


Oh yer and imo there are no "good" players, there are those that "can" play and those that "can't".

Those that can play know exactly what their char can do and the best way to do it, those that can't fail to utilise all their available skills and thusly lose more fights. Basically it just comes down to ur knowledge and experience of the game and using it to improve your situation, actual skill such as aiming or choosing a spell is very small.

Alpha of course can play :) but i have seen many minstrels that cant.

Usually the ones that can play get the most rp's, but the amount of time u play is also a large factor. Nobody can get 200k a week if they play an hour a day :)

Oh and another thought not really relevant but if ur bored :)
Its a shame that items dont play more of a part in daoc, most ppl just bungs on their epic and a few nice bits of DF Jewelery and some 16.x dps 9x% qua weap (maybe one fast and one slow) and away u go. I remember in diablo 2 (before the gay expansion) weapon dmg, speed, life leech, mana leech etc all played a major role in item selection, ah well u can chose which resists u want high i suppose but thats about it.


the buffs on alpha are uber.....

I give most minstrals that jump me a good run for there money, and winning is possible if i get more than one evade in for diamond backs....

Alpha hits about 20% harder than most mintrals (without buffs).....
I think you also have in the region of 1400 hits with these buffs? combine that with IP and chain and thats a staggering amount of hits for a stealther character....

You have taken your character to its absolute maximum capability with these buffs, and you maintain that level as a standard platform to play the game from.... combine that with the massive hours you put in and the battle experience you gain and you have a top ranked player... and understandably so.....

Its not a nice feeling fighting an enchaned minstral like this.....

I dont blame you using a buffbot, if I had one id be using it too...

Ones things certain, that is one tough mofo character you have there... especially so if you can go toe to toe with a Hero as good as Novamir...


"Alpha hits about 20% harder than most mintrals (without buffs)..... "
He should hit the same as all other 29 slash specced minstrels (without buffs) if u meant with thats prolly about right :) As far as i know he hasn't got a Dragon/Legion dropped uber sword :)

"I think you also have in the region of 1400 hits with these buffs?"
more like 1600-1700 i would guess :/


Alpha goes on about skill... if all these realm points are due to skill, then surely you wouldnt need a buffbot to perform these l33t skillz?

Most people who have buffbots are prolly geeks who dont see the daylight much and pay more to be l33t at a game.

alpha if you had skillz you wouldnt need a buff bot... now suck my cock

Alpha Male


@Kodface - your name says it all - no comment. (btw search for posts made by this crettin and note over half of them he is calling someone a c*nt or the like in lol)

About my hps and buffs etc..i have equipped Alpha with THE best combination of items and resists a minstrel can possibly have...i am only short of one item - a legion drop - which i will prolly never get anyways, i use a 99 percent quality crafted sword, all my stats are capped including charisma (hence my dd's hit hard), i get good bonuses to my instruments and slash skills from my realm rank and items - hotrats i have higher base slash than 29- . Because of the items i have and because my stats are capped i got myself capped on most resists now as well, which helps a lot. I also have ra's that give me cons and hp's + resist...base hps on me are around 1350 unbuffed (depending on which items i equip which depends on who im fighting (yes i do change items every fight where i can))..buffed i go upto around 1590 hps- again it varies wildy depending on who im fighting.

So in conclusion, YES buffs obviously do enhance my game..but atm not much more than if i got buffs from one of albions many clerics out in the frontier (enhance still not that high), as many grouped players do. - yes my buffs are at no risk unless i die, but i solo (i like solo life a fair bit) so getting buffs in a group arent much of an option when i am solo.

And finally, Alpha had just over 200k rps when i took over, and the char i stopped playing to play him was Gromit, who was at just over 200k rps at the it pretty much balances it out =)


Oh yer and imo there are no "good" players, there are those that "can" play and those that "can't".
/agree that what i meant ;)..

Regards Nicky.


Oh pleeaasee..... Release and Co whining about alpha using buffbot is just silly. Have you ever looked at Mid TeleKeep in emain lets say .....any time of the day? Most time when u look there u c so many ppl, that can zerg everything, only when you start clicking on them you notice strange names like: LikemyBUFFS, BUFFBOT, BUFFy, BUFFER, etc. And for sure mids have more buffbots then any other realm. I'm not talking about those parked inside the keep ;p
And release, when ever i kill a SB (that doesnt happen alot lately :( ) you se looong list that looks like: SB looses his graceful edge, SB looses his strage, etc. Never saw an unBUFFED SB.
So.....guess what? Stop whining ;p


Minstrels = skill to play properly . hence why alpha does so well .

unless you have played a high lvl mins u may as well sssshhhhh
cos there is so many hotkeys needed for a mins in rvr and ussually 75% of them are used during a fight , with ra's its not unussual for a mins to have 3 full bars of USED hotkeys . all of which need switching and twisting around during a battle "depending on the situation" i agree with the most part that any mofo can make a uber char and play them but some chars imo DO require skill to play them to there full potential . ie, assasins classes / minstrels .

alpha knows how to play his char and plays it skillfully . yea buffbots give him a slight edge but most folks in emain are either buffed also from there grps buffer . or have a buffbot sat in a keep/tk somewhere .
if i had 2 cpus and patience to lvl one id prolly have a buff bot but i aint so i have to live with it and so do you who also aint got one :)



what do you think guys (alpha novamir) do you think you are "the king of albion/hibernia? " what stupid post, i can kill you i can destroy all ........ about RP all pep can take those RP if they play the same time than you play ok? so dont say that i have tatatata RP if all peps play 24 hours at day can take those RP .


alpha knows how to play simple as minstrels are extremely difficult to play from my short while on US servers, and since he is a highlander he obviously has a bigger pool of hp and is smart and doesnt waste his stuns etc when the fight begins, he isnt invincible so stop your godamn bitching


Originally posted by old.Anarki
you notice strange names like: LikemyBUFFS, BUFFBOT, BUFFy, BUFFER, etc. And for sure mids have more buffbots then any other realm.

Im a Skald :)


"since he is a highlander he obviously has a bigger pool of hp"

10 more con so about 40 more hits

"and is smart and doesnt waste his stuns etc when the fight begins"

Timing of stun is of course important, leaving it till the end means you can stun mezz and rest. But it carries a large risk, if you're almost dead and use stun and its resisted your as good as dead.
Therefore i tend to use my stun as soon as i can, that way if it works first time you get a six second advantage, if not u can try again in 10 seconds and mezz and rest or whatever.


you're a shaman in denial!

edit: /nod at all the people admitting that R7 is not a result of buffbot use. /laugh at kodface/laenna


I just killed Alpha solo today (guess it was round 19u CET).
Hope you will think twice about attacking a druid nxt time m8 :D
Or did you forgot we have 2 insta heals? But it was a nice fight.
Btw, you were 886 rps worth :D

Thank you and lets do it again some time


I can hardly wait till resists work against stuns/mezz too... I have max resists, but every time I solo a minstrel and seem to be winning, I get insta stunned and I can only stand around watching how the minstrel runs off.


Fighting a char with a buffbot is like competing against Ben Johnson. Fighting with an invisible buffbot just isnt fair. Buffbots are not a groupmember, they are not a good friend dealing out buffs. All they are, is an easy way of winning over someone who actually might be better than you.

Moral kill Alpha? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're in denial.

To those who still get out earning lots of RPs without a buffbot, /salute.

Alpha Male


@Oom sorry i beat you..didnt realise i would hurt your pride that much.

@Forever - i knew you were druid and i know you have 2 insta heals - what i didnt bargain on was major red box problems as soon as fight started - i never even saw the end of it =(..all i could do was press buttons and seeing you soon =)


I didn’t really mean to put your efforts or skill down. I can tell you’re a good player whether you have a buffbot or not. But moral kill?



Alpha plays very well (buffbot or not). And simply nothing you can do against mezz dd dd melee ---> run/stealth ---> repeat the procedure.
If he stayed to melee you, he just would be plain dumb.
Nothing much a tank can do about that. :)

edit: almost forgot he out meleed me at crim once ;p


Surely a pure mellee class should easily beat a hybrid char in mellee?

Depends, i can easily take out any pure tank, 2H or 1H, yet i fail vs. a cleric and a paladin can annoy me pretty bad :p

I think it's fair that my abbilities r suited for killing some ppl and not others :)


love this forums, dont u?

buffbots help solo players sure..but they dont make 1.87 million rps. Think before you post next time.

buffbots morph stalkers into shadowtanks allowing em to gank real tanks easily.
Alpha we got lots a funny fights tho (usually u won, funniest was prolly the one with daigh and many RAs involved near atk ;) - just wait @ next path when am getting selfbuff instead of buffbot :p and we'll see) and no other minstrel ganks me in 1vs1. (not even close) congrats for ur uber crush resist0r gear btw.

Bout nova... musta say hes acting kinda ghey lately... :( seems that we lost that funny/cool guy to get a fooking "rpproud" damn child :( - nova wash ur head and bring back tha old mate.


ps: After playing my pryd minstrel etc cant understand how the hell can Alpha b arsed to move @stealth speed so much (having speed5) and how the fook he "pops" in the rarest places on the whole hib frontier....
Ofc u do play v.well ur minstrel but still weird having the patience to move @stealth speed and camp the rarest places o_O

Alpha Male


@Lofff Yeah that fight near apk/amg was really funny...was trying for a while to get down near a pet so's i could even things a lil..eventually did but used just about every button on my hotbar in doing it lol.

I have to visit the rare locations - you meanys have moved routes from leaving drum to goto emain - however i think i found some of them now ^^...btw i used to spend 90 percent of my time in with see hidden its a lot less time in stealth and more time running like a bat out of hell dodging ns's :D


yeah u dodged me last night at dun bolg u were becknoning i DD u and u run off i was looking forward to getting killed in the usual 4 secs flat by u :)


Loff when was the last time u logged on? Haven't talked to you for weeks, strange you can have such an impression of me


It was late, there was a chill in the air. Emain was flooded with Albs and Mids and there was 1 tired but dogged and brave hiberian ranger by the name of Censimilia...

After feeding off the scraps of the enemy scrimishes, I made my way out of Emain and down the valley.....

To my surprise I saw 2 brave assassins Rhox and Envenom steaming into Emain hungry and looking for fresh blood.

Joining forces the 3 of us headed for AMG where we sat waiting for battle....

we didnt have to wait long....

A heavy mist fell over us like a warm wet blanket.... There was a sense of stillness that you feel like the moment b4 a heavy storm...

**twig snaps south us from the bowl**

Out of the mist from the south emerged a hideous beast.... It was at least 9 foot tall, dressed in black, horns pertruding from its head and fire bellowing out of its nostralls..... It was moving unaturalling fast...

**a sense of dread came over us all**

The beast continued to glide towards the Albion main gate, when all of a sudden it ground to a halt and stopped right in front of us.... The beast cocked its head and smelt the air... It could sense our fear.... but he could not see us....

Overcomming the overwhelming desire to flee, the brave party of 3 got into their attack formation and preparred to confront this beast....

The brave and dogged ranger took position high on the Albion wall and notched an arrow..... he preyed to the gods for their strength.. The assasins quickly closed in on their target and prepared to strike....

We then proceeded to pull Alphas pants down and rape him Lurikeen style!!!

heheh was nice to finally kill the beast.... and it took 3 of us to do it... and he still dropped envenom....

Alpha - 4937 Censi - 0.5 (-0.5 for the gank)

(oh and about 10 seconds Later I got raped by Brommix ((another ridiculously tough player)))
(((I think he had horns to)))


Alpha Male


@Censi No prizes for guessing who was with brommix..albeit he was a bit behind =)....i had to stay untill rhox died..was so poetic after he laughed at my corpse hehe


no am not logging a lot anymore, but aye thats meh impression and not just mine, as far as i've known many ppl from the old crew feels the same =/ hope its an stage, meh wrong or whatever. hf

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