


very fun fight, i think you would have won if Gavon hadn't have stabbed u again, though when he did i was 20 sec away from another heal crystal

good thing i had 0 buffs, or it wouldn't have been close

thanks for the RPs !



All these "I just owned your ass" posts are getting dull.
Yeah we know your god novamir pfffft.


old.Cruel Heart

....stfu?... @ novamir

:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :

Alpha Male


Firstly yes it was a good fight Novamir, secondly you didnt have 20 seconds left to live, and finally was your pride about to be dented that hard that you yelled at Gavon to attack?..becuase he respected the one vs one at first and whatched,untill you yelled:D ...

End result was a Moral kill for Alpha...and you know it Novamir.

Btw, how many hps did you have considering you moosed, ignored pain and used one bp heal? Oh, and you say thx for the rps..sure nps (shame you didnt earn them by yourself though), but i cost you 400 bps =)

Untill next time....
(maybe you wont have a guardian luri next time)


that sucks not being able to fight without a buffbot.
you should just play like everyone else man


Re: hoho

Originally posted by Alpha Male
Oh, and you say thx for the rps..sure nps (shame you didnt earn them by yourself though)

Thats the bit I liked the most, since in a way he never fights alone cos hes always fully buffed which only a select few others are...


If you read Novas post its not OMFGLOL I PWNED YO STINKIN ASS!

Its just a notification to Alpha what he thought about that duel, so stop fucking flaming ppl.

Oh and you who complain about buffbots, you are one thing and one thing only....

And no I dont have one....yet ;)


someday ill get you alpha, i almost got you earlier :)

first time : i forgot to envenom blades, had wrong qb, and got my ass whoop
second time : you ip'd, bloody ip
third time : about 2/3 alby adds, beginning to lose confidence?
fourth time : no fourth time, someone else killed you :'(

how many bloody hp do you have? my pa's barely seem to scratch, seems as if your some plate-wearer, i do as much damage :mad:

Alpha Male


Whiners can turn any thread into a flame thread..maybe they get off on flaming ..who knows =)

And to Release...buffbots help solo players sure..but they dont make 1.87 million rps. Think before you post next time.

@Aeidel hehe, was fun fights..always had an eye over my shoulder because thorey was looking for a cheap kill (as always), yeah first fight you made fatal error..second one i did..and third one, well i didnt know they were there lol, i was intending to turn stun you and mez then sort the caster..but had a lil help instead =)


Re: hmm

Originally posted by Alpha Male
Whiners can turn any thread into a flame thread..maybe they get off on flaming ..who knows =)

And to Release...buffbots help solo players sure..but they dont make 1.87 million rps. Think before you post next time.
lol what???? you cant be serius .... i bet u have been buffed 1.6 of those mils....omg

Alpha Male


okok, <evil side on> Splashor your a numbskull <evil side off>..ever heard of tactics and skill in playing a char?..buffed or unbuffed..skill and tactics play a large part...<bitchy side on> maybe you didnt know that because youve yet to kill someone <bitchy side off>

It's late, im tired and bored of the splashors of this world :p


lol they sure do help, I know if I ever happened to be fully buffed its a hell of alot easier to kill people then if im not.
And you should think before posting, saying he doesnt deserve the rps when your one of the people who doesnt deserve half of what you have got because the odds are always in your favour unless you happened to attack someone who had there own buffbot aswell, but even then I know of no lvl 50 buffbot in Mid. Just shows some people are gimpy enough to pay for 2 accounts a month and lvl a buffbot to 50 just so he can kill, heh, makes me laugh.


Re: hmm

Originally posted by Alpha Male
thorey was looking for a cheap kill (as always

Im hurt :(

I like to call it taking an advatage of a situation :p


i agree with alpha who says you cant have a buffbot? why is it unfair? ok thats like me saying to minstrels dont use stun on me or DDS lol its the same thing.

And before anyone blames me for having a buffbot hell yes i have 1 and i dont go into battle without it mostly.

loads of ppl have buffbots who cares at the end of the day it means jack shit if u can have an advantage over players u take it if u dont ur the looser not them simple as

Alpha Male


Release, it is you who needs to get your facts straight..i have no intention of getting into a flaming war with a twat like you, but i will end with buffbot is NOT level 50 (thats Gromit my cleric who is a 48 smite cleric), the bot i currently use is a level 42 cleric with weird skills (32 enhance..NOT 50) which i am currently using because the owner is in the USA....and there are plenty of them in mid dont even think of denying it.

Respond with all the flames you like but your banging your head against a brick wall..and if you dont whatch out that green eyed monster is gonna get you.

BTW, Tapac asks me if you want some cheese to go with your whine?


Re: umm

Originally posted by Alpha Male
and there are plenty of them in mid dont even think of denying it.

We have a little buff bot corner in mid tk :D.. theres like 5-10 there sometimes


Re: hoho

Originally posted by Alpha Male
Firstly yes it was a good fight Novamir, secondly you didnt have 20 seconds left to live, and finally was your pride about to be dented that hard that you yelled at Gavon to attack?..becuase he respected the one vs one at first and whatched,untill you yelled:D ...

End result was a Moral kill for Alpha...and you know it Novamir.

Btw, how many hps did you have considering you moosed, ignored pain and used one bp heal? Oh, and you say thx for the rps..sure nps (shame you didnt earn them by yourself though), but i cost you 400 bps =)

Untill next time....
(maybe you wont have a guardian luri next time)

didn't you read my original post well enough? i admitted i would have lost unless Gavon had attacked u at the end.

i didn't have IP at the beginning of the fight, so i couldn't IP when moosed which is what i usually do in rvr.

Oh you cost me 400 BPs <shock horror>

your tone regarding buffbot.. as if 32 enhance doesn't rock ? most druids have lower than that in our realm, and Xanatea has a lev 39 buffbot. if i had been equal buff wise with you you would have died easily, hero is supposed to win in straight melee with minstrel.

to all the flamers: i get killed a lot in emain , its karam that's god. what really fucks me off is stealthers with the melee skills of a tank as it takes away our only unique ability.


So Alpha tell me, how long this bloke been in the US for? must be sometime, sure he didnt move there and leave you his account?
And im a twat? thats touching from a gimp... really it is...
Well its easy to know who uses buff-bots and who doesnt, at least people know who to respect and who not to.

Alpha Male


@ Nova..i answered your post with 0 flame, yes i understood what you were saying..does that mean im not allowed to comment on it or something? I was just a bit annoyed at the way your NS friend jumped in when he did.I'm not here to offend you, if i did im am sorry, i only offend people who love to flame. It was a good fight, yes you would have handed me my ass on a plate if you were buffed, but you werent at the time...and btw dont forget its not my tanking skills that win fights, its my dd's that do it for me.

Some people love to flame nova, its usually because they are jealous or just looking for arguments..i usually ignore them, but tonight they are being more ignorant than ever.

@Release, did i ever ask you, or anyone else for that matter, for respect?...its a game ffs, your a few pixels to me..nothing more nothing less. And fyi my bud who has tapac went to the US nearly a month ago, and is due back next week...want me to get him to send you a postcard?


I've not yet been able to kill Alpha and personally cannot see how I could. He hits harder than me, seems to block a hell of a lot and when I moose and get the edge over him, he just insta's me, runs off and dissapears. Then he comes back on full health and out tanks me now that I have no Moose. I must admit that it really annoys me that a stealther class can jump into mellee with me and outgun me 80% of the time. Surely a pure mellee class should easily beat a hybrid char in mellee? Alpha killed me pleanty of times this last week now that he's camping the gorge. I have never managed to kill him once. That buff bot DOES make one hell of a dfference no matter what anyone says. Even if I get a lvl 25 char to buff me, there is a really good difference to my perfomance in battle.

Having said all this, from my encounters with Alpha, his tactics are absolutely exellent and I take my hat off to him. He knows the exact time to attack, the exact time to run away and the best tactics for each situation. He has taken me (lvl 50 sheild hero) and a lvl 48 druid out with ease. He tried twice and failed, but got away both times. The third time he mezzed me and with a yellow con charmed bear took out the druid and then me with ease. I managed to get him to 90% health b4 eating the grass lol.

So to sum it up in my opinion. A minstrel using a buff bot is slightly overpowered, but it takes more than just a buff bot to rack up that many rp's and play with great tactics.

Begrudging respect to Alpha :)


I like Alpha a good player is a good player shame i dont have the time he has to play but i will say this Prob the best Tank in Hib fighting a Minstrel ala a Support char as of such ( buffs or not ) and the Minstrel has a chance of winning with IP and Moose OMFG what a fucked up game ...

Regards Nicky...

O btw the first Alpha had around 400 k of Rps before Grommit took controll...

Ps Food for thought if a Highlander Minstrel can with luck buffs or whatever beat a Hero and they have speed Stealth and DD stun and the rest how many people are going to say Skalds are Chanters are overpowered on P v P ..


Well I got no idea how u nearly beat novamir (or did beat as the case might have been)....

One time i mezzed a hero and 2 scouts were with me so i thought he will die pretty quick, I engaged in melee, stun, dd dd, hero health dropping fast cus of arrows as well. Then the hero mooses and hit for 500 dmg (thrust vs chain OUCH) im like lucky crit :) next hit 700 dmg Hotrats dies.... then the scouts finish him in a few more arrows.

Another time i got Novamir down to 10% life left or something and i know he had no endurance left, i thought i would melee the last bit, he almost bloody killed me! I had to run and let the pet finish the job.

Of course this was before RA's but they cant help that much... so i guess it must be buffs and of course slash is better against hero's.

Out of curiosity roughly how much was he hitting u for per swing? and how much were you hitting him?


I know your question was aimed at Novamir, but Alpha roughly hits me for about 150-200 per swing, whereas I hit him for 70-120. This was when Alb has the 20% mellee bonus though.


yep i was owned by pet... little loghery fuckers i hate em ;p

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