Albs are you really that skillless?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
TeamSpeakandChips said:
ALL realms gank solo'ers, deal with it ffs. I'm tired of people moaning when they are killed solo. If I am in a group I make it so NO one is left alone solo, that is the way it was made. Hell, i just think should my group leave you alone so you can sneak in 5 minutes later and gank one of a casters or something? Everyone in Thid is a threat, so they all need to be dealt with.

That is exactly how I expected to be dealt with, too. If I am solo and I meet a FG I don't sit there and hope they leave me, I go for them. That's what BG is all about, taking it to your enemies.

You are just stupid then :twak:

Now my savage is in Leirvik BG and even there I get 1 vs 1's. oh and an ALB yes an ALB (minstrel)left me when I was on 5% hp, respect to that minstrel even tho the tower lord shot me from far. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
stop saying mids/hibs....
Mid = ez mode not too compare with hib... (yes hib has ezmode chars too blabla, go away)
ImO all realms in general suck, they all gank soloers , they all zerg, they all camp CK(albs just have CK most of the time, wonder how that happens;) )
All I know is I rox and the rest SoX ( elementry my dear zergling:twak: )


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
TeamSpeakandChips said:
I can assure you I am in no way stupid, but thanks for your concern, dipshit.

concern? I wouldnt care if you was mentally disabled or the smartest man on the earth, your still stupid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
*I got zerged, so obviously the other realm is afraid of me coz I am so uber*

One of my all time favorites :rolleyes:

It's kind of sad actually, when people give themselves so much credit.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
TeamSpeakandChips said:
Well if you yourself are so intelligent, why do you contradict yourself so ?

Get a clue, or stfu, you whinning little bitch.

Maybe read the whole sentence instead of picking a part of it..

Maybe you should get a clue..

"I wouldnt care if you was mentally disabled or the smartest man on the earth, your still stupid."

Shame you dont understand... let me brake it down for you.

The sentence means even if you was mentally disabled OR the smartest man on the earth, the way you act when replying to a message makes you look stupid. Understand idiot?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Illudian said:
the hate is strong in this thread :fluffle:
/hug to all of you.. on second thought.. not to everyone.. because I'll get a 3 day ban then :(... sooo :fluffle: to all of you :p


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Tizu said:
Today 16:00-16:30pm GMT Albs you have sooooooo much skill... not.

Hardly any mid's about (3-4 max, and they prefer to solo) and the odd NS and yet you still find the need to ZERG?

Im beside the MB and a Inconnu see me... so I run onto the bridge so me and him can fight 1 on 1, being a skilless fucktard he must of said "OMG!!111!!12112 MID!!"!1 ON ITS OWN LETS PWN WE R LEZZTOR". Guess what happens next?... YEP YOU GUESSED IT! Firewiz,2 heretics,1 Cabalist for a lone Mid?

Yes I'd understand you comming to gank me IF I was a BD but a Savage at low levels isnt very strong.

No this isnt a whine, I'm just tired to the back teeth of Alb's ZERGing in Thid theres hardly any Hib's/Mid's about yet you still zerg so you can get your 1 RP... congratz to you now they have logged.. now you can sit with your arses up against the CK playing with yourselves. (you do this anyway so you have your NPC scouts to help you because your that skillless)

Quick tip for Albs.

How to gain skill

In order to gain skill with the class you wish to use, You must first understand the class knowing its strong and weak points so you can never find yourself at a disadvantage unless jumped. You must then learn which Spells/Styles fit your play style.

Albs you dont know neither of these.

/joke off

lololololololololololololololololol!!! SOMEONE GOT KILLED

As if theyre going to listen when you call ALL albs skill-less.

Get a clue ?
50/50 ?
Ask the audience ?


Mids do it
Hibs do it
Albs do it.

its a known fact, less qq, release, try again. Dont like it play a diff char or something.
Tizzu said:
No this isnt a whine

Yes it clearly is.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Heh, and there was me logging into Thid the other day and being impressed that the Hib groups were working so well, and wasn't just everyone soloing.

Everytime I've been there with group oriented characters, I've not been able to get groups cos everyone wants to solo.

So, went there with a 24 scout, and first experience was me (and three other soloers), being first mezzed, then stunned, then assisted down by a hibbie full group.

It's the way the game is played, get used to it ! Sounds like the unwritten Thid rules (used to get hate tells from Albs if I tried to form a group) are being re-written since the Cluster !



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
Rookiescot said:
Meh want teh pharm wit instacast pwn toon.

Ermm no .... you get a clue....Mids whine on these boards even though you hold ALL the advantages in character types and insta abilities.

Please ..... you want you cheese with that whine?

k..... mate try take on a good theurg and then tell me mids are OP


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
aika said:
bd drops pretty fast on theurg , quickcast mez, send 3 pets, bd in permastun, nuke him down :D

Easier said than done tbh :p

P.S at least I dont need to zerg because one on one im unbeaten save if I came accross a souped up buffed BD and yes I will be cocky and challenge anyone to that quota because I really dont care. Sorry to the Heroine that died tonight from the reaver, never meant to give you an xp death but we had to clean up before bed :( actually wanted to leave you tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
soze said:
Thoses hibs are clearly all soloing in a very small zone they are bound to cross paths once in a while!

yes errr totally agree, even better when a fg steam rolls you and you get a /laugh like "yeah you were no match for my mighty stlong skillz" ....bit like essex rude boiys tbh :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2005
Rookiescot said:
Meh want teh pharm wit instacast pwn toon.

Ermm no .... you get a clue....Mids whine on these boards even though you hold ALL the advantages in character types and insta abilities.

Please ..... you want you cheese with that whine?

like boltrange mezz?:worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Infanity said:
its a known fact, less qq, release, try again. Dont like it play a diff char or something.

No mid character can kill a FG of albs ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
krall said:
like boltrange mezz?:worthy:

Oh please .....try facing a Warlock in Thid and then moan about bolt range mez.
Try facing a buffed to the tits Bonedancer who exploits run-through and then moan about bolt range mez.

Mid is easy mode....
Buffbotted Mids are Counterstrike wannabe's.

(Although I will add that I find all buffbots disgusting regardless of realm).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Rookiescot said:
Oh please .....try facing a Warlock in Thid and then moan about bolt range mez.
Try facing a buffed to the tits Bonedancer who exploits run-through and then moan about bolt range mez.

Mid is easy mode....
Buffbotted Mids are Counterstrike wannabe's.

(Although I will add that I find all buffbots disgusting regardless of realm).

Like try grouping!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Infanity said:
Or maybe he doesnt like to ?

Well if he doesn't like to he can't judge what is overpowered in Thidranki fairly, ae bolt range mezz is far superior to a warlock!


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Staffzor said:
Well if he doesn't like to he can't judge what is overpowered in Thidranki fairly, ae bolt range mezz is far superior to a warlock!


A sorc runs in must face and CAST in thid.

Cast time in thid is nothing compared to level 50, but warlocks is still INSTANT on the chambers,

By the time the sorc gets in range (which they barely get in from boltrange anyway in thid) the warlock has ran that extra yard and mashed his keyboard up, and won.

Grouping in thid can be often shit, And just because you solo, Doesnt mean you know fuck all less.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Infanity said:

A sorc runs in must face and CAST in thid.

Cast time in thid is nothing compared to level 50, but warlocks is still INSTANT on the chambers,

By the time the sorc gets in range (which they barely get in from boltrange anyway in thid) the warlock has ran that extra yard and mashed his keyboard up, and won.

Grouping in thid can be often shit, And just because you solo, Doesnt mean you know fuck all less.


Like omgoose amneasia and pet > warlock


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2005
Mid is easy mode....yes if ppl grped, and there was any healers in Thid, but there is non, coz thouse of us that have tryed it - know how it sux - when ppl don't respect that u dont have endless power, and/or keep breaking one's mezz(Thanes and F8 BD's ::drink: ), or charge up to CK. To be easy mode u need more than one healer, and roaming ppl, coz most mid tend to roll tanks or BD's.

Easy mode can allso be 2-3 thurgs, fire wizzs, sorc's and scouts on a keep wall. All whit a range that rox's+ adding inf's. Can't blame u for that coz it works really well..Due to the lack of mid healer's u could even make good tank/mix'd grps.

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