Another FE raid ruined...



Originally posted by old.Nol
Lastly, is it not ironic that you are calling people selfish because you can't farm? FE raids are pretty much for selfish reasons anyway...

everything starts as a selfish thing, evereything can be reduced to a selfish thing
however to spoil a realm event(+-100 peepz)... is something else
every alliance knows when the raids are, every normal farmer (censi,enlil,...) know to respect the freeforall-raids


Like I said, you guys are assuming firstly that people knew about the raid, and secondly knew what to do and how to time it perfectly to destroy your raid...

I think you need to lighten up a little...


Originally posted by old.Nol
Like I said, you guys are assuming firstly that people knew about the raid, and secondly knew what to do and how to time it perfectly to destroy your raid...

I think you need to lighten up a little...

Anyone who knows how to farm galla and knows how and where to log characters past GSC and knows how to farm GSC and other larger mobs, understands plenty about the repop timer and knows about XFears raids imo.

Its not like some complete n00b can blunder in and cock the thing up.


Originally posted by boni_ofdavoid
Anyone who knows how to farm galla and knows how and where to log characters past GSC and knows how to farm GSC and other larger mobs, understands plenty about the repop timer and knows about XFears raids imo.

Its not like some complete n00b can blunder in and cock the thing up.

Not true, I have no idea about any of it, I don't consider myself a noob, and I am pretty active on these boards. I am also more then capable of walking into galla and farming...


Originally posted by old.Nol
Not true, I have no idea about any of it, I don't consider myself a noob, and I am pretty active on these boards. I am also more then capable of walking into galla and farming...

These people arent walking in they are logging deep in the dungeon /annon and taking out boss mobs.

Do you know how to get to GSC with a full dungeon. where to log, when to log back on, how to pull them with less than 1fg?


I may not know how to do it right now, but it only takes me a second to read a map and follow some instructions on any number of sites.


Originally posted by old.Nol
I may not know how to do it right now, but it only takes me a second to read a map and follow some instructions on any number of sites.

Ok, its possible, after all everyone who farms galla started somewhere, probably with these tips. We cant say for certain one way or the other, but it does seem a hell of a lot more likely that someone knew exactly what they where doing.

Why have an entire group go annon in such a dungeon if your doing nothing wrong, thats the real key for me and tells me they didnt want anyone to know they where down there fecking things up.


the people that did it were all anon...

If they didnt go on anon then fair play.. its there right to go in there.

it was done in an underhand way.. they didnt want to get caught.

thats why its a good idea to catch the people red handed with a steather. Then see what they say when you pm them and ask them if they farmed it... it will be someone we all know to.

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