Albion's not at its best atm, nor does this help.

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Originally posted by Kahland
u r a newbie, im gonna scam you alot in ffxi 8]

im gonna play it just to scam you and your acc 8]

if you'll play it ? :b

anyhow youre a retard and fo, because youre a newbie though you have played "long?" because you suck :E

Learn to speak English please.


Originally posted by Turamber
Thank god there aren't so many of you in the US.

I think you will find there are even fewer if you stick to the boards of the servers you actually play :)

(Jeez, its like that templar thing all over again.)

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by oldgoblin
I'm not trying to get rid of TLW raids as they do help some - but to say the whole realm stretches it a little far.

And this whole thing started cos some people decided to go way over the top on a fg raid daring to take 3 bosses out the way.
If you think the reaction to that wasnt a little over the top then thats up to you.
But if the game is coming to people being flamed like this cos they slightly affected 1 of 2 weekly (fortnightly maybe an idea) raids then thats greed. 3 bosses out of 10 when u do it 2 tiimes a week doesnt deserve the reaction it got.

1. Some? Far? The mod's list probably has 700 names just for the fun of it ye ;\

2. WHY are people talking about 3. I don't get it. They started at 12pm gmt and had a repop allready and killed them the second time, afaik.

3. Seems to be pointless to do anything on/for albion.

4. Could reply to many of these ignorant posts, to put it bluntly C B F A To.

Oh and the fact that being told that they would be out before the tlw raid and we getting the "repop" really interferes with the nice guy thing, when I get "we pay to play" etc blab after I asked "still in sidi?"

Gwydion's a retard.
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