Albions are greedy, money grabbing c**ts. Discuss.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Not really much to discuss. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some of the people in this realm? 7p for a respec stone? 15p for Golly's remains? 15p for a frickin' longbow? If a GS Mantle were up for sale the minimum asking price would be something in the region of 10-20p no doubt whereas in Hibernia the asking price is a mere 4.5p (starting bid). I mean, jeezus, what is wrong with some of you greedy motherfuckers?

Actually, to be fair, it isn't everyone in Albion that is to blame. There are some very decent guys and gals out there who sell their loot at a fair price and some are practically giving it away because they realise that someone else could make better use of it than them. I don't mean to paint them with the same brush.

Ach...well, that is me rant over and done with. Ta ta.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Sissyfoo said:
Not really much to discuss. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some of the people in this realm? 7p for a respec stone? 15p for Golly's remains? 15p for a frickin' longbow? If a GS Mantle were up for sale the minimum asking price would be something in the region of 10-20p no doubt whereas in Hibernia the asking price is a mere 4.5p (starting bid). I mean, jeezus, what is wrong with some of you greedy motherfuckers?

Actually, to be fair, it isn't everyone in Albion that is to blame. There are some very decent guys and gals out there who sell their loot at a fair price and some are practically giving it away because they realise that someone else could make better use of it than them. I don't mean to paint them with the same brush.

Ach...well, that is me rant over and done with. Ta ta.

this is what private focus pullins sidi raids and small dragon raids brought to all accept that (the focus shit i mean) now accept that......
now no more focuspull so i expect the times will go a bit up cause very few ppls gonna waste 5 hours on a raid...not when they can make a profit of 30p from the raids that they have done in the past...
we accept that now we gonna sit on the "stick"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
How can you moan about what someone charges for an item they have earnt? Search the CMs for a cheaper one or, God forbid, go on a raid yourself :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Actually, small Dragon raids made stone prices drop :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Is true tho was looking for a realm respec stone , it varies from 1,9 P (got that one) till 6P most go for 2P
plenty of those so the 6p versions will rott in the merchent tho.

Good thing is The Market Explorer works great.
price of items will become more inline now that you can compare them on those lists.

Still remains items which are rare but thats normal if it is higher price.


Dec 23, 2003
Yussef said:
Actually, small Dragon raids made stone prices drop :p

I sell mine for 3p full respec and RA and single 2p ^^

Kenshee Himura

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Well tbh u should blame the ppl that actually pay insane amounts for those items...
I can understand u pay a plat or 2 for sidi items, but more then that is a wast specially since it's all gonna be junk in 2 weeks :)
It's simple economics much demand for few items = high price


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Its just simple supply and demand.

If you want to see cheaper respec stones (or dragon head trophies) arrange a few dragon raids. Worked well a few months ago when people complained over the same thing.

The other items you chose to whine about are fairly rare, so of course sell for inflated prices.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
the price of something is precisely the amount that someone will pay for it ;)

albion is rich, midgard is richer, hibernia is poor (if you count the total amount of plat floating around)

albion has necros
midgard has DF 90% of the time

so, people are willing to pay more for things.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
its a free market. if the price is to high ppl wont buy the items.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Sissyfoo said:
Not really much to discuss. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some of the people in this realm? 7p for a respec stone? 15p for Golly's remains? 15p for a frickin' longbow? If a GS Mantle were up for sale the minimum asking price would be something in the region of 10-20p no doubt whereas in Hibernia the asking price is a mere 4.5p (starting bid). I mean, jeezus, what is wrong with some of you greedy motherfuckers?

Actually, to be fair, it isn't everyone in Albion that is to blame. There are some very decent guys and gals out there who sell their loot at a fair price and some are practically giving it away because they realise that someone else could make better use of it than them. I don't mean to paint them with the same brush.

Ach...well, that is me rant over and done with. Ta ta.

Well if u don´t like the prices make some raids u'r self and make sure that the ppl who join in sell it cheap...... I was at houseing zone earlyere today... I saw 1!!! full respec stone to less then 7p... and it was 6.5p...

Maybe if u made some raids u'r self and sold em all to 3p u make more ppl happy and force ppl who realy need the money now to sell the stuff cheaper....

but meny ppl are not in a rush to sell therfor they take higher prices.

if u don´t like it... either :

1: Do something about it
2: Stop whineing



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Missing the point, boys and girls. I don't actually want or need any of those items. What I am complaining about is the fact that people feel the need to charge ridiculously high prices for items. Seems a shame that some people feel the need to screw their realm mates over for a bit more cash instead of helping them out.

And, yea, I do sell my respec stones for 2-3p or swap them for an item that I need. The same goes for all anything else I happen to be selling. MP weapons are usually 2-2.5p and 99qua weapons are 150g-250g.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Combination of necro + buffbots are to blame ...

Necromancer + L50 buffbot + LGM crafter = RICHES :eek:

Excessive cash = Inflation in all equipment. Who needs DF when you can chain pull reds for L51 gear that salvages into 10th level materials?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Sissyfoo said:
What I am complaining about is the fact that people feel the need to charge ridiculously high prices for items.
Theyre not ridiculous if people are willing to pay them


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
problem is the huge gap wich is growing more and more every day between casual gamers and hardcore gamers
but for the rest its just a skool example of econimics


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
supply and demand at its best :x

they theoretically should balance out at an equilibrium if u leave it alone

monetarist forever!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
how much could i get for my sidi robe, cant really wear it as it would mess up my template too much and i cant afford to get new stuff, still not even got any abalatives on the armour.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
To be honest I think DAoC has the closest thing to a stable economy I have seen in any on-line game so far, things like DF seals and respec stones have kept a fairly consistant and solid asking price for a long time now and the amount of work to profit ratio is not that far off.

Necromancers I admit have upset the balance a little but I think its unfair to blame small sidi raids and focus groups as in the end the more Sidi items flooding the market the less rare they become and therefore the cheaper the prices as people start under cutting each other to sell. Alot of sidi weapons are now several plat or more cheaper then what they used to be, specially with everyone anticipating the ToA crap thats about to come, and then see what that does to sidi prices.

If someones willing to spend 5-6 hours of there life trying to tackle an epic dungeon meant for 100+ people with a small group of friends to get themselves some loot then I say good luck to them and they can ask what they want for it, people wont buy it if they think its unreasonable.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sissyfoo said:
Missing the point, boys and girls. I don't actually want or need any of those items. What I am complaining about is the fact that people feel the need to charge ridiculously high prices for items. Seems a shame that some people feel the need to screw their realm mates over for a bit more cash instead of helping them out.
God you sound as bad as the guy that i charged the standard SCer prices too e.g. "you should charge me cost price, i'm a realm mate". God no, there's buyers and sellings, they either earn the items and sell them, or buy cheap and sell expensive.

If they choose to sell something very high then good on them if they get a buyer, if they don't get a buyer it either forces them to drop the price or keep them.

A item is worth what someone will pay for it, not what someone tries to sell a item for.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
been selling full respecs on our cm for 3p but tbh they selling so fast the price will be going up in future (a bit) :)

but 7p-10p for a stone is pure 100% greed imo :kissit:

sure some ppl can afford it, alot can't tho.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Konah said:
been selling full respecs on our cm for 3p but tbh they selling so fast the price will be going up in future (a bit) :)

but 7p-10p for a stone is pure 100% greed imo :kissit:

sure some ppl can afford it, alot can't tho.
if ppl cant afford they should go to dragon raids and such. i dont think anyone will pay 7p on alb/excal for a full respec anyway as you said your and lots more selling for 3p~ if the demand is so big for full respec stones and they are getting rarer they will be worth more then 3p.

farming money aint hard and 3p dont take that much time to get. nor 7.
if ppl dont want to pay what the items are worth they are the greedy ones.
if i was gimp speced id pay 7p for a respec stone or go to a raid to get one if that was the price for it in gereral.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
ppl spend time on raids/Crafting/farming.... why should they not be allowed to earn money on it ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
I agree with Sissyfoo on this one tho, people rather recieve insane amounts of cash instead of helping their realm mates out a bit.
I do respect some people will like to get some reward for the efforts they make, but some people are just plain overdoing so.

However this has been like this from the start, and will always be like this i think. *Thinks back to times at beginning of release when some people charged for rezzes* :touch:

However i do think that with the coming of the Market Explorer things will change quite a bit and prices will gradually drop.
It's so easy to compare items now, that the ones with too high prices will stay at the CM forever and people will HAVE to lower the prices on them to get at least some money for it. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I'm not sure whether or not I joined some commie realm here.
Prices are based on supply and demand. People who have done stuff in the interest of Albion in the passed have been slagged off like no tommorow (Falcors open raids for example).
The market tool is great, lets you search all CM's that are listed. So just look around. If you cannot find the item it might mean that people actually want it themselves. Or if the price is really high, it might mean that you would actually have to pay that price. Shock and horror.
If someone takes the time and trouble to farm a lot of plats to make sure they are able to get a certain item, instead of hoping on luck and joining every single open sidi raid there is, then it is their good right to do so.
And why bitch about necro's and their buffbots? You know how boring it gets to farm for cash or pl? Damn, I cannot stand more than 1-2 hours of pl at a time. RvR is much more fun.
And people who have to farm have less time to rvr, so they have to give up something to obtain something. Which is how it should be.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Pin said:
People charge what people pay.

As long as there are people with more money than sense who will pay ridiculous amounts for an item they just have to have, there will be people who will try to take advantage by asking ridiculous amounts for such items.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
About respec stones I can speak for myself and say that the 2 of each stone in my CM priced at 10/5 p is mostly coz im out of vault space and my CM is my vault to.
If ppl think its greed, so be it. The price I set is to prevent it from being sold.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Sissyfoo said:
There are some very decent guys and gals out there who sell their loot at a fair price

So why on earth are you paying what you consider to be unreasonable prices then?

ffs etc.

Also, if what you say is true - why not do something about it by farming the more of items in question thereby reducing the market price?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
judas said:
farming money aint hard and 3p dont take that much time to get. nor 7.

For some people 7p does take a lot of time. The average casual gamer who plays for a couple of hours a night depends on albion having df, then having the right group, then having df not too camped to farm that it can take weeks. For the average powergamer Im sure it aint a problem..but it really isnt as easy as people make out.

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