(another)PL nerf?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Doesn't matter how many friends/guildies you have around you, unless you have a well lined up plan (Like I had with my warrior, thank god I didn't have to stand around alone, had other 7 decent people always on time, we started xping at 20:00, stopped at 24:00 and we all got to 50 kinda fast!), you will definitely find yourself soloing yellow/orange mobs.

I ask you, is this important?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Oh I forgot to talk about my brother, Dori as he lvld his ranger on his own too!

The weird thing is, that he leveled on his own literally, the way stealthers were unneeded in pve was rediciolus, still is.

He can talk for himself tho, I bet he learned a lot of things about his ranger and had lots of fun too, being alone and doing the same thing over and over, of course in the end it was worth it.

I really want to know what can you learn about a char in pve, unless you are new to daoc and have no idea (aka clueless atm).


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Lothandar said:
I don't know the deal with you, but I basically know how to play every char in daoc, I don't need to 'learn' the char by frustrating myself with soloing to 50.

Have to quote myself here as the 10 min edit timer has ran out.

This of course, does not mean I log on to my guildies pac healer and wtfmez everything in emain, had same case with bard, mezzing went decently, then I didn't play my bard for about 4 months and had problems, but I can always get back in the seat after a while.

I just know what each char is for in daoc, if I start a healer, I decide if I want to be a comfy aug/mend one or a hard-way pac/mend one. Does this require pve? Nope, pve in-hell-no-way prepares you for the coming of rvr.

Infact, if you base your actions based on pve situations then you will have a nasty surprise the first times you go rvr, so I'd rather not base anything on pve encounters.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
I agee with Lothandar. PvE will, however, help you polish your familiarity with a char and its abilities, so you don't have to think about which QB and which button to use, it goes more or less by instinct. The actual "knowledge" of and "skill" in playing a class you will not get from PvE, though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
You state out the arrogance and elitism I'm talking about in a very nice way, Lothandar. The only thing you talk about is you, you, you.. and oh yes your brother. Are you alone in this game? (Arrogance)

And you are putting to much weight in the question about skills. Is the skill the only importance for you in this game? (Elitism)

I believe in you when you are saying that you can play every char in the game. I've played both casters, CCs, healers, tanks, hybrids, rogues, and I've been active in rvr for a long time enought to have noticed how others plays their chars and learnt from that.
Thing is, that there are others in the game aswell, I can asure you of that, some that might feel different about what you, and I are saying. Apperently that's true..

But the way peoples know their chars or not, isn't a very big deal to the realm itself. The issue that I see it, is that the realm has taken to much damage and has almost fallen apart since the arrogance and elitism took control over peoples need for realmpoints. Well, we have all the three strenght-relics, but it's not because we are a strong well formed realm who are great together in all time. We have it because it's 20% extra melee damage.

I'm not angry at people who prefer to play the game in an elite rvr guild. I have no right to. It's your money and I can't do anything about it, and I for sure don't want to interfere. I just think it's sad how, yet again, the arrogance and elitism has affected the PvE for peoples who accualy see it as a fun part of the game. They are paying money aswell, and I think it's great of mythic that have taken a step in the right direction for our forgotten PvE lovers.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
I am talking about people in pve, generally, how you see this as elitism, I don't know, I picked myself and my brother as example.

You really want to see the elitist in me do you? I am Greatly Honored.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Elaih said:
when communication between realmmates and friends was the way to level.

And what now, looking for group- 0 matches, out of curiosity I keep checking that button out on my alts.

Buffer said:
While mythic at it they should remove end regen, was one of the worst things they brought into game. RvR fights would last longer and would require more skill to play properly.

Your attitude stinks to be honest, is a leetist im alright jack one, dont forget some people like pve. Maybe time for you to reinstall Counterstrike

I find your aggression filled reply towards me disgusting too, hi der honey. Wanna call me more names? Old timer, I thought all the old timers were nice and etc.

Elaih said:
Hopefully it will stop more players to feel the temptation of getting a fast ride to 50, instead of learning their chars.

As I explained, look up 'learning their chars' in my reply.

It is weird how you talk versus yourself, you say pveing normally is important for ppl to learn their chars and to avoid 'what does this spell do' people, in the next reply you ask, is skill that important?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Seriously, I prefer to be surrounded by arrogant elitists, rather than people like Buffer.

Sad how you see the BadGuy in me, I just talk for lots of people. Maybe you should aim your flamethrowers and bfgs at mythic instead for making pve like this, since as I said:

Lothandar said:
Gl mythic, as long as pling is an ickle bit faster than lvling- people will pl...

Grow up Buffer...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
The problem is Elaih, that you and me are on 2 different viewpoints, I mainly enjoy daoc for the rvr experience I can get with a group out there, and no, I am not a massive pler, if you got that image somehow. So I guess we'll never agree about pve :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Elaih said:
You state out the arrogance and elitism I'm talking about in a very nice way, Lothandar. The only thing you talk about is you, you, you.. and oh yes your brother. Are you alone in this game? (Arrogance)

And you are putting to much weight in the question about skills. Is the skill the only importance for you in this game? (Elitism)

think doing ml1 raids for 12 times for ppl who missed them, various ml - artifact - farming for OTHER ppl, logging someone else chars for ml-arti raidsis not rly a selfish behaviour (did you do that aswell m8? or just blowing a ballone full of BS.). Playing with ppl who know him for a long time is not too elitist either and he never been in elitist rvsr guilds as far as iam concerned. (tho no clue what is an elitist rvsr guild, can you describe plz? you talking about guilds which main objective is to RvsR are elisist? hmm okay, sounds abit jeolusy :wij: but enlighten me.)

Get your facts right before posting next time please :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Bah Dori blew my arrogant elitist mantle.

Well yeah I did these kinds of stuff for my Friends (can call them that, since we played together in hib too et cetera).

Didn't think it was important to note.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Tbh lothandar you have got the complete wrong end of stick, this is a PVE nerf, you are concentrating on the RVR aspect. You have come across as selfish, all you can talk about is how much longer its going to take you to get an alt 50. You dont even consider the fact for new starters its so hard now with the current power leveling. You want to rvr all the time then fine I have no issue with that, good luck to you.
The dynamics of the game should not be just based on the fact you need to get your latest character to lvl 50 asap, for mythic to keep the gameplaying base fresh , encouraging new players they need to balance it, so these people can level in a good way where they make friends etc.

Why not roll a lvl 1 char, dont power lvl it, dont expect 10 plat given to you, or full sets of armour given to you or weapons. try and form groups etc, with no friends to help you. See how hard it will be.

Seriously, I prefer to be surrounded by arrogant elitists, rather than people like Buffer.

well thats the sort of attitude that makes it hard for all in midgard
Buffer: hi need a skald?
Lothandar: No we after a warrior
30 mins later after u stood at mtk in emain trying to get warrior
Lothandar:hmm our skald needs to go, want to join?
Buffer: go fuck yourself

You have an attitude problem


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Lothandar said:
I find your aggression filled reply towards me disgusting too, hi der honey. Wanna call me more names? Old timer, I thought all the old timers were nice and etc

I wasnt being aggressive and i didnt say your attitude was disgusting. Please dont put words into my mouth. Where did I call you names? Dont make up rubbish about me please.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Buffer said:
You have an attitude problem

If people look at my posts and yours, I think they see who has irl problems or attitude problems. Your grammar is horrible, you call me names whenever possible, I'd say you have an attitude problem, not me trying to talk with reason to you. I try to avoid calling you names, I think it is not too fair versus people we do not know, is it? As I said, grow up, and you will learn that it is not me who should be hated.

Buffer said:
well thats the sort of attitude that makes it hard for all in midgard
Buffer: hi need a skald?
Lothandar: No we after a warrior
30 mins later after u stood at mtk in emain trying to get warrior
Lothandar:hmm our skald needs to go, want to join?
Buffer: go fuck yourself

Blatant lie, bad example, I never had talked to ppl not even similarly as your example shows, but you nicely demonstrate how you act vs people in general. Takes only a 'no, we don't need a skald atm' to make you swear that hard.

Buffer said:
Why not roll a lvl 1 char, dont power lvl it, dont expect 10 plat given to you, or full sets of armour given to you or weapons. try and form groups etc, with no friends to help you. See how hard it will be.

"Sry m8", I own a lgm acer and a lgm tailorer and made all my plats myself, but nice try. I was never 'given plats' as you suspect, also did not pl any chars I play. Oh yes, and I didn't 'recieve' my money from friends.

Buffer said:
You have come across as selfish, all you can talk about is how much longer its going to take you to get an alt 50.

I never pld any chars of mine I play, next? Infact I only pld 1 char in total.

Buffer said:
Seriously, I prefer to be surrounded by arrogant elitists, rather than people like Buffer.

This was sarcasm which you nicely did not notice, what did I expect anyway?

Bah why I argue with you, you ignore half of the posts then type your random, yet offending bs.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Buffer said:
I wasnt being aggressive and i didnt say your attitude was disgusting. Please dont put words into my mouth. Where did I call you names? Dont make up rubbish about me please.

Saying 1 has an attitude problem , who you know nothing of, is calling him a name, not exactly as saying 'ur gay', but around the same deal. But of course, I might've used english a bit wrong here, as you stubbornly think calling 1 a name= lothandar is stupid, lothandar is evil.

I don't put words into your mouth, I just observe how you type and by that I see you : LothandEr(yes, with e, thanks for not even respecting me by typing my name correctly, I am, yet again, honored):

Buffer said:
Your attitude stinks to be honest, is a leetist im alright jack one, dont forget some people like pve.

Buffer said:
because people like you are sat at pl spots with there lvl 50 supp sm and lvl 8 alt on a 2nd account desperate to get 50.

Buffer said:
Maybe time for you to reinstall Counterstrike

Go figure, EOD from my side, think of your words before you speak, because opposed to you, I read every post, and if people intend on falsing my words, I quote like mad. ><

If you would actually bother to read what I write instead of this bs you do, you would see: My warrior is lvld normally, my bm is lvld normally. I didn't mention my cleric which was also lvld with my friends. Only 3 chars I Actually wasted time on, not pld at all.

Dori typed what I did, I am a selfish bastard likely, and an arrogant elitist


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
No you are missing the point, You started playing the game a long time ago. Everyone was the same had the same issues to contend with.
A new player to the game(current date) who hasnt bought the game/chars off ebay, and is forced to start from lvl 1 with nothing will find it much harder to get to 50 now. Lack of groups. If the nerf to pbaoe will help the reconstruction of groups in general then its a good thing.

Take spin for example go there now and its either empty or has lvl 50s running around lvling thier buffbot. At one time it was heaving with people forming groups.

I apolgise for what looked like a chat log, it wasnt meant as that and came across wrong. It was meant as an example of fotm attitudes, ie seeking perfect groups.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Lothandar said:
Saying 1 has an attitude problem , who you know nothing of, is calling him a name, not exactly as saying 'ur gay', but around the same deal. But of course, I might've used english a bit wrong here, as you stubbornly think calling 1 a name= lothandar is stupid, lothandar is evil.

Well calling someone a name takes the format of xxxx=a dickhead etc. Saying xxxx has bad breath is an insult(depending on context), two different formats

I don't put words into your mouth, I just observe how you type and by that I see you : LothandEr(yes, with e, thanks for not even respecting me by typing my name correctly, I am, yet again, honored):

The typo on the names was corrected within seconds of my post, dont you have something better todo than sit there pressing refresh every 2 seconds?
Nothing really wrong with my typing, sure odd spelling mistake but who dosent make them? A good piece of advice passed down from newsgroups when you start to flame someone's grammar/spelling over the point of the post then stop you are losing the fight

Go figure, EOD from my side, think of your words before you speak, because opposed to you, I read every post, and if people intend on falsing my words, I quote like mad. ><

I dont believe ive actually falsified any of your words. I think you are taking me far to literally

Dori typed what I did, I am a selfish bastard likely, and an arrogant elitist

I concur


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Oh well.. yet another tread has lost it's topic? :) Buffer vs. Lothandar?

I will apologize for calling you arrogant, Lothandar. You seems like a good person. I have no right calling you arrogant just because our opinions are different. And there will, as it seems, always be different opinions in this mather. Sometimes changes will lighten things up for the other part.

To Dorin; If you are speaking for Lothandar, I have seen that he has spoken well for himself, so I believe that he could continue with that.
But please.. this is not an issue about me and Lothandar.
But I don't realy have time to farm for others because I have a hard time getting things I want for my sb. But yes I've logged my healer many times when groups lacking one. To get artifacts for myself, or just to help someone with SoM, for example.

And the word elitism doesn't meen that you are elite. It's a way of how you take actions in the game. And I see the elitism in a negative point of view, but there's probably other opinions about that, as everything.
My explaination of an elitism rvr guild at the stage when savages gave birth to true fotm;
* A guild were only healers, shamans, savages and warriors would fit.
* A guild with a bunch of players who only plays for their own rps.
* A guild believe, that with the right grpsetup you are elite no mather what.
* A guild what thinks that the amount of earned rps/week is an acknowledgement of pure skill.
* A guild that doesn't want to give a low rr player a chance because they wont be leet enough.
I hope that those points state it out clear enough for you Dorin.

And to Buffer; You don't have to see persons with different opinions as your enemies. You should still treat them with respect..

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