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- #31
TeamSpeakandChips said:ALL realms gank solo'ers, deal with it ffs. I'm tired of people moaning when they are killed solo. If I am in a group I make it so NO one is left alone solo, that is the way it was made. Hell, i just think should my group leave you alone so you can sneak in 5 minutes later and gank one of a casters or something? Everyone in Thid is a threat, so they all need to be dealt with.
That is exactly how I expected to be dealt with, too. If I am solo and I meet a FG I don't sit there and hope they leave me, I go for them. That's what BG is all about, taking it to your enemies.
You are just stupid then

Now my savage is in Leirvik BG and even there I get 1 vs 1's. oh and an ALB yes an ALB (minstrel)left me when I was on 5% hp, respect to that minstrel even tho the tower lord shot me from far.