Albs im curious...



How do u get to High RR's?

Its just i rarely see anyone of u guys without 4-5fgs and if 40 people whack the one peep that cant be a lot of rps?

not a flame just wondering why go out in massive numbers all the time? must take u 10 times as long to get decent realm ranks



Good question...
for example: Drop ( lvl 46 infil) Gryphon Knight o_O

I heard that there was some bug on US servers with outpost rps bonus ( they got like 5-9k rps as a bonus per kill orso) they fixed it very fast but...


That bug was never present in europe, it was fixed pre-patch.


naw naw u got me wrong i aint saying they cheat

i just curious why they reduce their rps so mucjh


plz... only albs zerg, and its all planned... really...


Originally posted by kamik
Good question...
for example: Drop ( lvl 46 infil) Gryphon Knight o_O

I heard that there was some bug on US servers with outpost rps bonus ( they got like 5-9k rps as a bonus per kill orso) they fixed it very fast but...

No, Drop just spends 99% of her time RvRing solo and finds it far more fun than xping. So f.o. with your thinly veiled accusation.

Aule Valar

possibly its because the skills and tactics hibs/mids constantly boast about involve a large number of enemys being present, allowing albs to kill lots of people thus make many rps


what an aggorant sad comment by oblivion.


because albs rvr more then once every month

Hit ^_^

if 1000 peeps 1000 peeps someone got to end up whit lots of rps.


Originally posted by samildanachh
what an aggorant sad comment by oblivion.

WTF? im not being arrogant u stupif wank

Im just asking a valid question im not moaning or whineing im just curious as to why so many fgs share kills?


Givz 70% + resists
Givz Bugged chanter RA
Givz group purge
Givz Bard abilities on one alb char instead of 4
Givz 6 sec Pbt in a valid specline on a shielduser in decent armor
Givz Pbaoer with a snare pet
Givz 9Sec castable stun on all casters
Givz Tank with stag and 1line to spec for decent damage
Givz Primary healer with aoe root, dot and pet
Givz non cloth wearing CC character
Givz ANY kind of aoe insta dont care if its only 6 secs as long as its AOE and insta we will take it
Givz <insert random whine here>

Instead of acting like your all uber and putting us down because you happen to play on a realm that is more suitable and better equiped for RvR then another you should thank some of us that we still bother to go to RvR... yeyeye flame me.
Hope that anwsers your question.


Tis fairly simple. People under 50 get bonus realm points for killing level 50 players. Bonus gets higher, if that person is of higher RR.

For example, my lvl 44 skald would get 1130 rp for killing a rr3 lvl 50 solo.

Think its fairly easy for Drop to land PA+CD on loners, thus actually killing them solo :)

Not an easy path, but far FAR FAR more enjoyable than zerging.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Givz 70% + resists
Givz Bugged chanter RA
Givz group purge
Givz Bard abilities on one alb char instead of 4
Givz 6 sec Pbt in a valid specline on a shielduser in decent armor
Givz Pbaoer with a snare pet
Givz 9Sec castable stun on all casters
Givz Tank with stag and 1line to spec for decent damage
Givz Primary healer with aoe root, dot and pet
Givz non cloth wearing CC character
Givz ANY kind of aoe insta dont care if its only 6 secs as long as its AOE and insta we will take it
Givz <insert random whine here>

Instead of acting like your all uber and putting us down because you happen to play on a realm that is more suitable and better equiped for RvR then another you should thank some of us that we still bother to go to RvR... yeyeye flame me.
Hope that anwsers your question.

gifz Bof
gifz sos
gifz air pets
gifz faith heal
gifz bolt range mez
gifz ae debuff for our own pbaoe
gifz primary healer with castable stun
gifz ablative chant
gifz necro for pve

its not hard to make lists, u got ur love patch, u ain't gimped, its people like you that make albion look so bad.


gogo fluid

like ud swop arts list for yours ^^


very few albs have high rrs

the warder zerg is strong


Originally posted by ab_fluid
gifz Bof
gifz sos
gifz air pets
gifz faith heal
gifz bolt range mez
gifz ae debuff for our own pbaoe
gifz primary healer with castable stun
gifz ablative chant
gifz necro for pve

its not hard to make lists, u got ur love patch, u ain't gimped, its people like you that make albion look so bad.

sos ? who the fuck needs sos, u got GP sos = retarded GP
air pets? learn how to use ur baseline stun and lol since each one is % cast
faith heal, like you need it with ur 70+resists and baod
insta mez > bolt range mez - and if u aint on timer then use ur insta amnesia... 2300 range.
wow 10% debuff for 15 seconds when u get a 50% debuff to ur own ranged 1500 nuke.
give 3 mage classes with 1500 range stun and quickcast not our retarded 1350 range no quickcast.
u want ablative when u already have 6 sec pbt on every warden?
necro for pve? sure they rock on undead stuff but u got chanters, chanters > pve

edit: hope i got your realm right, so hard to tell these days since you change realm every other week

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by oblivion_6
How do u get to High RR's?

Its just i rarely see anyone of u guys without 4-5fgs and if 40 people whack the one peep that cant be a lot of rps?

not a flame just wondering why go out in massive numbers all the time? must take u 10 times as long to get decent realm ranks


Replace Emerald with Dragon Knight etc ^^

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by old.m0000
sos ? who the fuck needs sos, u got GP sos = retarded GP
air pets? learn how to use ur baseline stun and lol since each one is % cast
faith heal, like you need it with ur 70+resists and baod
insta mez > bolt range mez - and if u aint on timer then use ur insta amnesia... 2300 range.
wow 10% debuff for 15 seconds when u get a 50% debuff to ur own ranged 1500 nuke.
give 3 mage classes with 1500 range stun and quickcast not our retarded 1350 range no quickcast.
u want ablative when u already have 6 sec pbt on every warden?
necro for pve? sure they rock on undead stuff but u got chanters, chanters > pve

edit: hope i got your realm right, so hard to tell these days since you change realm every other week

albs can also get the excat same resists as hibs/mids, with the only exception being baod.
albs can also debuff nukes, just never do.
albs can also get 6 second pbt.

but wtf would you care? you hop realms with relics, so realm based skills aint an issue.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Givz Primary healer with aoe root, dot and pet

Primary healer indeed, too bad that a druid with forementioned things heals like a bard :eek:


the high rr albs are those pesky infils that accidently meet at the same spots in odins and wich never team up...

seriously, Archers used to be RP cows (about 1-2years ago) mythic responded with the lovely SH wich boosted the assassin population and guess who is now top of the food chain... bloody buffed up Infil's/SB's...

yes i'm thinkin about disbanding my ranger, after making 1k RPs today, for not getting a group and getting killed 30times in odins/uppland

most of the times i don't even get to get assassin zerged at the milegates, theres nearly always atleast 1 RP horny assassin at hpk laughing when he sees a solo ranger :p

back to the main thread: they get the high rr cuz of me


Wot ae debuff for own pbaoe??Icewiz has dd/cold debuff no ae debuff.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
You are kidding me right ? What are you, an idiot ?

no hes just a hib. they dont have uber chars/abilites or styles its just we're a bunch of whiners who should grow up and take our pwning like men, or summat... :rolleyes:


albs can also get 6 second pbt.

true ...

alb group:
1)want 6sec pbt ... theurgist earth specced only decent thing he has then is PBT the rest is utterly useless in RvR
2)want aoe mezz Oh sure, get mind sorc he cant nuke for shit and drops dead whenever someone farts in his direction but sure you got mezz then.
3)Need a healer ofcourse. Rej cleric INC. he can heal and he can use his uber CC wait he doesnt have much of CC left good thing he can still do some damage OH wait he can't do that either. But who needs all that crap when you can fire up BOF so your pbt running theurgist and your bolt range mezzing sorc drop in 3 hits instead of 2.
4)Speed oh yea need mincer he has cool ablatives so better give him 50insr spec and some stealth ofcourse, very usefull that if you want to be a group char. You will do uber damage too with you 20ish weapons spec
5)Need endurance generation ofcourse So give the group a paladin nice for battle rezzing too and if you stick him on the back of an enemy long enough he will eventualy kill him.
6)Oh forgot we need those airpets too, albions pride since one theurgist is already running his 6sec pbt we will just invite another theurgist.
7)Ow pbaoe is cool for a group ... invite the icewizz
8)Need a plate wearing suicidal hero to protect the cloth boys abit ... invite the armsman..

So we got all what we need now. Nearsight would be nice but only cabby has that... too bad. Decent resist buffs cool but no room for the friar in that setup etc etc, who cares, specialy if you are not ab alb. I would laugh at albs too If i was a hib or a mid and post dribble how they sucked just to piss em off. Meanwhile I'll just play alb and make the best of it despite some obvious flaws in the realms abilities.

There you go now the next encounter the paladin the arms and the minstrel can stick on the zerker/champ/hero/bm that purged and chase him from caster to caster smacking him up while takes down caster after caster. BUt nm really I'm tired and this discussion is as old as the game. Iime for my bed, gonna close my eyes for some sleep while some of you can close your eyes for the simple facts.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Arthwyr
true ...

alb group:
1)want 6sec pbt ... theurgist earth specced only decent thing he has then is PBT the rest is utterly useless in RvR
2)want aoe mezz Oh sure, get mind sorc he cant nuke for shit and drops dead whenever someone farts in his direction but sure you got mezz then.
3)Need a healer ofcourse. Rej cleric INC. he can heal and he can use his uber CC wait he doesnt have much of CC left good thing he can still do some damage OH wait he can't do that either. But who needs all that crap when you can fire up BOF so your pbt running theurgist and your bolt range mezzing sorc drop in 3 hits instead of 2.
4)Speed oh yea need mincer he has cool ablatives so better give him 50insr spec and some stealth ofcourse, very usefull that if you want to be a group char. You will do uber damage too with you 20ish weapons spec
5)Need endurance generation ofcourse So give the group a paladin nice for battle rezzing too and if you stick him on the back of an enemy long enough he will eventualy kill him.
6)Oh forgot we need those airpets too, albions pride since one theurgist is already running his 6sec pbt we will just invite another theurgist.
7)Ow pbaoe is cool for a group ... invite the icewizz
8)Need a plate wearing suicidal hero to protect the cloth boys abit ... invite the armsman..

So we got all what we need now. Nearsight would be nice but only cabby has that... too bad. Decent resist buffs cool but no room for the friar in that setup etc etc, who cares, specialy if you are not ab alb. I would laugh at albs too If i was a hib or a mid and post dribble how they sucked just to piss em off. Meanwhile I'll just play alb and make the best of it despite some obvious flaws in the realms abilities.

There you go now the next encounter the paladin the arms and the minstrel can stick on the zerker/champ/hero/bm that purged and chase him from caster to caster smacking him up while takes down caster after caster. BUt nm really I'm tired and this discussion is as old as the game. Iime for my bed, gonna close my eyes for some sleep while some of you can close your eyes for the simple facts.

Well those are the choices we all chose.

Wardens have to give up pretty mcuh all of thier melee skill to get 6s pbt

runies have to spec Supression giving up thier decent nukes for 6s pbt.

you dont have to have 'every ability' in your grp, just the oens that matter, Speed, pbt, resists, healing, CC, end regen and tanks.

due to suck high resists, taking classes for thier nukes alone is pretty pointless (in midgard 50 dark specced runies are generally rejected from all grps), them air they ever kill anyone? :rolleyes: not as if they're needed to make a group function.

so stop blaming your realms shitty desisions on gimpness, if someone specs "COS THEY WANNA N000k HARD" then they can't expect to be very grp friendly etc


arthwyr: you flaming fucking retard, albs aint the gimps you want them to be. Piss off damn moron stuck in whinemode like a broken lp-player.

hib classes have the most utility, they HAVE the best spells in the best/only decent speclines, but for fucks sake your not fucking fairies with wet sallad for weapons are you?

(soruzi, please make a vid of mlf foitin so albs can get out of their infinate whineloop)


Originally posted by Arnor2
(soruzi, please make a vid of mlf foitin so albs can get out of their infinate whineloop)

heh im sure NP r doing just fine as albs. but i think if they're honest, i suspect they will admit it isnt as easy to own with alb chars as it is with hib or mid chars...

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