Albs are you really that skillless?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Illudian said:
Dont overrate amnsesia.

I am not overrating amnesia, I am saying in conjunction with a pet that a warlock shouldn't beat a sorc 1v1, what can a Warlock do just stand there wait for range, a sorc cn leave pet on stay amnesia and generally annoy the warlock till he intiates the fight. As a side note amnesia is awesome on classes tbh a brilliant tool to use.

A warlock can kill one person instantly, tho tbh never seen this happen in Thidranki if the opponent is kitted out well. In the grand scale of things a warlock is not more overpowered than a sorc, both in group and when running solo as how often do you have a 1v1?

Krall in Thid I firmly believe that mid is not easymode, at end game yea it is head and shoulders above the rest at the moment. Just because you can't get healers in a decent group then it doesn't mean none exist.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
A warlock has his chamber, true, but after that it is 4 seconds fixed cast spells. I'd much rather take a spiritmaster, runemaster or bonedancer in a group than a warlock. Let's just see how Alb casters do against a warlock. The following scenario's are simplified, I am aware that the warlock can get up to 2 uninterruptible nukes off after being hit. In this case the non-lifetap casters will probably die of the dot after they have killed the warlock.

Sorcerer meets warlock scenario: sorcerer meets warlock, warlock blows chamber. Sorcerer mezzes, puts pet on warlock. Sorcerer lifetaps lost hp back.

Theurgist meets warlock: warlock chambers, theurgist mezzes. Theurgist pets the warlock, warlock is perma-stunned. Theurgist nukes warlock down.

Firewizard meets warlock: Firewizard casts bolt, gets hit by chamber, quickcasts bolt - warlock dead. If not, he just has to nuke one more time.

Cabalist meets warlock: warlock blows chamber, quickast lifedrain and pet warlock. Lifedrain the warlock down.

Midgard is most certainly not easymode in Thidranki. They have arguably the weakest groups and are about even with Hibernia when it comes to realm vs realm. Albion wins in this department not because of numbers, but because they have ae-mezz on a damage dealing and therefore popular class (dark sm mezz doesn't count, since you're out of it before you realize). Solo every realm has it's overpowered characters.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
noblok said:
A warlock has his chamber, true, but after that it is 4 seconds fixed cast spells. I'd much rather take a spiritmaster, runemaster or bonedancer in a group than a warlock. Let's just see how Alb casters do against a warlock. The following scenario's are simplified, I am aware that the warlock can get up to 2 uninterruptible nukes off after being hit. In this case the non-lifetap casters will probably die of the dot after they have killed the warlock.

Sorcerer meets warlock scenario: sorcerer meets warlock, warlock blows chamber. Sorcerer mezzes, puts pet on warlock. Sorcerer lifetaps lost hp back.

Theurgist meets warlock: warlock chambers, theurgist mezzes. Theurgist pets the warlock, warlock is perma-stunned. Theurgist nukes warlock down.

Firewizard meets warlock: Firewizard casts bolt, gets hit by chamber, quickcasts bolt - warlock dead. If not, he just has to nuke one more time.

Cabalist meets warlock: warlock blows chamber, quickast lifedrain and pet warlock. Lifedrain the warlock down.

Midgard is most certainly not easymode in Thidranki. They have arguably the weakest groups and are about even with Hibernia when it comes to realm vs realm. Albion wins in this department not because of numbers, but because they have ae-mezz on a damage dealing and therefore popular class (dark sm mezz doesn't count, since you're out of it before you realize). Solo every realm has it's overpowered characters.

gr8 points mate, tbh these days all i really see in thid is for
hib) vamps/ bards/ ench / bansh/ and a few tanks with the odd soloers
alb) theurgs/wizzies/sorcs/minstrals/heretics/and the few mercs
mid)skalds /Sb/ and the odd few casters

tbh there is now class that is unbeatable...
but i must say the 2 healers in mid shamans and healers are very hard to come by... very very hard... try lookin for haste :(, this is the reason why mid loses out in Grp Vs Grp, i cant count the amount of times ive Pa`ed a caster ran to watch him die of poisns on health bar wen i suddenly see it fly up again.. not QQ but i would like to see more support classes in mid even it out a bit


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
noblok said:
A warlock has his chamber, true, but after that it is 4 seconds fixed cast spells. I'd much rather take a spiritmaster, runemaster or bonedancer in a group than a warlock. Let's just see how Alb casters do against a warlock. The following scenario's are simplified, I am aware that the warlock can get up to 2 uninterruptible nukes off after being hit. In this case the non-lifetap casters will probably die of the dot after they have killed the warlock.

Sorcerer meets warlock scenario: sorcerer meets warlock, warlock blows chamber. Sorcerer mezzes, puts pet on warlock. Sorcerer lifetaps lost hp back.

Theurgist meets warlock: warlock chambers, theurgist mezzes. Theurgist pets the warlock, warlock is perma-stunned. Theurgist nukes warlock down.

Firewizard meets warlock: Firewizard casts bolt, gets hit by chamber, quickcasts bolt - warlock dead. If not, he just has to nuke one more time.

Cabalist meets warlock: warlock blows chamber, quickast lifedrain and pet warlock. Lifedrain the warlock down.

Midgard is most certainly not easymode in Thidranki. They have arguably the weakest groups and are about even with Hibernia when it comes to realm vs realm. Albion wins in this department not because of numbers, but because they have ae-mezz on a damage dealing and therefore popular class (dark sm mezz doesn't count, since you're out of it before you realize). Solo every realm has it's overpowered characters.

Except that the Warlocks insta bolt and DoT interupts. And given that the opposing caster probably had to blow his quickcast early in the fight and with Thid casting times being what they are..... all the Warlock does is turn on his heels and runs till DoT kills or kites as required.


Jan 22, 2005
noblok said:
A warlock has his chamber, true, but after that it is 4 seconds fixed cast spells. I'd much rather take a spiritmaster, runemaster or bonedancer in a group than a warlock. Let's just see how Alb casters do against a warlock. The following scenario's are simplified, I am aware that the warlock can get up to 2 uninterruptible nukes off after being hit. In this case the non-lifetap casters will probably die of the dot after they have killed the warlock.

Sorcerer meets warlock scenario: sorcerer meets warlock, warlock blows chamber. Sorcerer mezzes, puts pet on warlock. Sorcerer lifetaps lost hp back.

Theurgist meets warlock: warlock chambers, theurgist mezzes. Theurgist pets the warlock, warlock is perma-stunned. Theurgist nukes warlock down.

Firewizard meets warlock: Firewizard casts bolt, gets hit by chamber, quickcasts bolt - warlock dead. If not, he just has to nuke one more time.

Cabalist meets warlock: warlock blows chamber, quickast lifedrain and pet warlock. Lifedrain the warlock down.

Midgard is most certainly not easymode in Thidranki. They have arguably the weakest groups and are about even with Hibernia when it comes to realm vs realm. Albion wins in this department not because of numbers, but because they have ae-mezz on a damage dealing and therefore popular class (dark sm mezz doesn't count, since you're out of it before you realize). Solo every realm has it's overpowered characters.

Not a bad post but alot of this is wrong..

Scenario one - any decent warlock will know how to beat a sorcerer at range, extended range spell and nearsight is the perfect tactic, if the warlocks gets this in then the sorc is dead, the warlock will do his work and theres not much a sorc can do - though as both the classes are pretty even when it comes to solo, it really depends on how good the player is, your average warlock will only know 3 or 4 buttons :p

Scenario two - Theurgists can be a pain but nearsight tactic will again best the Theurgist though with the annoying pet spam this class is more likely to succeed in winning

Scenario three - yes you are correct, any good, hard hitting wizz can bolt a warlock down but with the lack of tools there isn't much one can do. If the WL gets his/her DoT in the wizz is out of it, furthermore, nearsight tactic with insta cast and chambers will ensure that the WL has an easy victory - when I played my WL in thid wizards were an easy target, and being on both ends of the WL experience I do have a good idea on this.

Scenario four - well I may be a bit biased on this as I do play a cabalist in thid but what I can say is that this should be an even fight, it depends who gets nearsight on first, the caba can set his/her pet on the WL and depending which one it is, and the circumstances the caba can use this to their advantage, but the warlock always has the chambers/DoT/uninteruptable and powerless cast so its a close call.

I agree on the last bit though, mid groups are argueably the weakest in thid, though boasting an amazing tank train (hello Berserker/Savage trains) but when it comes to mezz Midgards Healer is on the bottom of the food chain though with the utility some of your classes hold their is certainly potential there and a decent mid group can beat anything alb/hib has to offer, vice versa for the other realms too I guess.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
TBH if you are basing it on soloing then a warlock and sorc will be at a stalemate, just put pet on stay and wait till warlock moves then attack it warlock screwed, or warlock stays there and does nothing. A sorc can then kill more than 1 person where as a warlock pretty much can't.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Rookiescot said:
Except that the Warlocks insta bolt and DoT interupts. And given that the opposing caster probably had to blow his quickcast early in the fight and with Thid casting times being what they are..... all the Warlock does is turn on his heels and runs till DoT kills or kites as required.
Warlocks do not have an instant bolt in Thidranki. Due to the opposing caster casting a lot faster than the warlock (~3s modifyable versus 4s fixed cast) it is highly unlikely that the caster would have to blow his quickcast earlier than the chamber. If he did, his reactions were a lot slower than those of the warlock and he deserves to lose.

Dorimor: Since I've never explained a warlock, could you explain this to me? :) The extended range in Thidranki is only 1750 range, which is shorter than cabalist nearsight (2300), wizard bolts (1875) and sorcerer area mezz (1875). The 250 range advantage should also be covered relatively fast by a theugist with speed and considering the warlock has to combine his NS with a 4s fixed cast spell (right?) the theurgist might get a mezz off before the WL nearsights.

If the warlock has the nearsight chambered, he won't have a dot chambered and the other caster should be able to cover the 375-470 range lost due to NS in time for only 1 (duo of) spell to land, in which my scenarios still hold true. The warlock will also perform poorly against tanks with this chamber up. At least, that's how I see it, feel free to correct me :).

I think we can agree though that warlocks aren't exactly overpowered in Thidranki?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
noblok said:
I think we can agree though that warlocks aren't exactly overpowered in Thidranki?

One of them dotted my cabalist once, and then staffed me, interrupting me and preventing from lifetapping :( I was killed by the insta-dot.


Jan 22, 2005
noblok said:
Dorimor: Since I've never explained a warlock, could you explain this to me? :) The extended range in Thidranki is only 1750 range, which is shorter than cabalist nearsight (2300), wizard bolts (1875) and sorcerer area mezz (1875). The 250 range advantage should also be covered relatively fast by a theugist with speed and considering the warlock has to combine his NS with a 4s fixed cast spell (right?) the theurgist might get a mezz off before the WL nearsights.

If the warlock has the nearsight chambered, he won't have a dot chambered and the other caster should be able to cover the 375-470 range lost due to NS in time for only 1 (duo of) spell to land, in which my scenarios still hold true. The warlock will also perform poorly against tanks with this chamber up. At least, that's how I see it, feel free to correct me :).

I think we can agree though that warlocks aren't exactly overpowered in Thidranki?

Well it depends on the spec of the Warlock, if I am correct the level 10 expanded range has a value of 2000, so only the Cabalist nearsight could beat that though I admit that with a casting time of 5s it is quite hard to land before a sorc sprints up to you and mezzes, you are correct on most of this :) But what I do not know is whether the NS stacks with Expanded Range, because the Warlock's nearsight at level 10 has a range of 1500 (the only one acessable in thid) so that could make an impressive range of 3500 - so a 10 Witchcraft 21 Hexing spec warlock could do all of what I said above (if the NS stacks with expanded range) I could be completely wrong on this so please give me your input

Again this depends on spec a warlock can have two chambers in thid but that does mean their damage sucks, infact I don't think they'll have enough spec points left for nearsight so yes you are correct again I guess.

Definatly, Warlocks don't shine very well in Thid though they can be a dangerous class.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
I see. I only considered the 22 Hex- 9 WC spec :). Anyway, I would say it is impossible to land a 5s cast time spell with a mere 125 range advantage. Against the theurgist things may be different, but if the theurgist manages to pet at max range things should turn out in his favour :).

I did a quick google check and it seems that the range from the primer doesn't stack with the delve range from the spell, but rather overwrites it. (I kept the highlights to make it easier to find the part I quoted :))
VNboards said:
3rd Range Primer: Allowing you to throw Secondaries out at up to 2250 Units


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
noblok said:
Warlocks do not have an instant bolt in Thidranki. Due to the opposing caster casting a lot faster than the warlock (~3s modifyable versus 4s fixed cast) it is highly unlikely that the caster would have to blow his quickcast earlier than the chamber.

Eh ?

Are you trying to tell us that Warlocks dont have a chamber Bolt and DoT combo in Thid?


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Rookiescot said:
Eh ?

Are you trying to tell us that Warlocks dont have a chamber Bolt and DoT combo in Thid?
I am, they have a chamber DD+dot combo though :). Unless I'm very much mistaken you cannot load a bolt in the two lowest chambers. I might have misunderstood your post though, if you meant the boltish graphics when a chamber is released rather than a bolt spell.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
noblok said:
I am, they have a chamber DD+dot combo though :). Unless I'm very much mistaken you cannot load a bolt in the two lowest chambers. I might have misunderstood your post though, if you meant the boltish graphics when a chamber is released rather than a bolt spell.

Ah my mistake then ... I assumed the DD was a bolt cos it looked like one.
My error.

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