just about there. why isnt coffee on there?! i see people get withdrawl all the time without coffee. i stopped at Q5 by the way.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
tris- said:
"how to say no"
wtf?! take out the first three words and your just about there. why isnt coffee on there?! i see people get withdrawl all the time without coffee. i stopped at Q5 by the way.

I hate this sort of bollocks. I wouldn't mind if they were telling the truth but that questionnaire is just so full of crap. Aaargh, so angry.

Yes, it can hurt your lungs, we know this. It is NOT as bad as the tobacco that Phillip Morris and Co have doctored with saltpetre (Which makes your ciggies burn quicker) and all manner of horrible shit. It is certainly not addictive. Ask your local heroin addict how addictive it is. Actually, fuck that, ask you local tobacco smoker how addictive it is.




Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I saw this a while ago and didn't really take much notice. I hardly ever do drugs but I know which ones you should keep away from and marijuana isn't really one of them.

Yeah, the site is stupid, but they just want people to stop smoking the stuff for whatever reason, and if that means lying to them then that's what they're going to do.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah that site is an utter crock of shit. I remember reading it a couple of years ago. It said something like "Reasons not to smoke marijuana: 1: It messes with your reactions, dangerous if you're driving or perhaps it'd screw up your performance at the big game! 2: blahblahblah can't really remember"

Basically, all the things they listed where eerily similar to the effects of alcohol, but they don't moan about that?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Why get so worked up about it? you sell drugs or something? ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
GekuL said:
Why get so worked up about it? you sell drugs or something? ;)

No. You'll have to look harder I'm afraid :)

Tbh I'm not even what you would call a big-time spliffhead either, more a very occaisional toker. The thing that angers me about it is the wilfull disinformation. I get just as angry when the likes of McDonalds try and say that their food is good for me.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Some of it is sort of true; smoking cannabis increases the chances of cancer, I know quite a few people who are fucked up from smoking it for decades, memory loss, can't live without it and such... still, it's no different from alcohol or caffiene and being addicted to anything just about is bad I suppose.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I think they need to put death statistics on these sites.

Deaths due to marijuana usage compared with deaths due to alcohol usage. For fun you could also compare them to the incredibly low deaths of heroin and cocaine users too.

But wait, we can't do that. That would highlight the alcohol problem. And we can't do that cos it's nice and taxable and 'accepted'.

Stuff like this makes me laugh, and makes me angry. What people need to realise is that a lot of drugs are not physically addictive. They talk about addiction, physchological addiction. What they fail to mention is that it is possible to get physchologically addicted to ANYTHING. You could end up addicted to cushions, or sniffing grass cuttings. And yet no **** in the world ever seems to point out that alcohol abuse can form physical addictions that are very strong.

Random drug fact: Heroin has no destructive properties. Addictions can be formed with this drug (that are less intense than cocaine, nicotene) but when it's inside you it will do no damage to your body. It is unique in this sense - even smoking a spliff will do some damage to your body but amazingly injecting yourself with heoin doesn't.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Of course using a needle that 15 other aids infested skag whores have used is not very healthy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
And niether is the kitchen cleaner that often comes cut with it. :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I agree with the comments comparing alcoholism and drug abuse, but afaik nobody has ever really offered any evidence of benefits of drug use.... (apart from people with MS).


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Tom said:
I agree with the comments comparing alcoholism and drug abuse, but afaik nobody has ever really offered any evidence of benefits of drug use.... (apart from people with MS).

what's Marks & Spencers got to do with drugs?



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Swift^ said:
Random drug fact: Heroin has no destructive properties. Addictions can be formed with this drug (that are less intense than cocaine, nicotene) but when it's inside you it will do no damage to your body. It is unique in this sense - even smoking a spliff will do some damage to your body but amazingly injecting yourself with heoin doesn't.


Sorry mate, Ive kept out of this thread but I can no longer. That simply isnt true.
Heroin is MUCH MUCH more addictive than cocaine I can personally assure you. In fact to be honest I don't really think cocaine is very addictive at all.
Heroin will also kill you in the long run, for a variety of reasons.
1. Overdose. Possibly the most common amongst younger users, constantly after a bigger hit. The fact that you have no idea of the purity of street smack, or what its cut with , makes doing brown a very dangerous thing indeed.
2. Deseise. In fairness you already mentioned this, but lets just emphasise this. You can get HIV off needles, lots of people have. You can also get blood disorders like hepatitus from needles.
3. Continued use seems to "wear down" your bodies usefulness. As an example you notice scabs dont heal as quick as they should, then follows really nasty stuff like liver and kidney disorders, and heart disorders.
You could argue I suppose that some of this is more associated with heroin than a direct consequence i suppose, but some you couldnt.
Way , waaaayyyy, back in the day, I knew 4 or 5 people who died directly through smack. Most were long term users on methadone or diamorphine, 100% clean btw so point #1 dont apply , but they still died of heart attacks, and overdoses.
And , of course , the worst thing, by then after they died they were missed by no-one.
Even one bloke who I knew pretty well, who was married (to a junkie) and who had kids. A few weeks later I saw her in town going to Boots to collect her script, accompanied by various male "freinds".
Fucking sad, fucking nasty.

/me apologies for being a moany old **** :)


Dec 26, 2003
Maljonic said:
And niether is the kitchen cleaner that often comes cut with it. :)

This is actually key - when people who are pro-drugs discuss how beneficial (or at least non-destructive) their favoured drug is they are talking about the pure stuff which hasnt been cut with anything - unless you get it from a pharmacy you just are not going to get anything 'pure' on the street.

Its over a decade since I worked for customs but I remember we used to get briefings on the varieties of drugs around at the time for identification purposes. I remember long lists of different types of ecstasy which were available at the time complete with summaries from the government chemists who analysed them. Some contained no ecstasy at all and even those that did were often mixed with other drugs - particularly acid (which has proven long term effects which can be un-pleasant).

Personally I think pot should be made legal - not because I particularly like it but because its probably no worse than alcohol and because I find drug dealers particularly odius people...

Heroin is a no-no though - just look at pictures of long term addicts if your ever tempted to try it - its horribly addictive stuff 2nd only to crack cocaine...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
throdgrain said:
Sorry mate, Ive kept out of this thread but I can no longer. That simply isnt true.
Heroin is MUCH MUCH more addictive than cocaine I can personally assure you. In fact to be honest I don't really think cocaine is very addictive at all.
Heroin will also kill you in the long run, for a variety of reasons.
1. Overdose. Possibly the most common amongst younger users, constantly after a bigger hit. The fact that you have no idea of the purity of street smack, or what its cut with , makes doing brown a very dangerous thing indeed.
2. Deseise. In fairness you already mentioned this, but lets just emphasise this. You can get HIV off needles, lots of people have. You can also get blood disorders like hepatitus from needles.
3. Continued use seems to "wear down" your bodies usefulness. As an example you notice scabs dont heal as quick as they should, then follows really nasty stuff like liver and kidney disorders, and heart disorders.
You could argue I suppose that some of this is more associated with heroin than a direct consequence i suppose, but some you couldnt.
Way , waaaayyyy, back in the day, I knew 4 or 5 people who died directly through smack. Most were long term users on methadone or diamorphine, 100% clean btw so point #1 dont apply , but they still died of heart attacks, and overdoses.
And , of course , the worst thing, by then after they died they were missed by no-one.
Even one bloke who I knew pretty well, who was married (to a junkie) and who had kids. A few weeks later I saw her in town going to Boots to collect her script, accompanied by various male "freinds".
Fucking sad, fucking nasty.

Have to agree. Knew some users quite a few years back and they were very, very addicted. When someone is chasing the dragon in front of you and they say, while looking you squarely in the eye, 'don't ever try this', you tend to get the idea.

I've seen it make turn decent people into theives and liars. It is a nasty and horrible substance, sold by nasty horrible people, that leads to physiological dependence. is a good place to look for more information.

Cocaine use can lead to physical dependence in some cases, although the dangers of psycological dependence are very much greater. Long term use is not nice at all:

- Extreme paranoia
- Rotton looking teeth and regular nosebleeds
- Irrationality
- Insomnia
- Apathy

To name but a few. Again, not nice seeing someone going through it.

Think I'll stick with the occaisional toke :)

Edit: And the beer, of course.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Just commenting on the "alcohol kills more people" remark.

If you smoked marihuana(or some other shit) as much as you needed to drink to off yourself with alcohol, you'd probably kick the bucket long before the alcohol drinkie.


Dec 17, 2003
Forget why I'm alive. Why is Keith Richards still alive?

And why does David Bowie look so bloody healthy?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, Keith Richards drinks a shitload aswell.

You didn't quite get the point. If a 10 ounce weed bag would be the same as a bottle of jack(not saying it is quite same), you'd need to smoke 20 ounce a day for two weeks straight to get even close to same amount needed to kill yourself with alcohol. So, if you smoked THAT much, would you be here writing?


Dec 17, 2003
That isn't really a proper comparison. Cannabis has far too low a level of toxicity to be comparable in that way. If you were comparing "fuckedness", then you are looking at about 1/8th to 1/4th oz compared to a bottle of spirits. And I've smoked that much for a while, though I don't any more.

I've dealt with lots of alcoholics, but I've never met anyone who was smoking themselves to death. I think that is a better comparison of what you are trying to say.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Also it's the things that people do when they've been drinking too much that kills them; nearly all admittions to A & E are due to excessive drinking related accidents, a guy I know died earlier this year from falling down some concrete stairs drunk - most drinking deaths are accidents rather than liver-damage related.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Love how they back it up with hard evidence ...

'research proves' ... what research where? I know of no research lol.

If you are gonna go anti-drug at least provid impartial facts


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Just commenting on the "alcohol kills more people" remark.

If you smoked marihuana(or some other shit) as much as you needed to drink to off yourself with alcohol, you'd probably kick the bucket long before the alcohol drinkie.

The thing is people dont smoke that much. Making it legal wont change the behaviour of most smokers, atleast in places where it is almost (or is) legal.
And it isnt important how toxic a substance is, it is how people will actually use it. Per user people die less of marihuana (and probably most other drugs) than alcohol. Now this doesnt make the use of other drugs ok to use, but the fact does remain that alcohol is a more dangerous drug than marihuana.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
News flash people. Drugs are shit. All of them. Thats why I don't drink or smoke or do anything else stupid. Amazes me how people find ever more creative ways of giving themselves health problems.

Dealers piss me off and smack heads are the worst, both dealers and users. Cannabis has addictive qualities to it, if you disagree I could show you one or two people that can't function without 2 or 3 joints before they attempt to leave the house.
My sister being one of them.

If you need dope or coke or whatever to make life better for you then you have something very fucking wrong with you, my mind is as free as a fucking bird and will never be caged by any substances, legal or otherwise.

/one eyed view based on dealing with potheads and smackheads every fucking day. Shoot the fucking lot of them.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
drugs = hippies
hippies = losers
losers = drug dependant
drug dependant = death



Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Oh look, ignus is wrong again. That's never happened before. Ever. EVER.

Sorry kiddies, but drugs are great. Before I started the "evil" weed I was a mess to be frank. I had both thumbs wedged halfway up my arse in an effort to get my head up there too, I was on my way to getting kicked out of uni and had little or no consideration for other people's feelings. Now I toke every day, take pills most weekends and have the odd halluginogenic holiday every 3-6 months. I also now have a degree from one of the top universities in the country, feel much better balanced in every day society and may even get a decent job if I can be arsed. For now temping agencies and their myriad of jobs you can do stoned out of your tree will do me fine.

That website is amusing tho. I answered every question right yet it seemed to think I got every question wrong. Perhaps the writers have never tried marijuana (THERE IS NO FUCKING H IN IT PEOPLE.), or alternatively have just been told by their government what to say. Frankly imo weed is safe as houses - it's easier to overdose on water for fucks sake. Oh yeah it's also got no recorded fatalities. Must be why it's illegal then!

However feel free to stick to legal "safe" substances, such as cigarettes and alcohol. Not only will you clearly live longer, but it will also shorten the queue at my dealer's house. Seems everyone can win!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bill Hicks had something very amusing to say about this regarding Keith Richards and some health nut guy.

I don't remember exactly but it was something to do with Keith Richards being off his tits all the time and the health nut being all healthy - guess who died!

It was jolly amusing, I assure you.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Stazbumpa said:
News flash people. Drugs are shit. All of them. Thats why I don't drink or smoke or do anything else stupid. Amazes me how people find ever more creative ways of giving themselves health problems.

If you need dope or coke or whatever to make life better for you then you have something very fucking wrong with you, my mind is as free as a fucking bird and will never be caged by any substances, legal or otherwise.

Agree 100%. A friend of mine regularly did grass when she was at school/college, and now that she is working in the modelling industry is on coke and harder stuff. Her personality has changed, and not for the better.

My friend's son started with a bit of weed but has now progressed to heroin. He has a criminal record as long as his arm including assault and battery on OAP's and his own parents ... nothing will get in the way of his fix.

Drugs are a time bomb, just because you are okay now doesn't mean you always will be.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
The thing is if you're a retard and you get hold of a car you'll more than likely have an accident one day. And if you're a retard and get hold of some drugs you'll more than likely one day end up a smack addict. However to tar all drugs with the same brush as smack and to a lesser extent coke is faintly ludicrous, and shows a sadly ill-informed point of view.

Luckily drugs also make people who hold this pov much easier to ignore. Go go selective attention spans!

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