Now I REALLY want Packers to lose
To be honest very few Players are all that nice these days. Look at jay cutler even I just think that with his talent and level of professionalism, Rodgers deserves a ring.
Chicago Bears Quarterback Jay Cutler is being investigated for illegal activity involving a gambling circuit based out of Chicago. Cutler isn’t the only Bears Quarterback to have rumored involvement in this ring in the past 12 years. Reports indicate that Cutler placed an errant telephone call to lay down a bet and gambling authorities intercepted the call accordingly, and returned it for a touchdown. This would be Cutler’s 27th interception of the past year.
This is the first installment of a weekly column called Friday Fun where we will poke fun at the teams and players we love from Chicago. The first victim of FF has been beloved kinda loved quarterback Jay Cutler from the Chicago Bears.
I have a nasty feeling the Bears are going to regret not putting the Packers out of the playoffs in week 17, next weekends game will be huge although whoever wins I think the AFC are strong
C'mon Da Bears!