Couldn't have said it better myselfInfanity said:the whole "WALk bACK MATE AND STOP CRY ITS EASY TO COUNTER" is horse shit- If someone is strafing in that way, You walk back and if he is clever enough he can de-kite and go straight through you, If someone is being like that where they aint in view 90% of time, I hit dt and just unstyle them down.
Eregion said:The way i see it, positional styles are in this game for a reason..
Regarding 1vs1 it adds some 'spice' to the fight, just standing toe-to-toe and rely 100% on gear/spec is boring.
Not like it's impossible to hit a strafer if you know what you're doing.
Since you asked, who are you? Looking at your signature, are you the original Mad, or just some random Ebayer?Gryni said:who?![]()
theslayeruk said:Aye rr6 shadowblade with mythic on his friends list. Get a clue retard![]()
Appollo said:Walking backwards does work, but you have to be tricksy. As you walk backwards you need to twist into the strafe direction, so instead of going in a straighline you end up snaking or a figure of 8.
Spent a whole fight against Hatsim doing this a he was strafe champion.
Raven said:fighting toe to toe is boring
Tafaya Anathas said:Yeah. So I dusted off my scout, got mos5 and will have fun getting stealthers out of stealth in front of groups. It's lame? Yes. Do I abuse something? No. Haffun!![]()
xxManiacxx said:Aslong as u don´t pop me I don´t pop you, deal?![]()
Gustav said:I tried the walk backwards to counter a straffer and got accused by that same individual on irc as 'abusing the walkbackwards bug'. According to him if I walk backwards it causes him to miss his styles....
Tafaya Anathas said:As long as you don't strafe![]()
was be4 400 dex/str 10 melee/style dmg/speed and malice and battler etc etcAloca said:There is much other things to do than hold down the strafe key. Weapon swap for example. In the good old days you could run thro 10-15 weapons in a hard fight.
xxManiacxx said:I never strafe against ppl that doesnt do it against me. I enjoy "face-offs"
Neo said:was be4 400 dex/str 10 melee/style dmg/speed and malice and battler etc etc
iirc its mostly when running from 1 fight to another tholiloe said:Seen Ciliviel fight? He used tons of weapons in one fight and swiched a lot.
ev0_o said:zzz walk backwards with mouselook on, so you manually turn to face them when they strafe with your mouse, not rocket science. Just makes them look like an idiot, and they'll probly miss more styles than you
Aloca said:There is much other things to do than hold down the strafe key. Weapon swap for example. In the good old days you could run thro 10-15 weapons in a hard fight.