Aligro- Victim of Hacke


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
but they can't know what goes on outside it - where agreements, transactions, conversations take place
impossible to police it !

another scam could be to pretend to get hacked when your artifact is on 70% dur :p

woohoo new artifact...


do you have any idea how much time and energy it would take to look into all the kiddie scams? Both those take more money.

Also, if there was NO penalty to having your account abused, why the hell not lend it to anyone and everyone ?
A policy of indemnifying everyone who claims hacking isn't very smart :)

and btw I had 2 or 3 ppl transfer all cash to me or Ialk cause they were getting a long break and wanted the stuff to go to better use... so that does happen.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I personally don't care Alligro got hacked and I 'm not a friend of Alligro,I can say I quite dislike him,but I don't think it's fair to reduce the episode of his hacking whit a simple:"he was dumb enought to let someone else have access his account,his fault k thx bye."
Someone made a very interesting example:"if I leave my car open,parked in a ghetto..." if you lose your car like that ,the person who stolen it still made a crime,and if an irl friend of you whit the keys of your house enter while you sleeping and robbes all your fornitures he still made a crime,and if you forget the door of your house open and someone enter he made a crime.
Like magmatic said,we can't encourage ppl to do that ,a scammer or an hacker should be both punished whit a ban.
More than that:laws and rules are made to protect not clever ppl from abuses,certain they aren't made to protect ppl who can defend themself already,so blame Alligro to not be enought clever shouldn't justify who scammed/hacked him.
the formula:"you was dumb enought to deserve it" only encourage those violations,when laws, and rules in general are made whit the objective to PREVENT abuses not discarge responsabilities about them,and they are made to protect who can't defend himself ( yes ignorant ppl too) certanly not to protect who is able to avoid abuses already.

Another thing and here I end:everytimes someone get scammed by a trusted person I read a bunch of insults and laughts on the victim,I hope no one of you 'll get robbed by a friend/gf/bf/parent ever,cause those things can happens unless you are an eremite who lives in a bunker and dosen't trust anyone.

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