Albion wants a leader


Zag Barr

Albion can't be lead by one person. Not only can no one stay awake 24/7 and play all that time, any one who tries will burn out in a matter of weeks.

Leading is no fun - it's hard work. Try organize a relic raid, dragon raid or a major keep taking frenzy once. Try going thru preperation phase for 2 days or more, keep reminding people of what has to be done, and then go thru the hell of the actual event - which is 4+ hours of constant typing, convincing, trying to listen to all input, fixing holes ... and of course you can't fight at the same time, you won't get a chance. Ask anyone who ever lead a major event.

Furthermore there is no need for one and the same leader at all times. Every guild has at least one RvR officer, each surely has some more people who are good leaders, also every alliance has a few people who are well respected even in the other guilds.

All you need to do is a macro, that invites all those gifted people in a chatgroup. In that chatgroup agree on the main leader for the day, assign duties to certain people, and keep updating each others.

A huge crowd of 100+ people can't be lead by one man. Every group involved needs it's leader. Every leader needs some trusted people who worry about details (e.g. rams, is there enuff rams, does each ram builder have enuff carriers, do the builders know at which doors to build their rams, do the carriers know at which door to drop the materiels on their assigned builder).

So quit looking for the one leader. It won't happen.

Start looking for a system to quickly set up a communications system between those people who lead their guilds and alliances usually ... and make them get along with each others.


I agree we need not 1 leader but several all with same plan, all working together for same goal. and your right its not needed in emain so much when casual farming. All i asked when i started this post was chance to prove myself, some have given me that chance, some have worked with me in emain. people know what i can and cant do both leading and fighting. Do what you will and follow who you wish to follow, just do it for Albion and lets stop hibbys and middys laughing at us anymore


You cannot force a leader onto people, you cant push people into leadership and you can't force other people to follow you if you want to lead. As time goes by natural leaders show themselves bit by bit.

You dont just step up and try to take control of the whole of albion on ure first rvr outing because you think you know something. Leader start small, as GM's or officers in guilds usually, from there they start to show naturally to their guildmates and alliance-mates that they know what they are doing and how to do it.
Once the guild and alliance is following, other guilds can see they this particular person knows what he's doing, and more guilds become involved, eventually he'll show as a sole leader.

Finster for example was about the only real leader albion had, and he came out slowly and worked up.

He started as GM of RB, got a name for himself, then RvR outing were coordinated really well when you'd see RB, praets and GoL out in force, coordinated into positions, GoL in the middle, RB on the left and praets on the right.. They were then the top 3 rvr'ing guilds around, people would see them coordinated and gradually fall in and learn to respect what they were told to do.

It doesn't happen instantly, but it WILL happen eventually if people can learn to shut their mouths an respect the person leading at the time rather than ridiculing him/her/


Another point is just a few details on leadership..
This is unfair to those who dont fit, but its the way it is.

If you want to lead you must know where you are going, its a small point but when a leader starts shouting "Which way is this???" peope lose respect for them.
Also totally non-leadership based but a major factor is connection to daoc. If a leader goes linkdead, the people he was leading get stuck, they dont know what they should be doing or where they should be going. So leader really need to be on a connection other than a dialup with a 2hr cutoff.. This is not so important for simply roaming round emain, but when it comes to leading keep raids, relic raids and other large event that take a long time the leader needs to be online constantly. It doesn't seem like a major factor, but it is.


Guy you keep putting down what im saying... so this is it..

I have been my guild RvR officer since lvl 35 I am my alliance RvR officer at current, all these people respect and follow me with out question. all i am doing is offering to help when a leader is needed. I have learned alot from this post and i hope you lot have to. Emain dont need leaders it needs sheep, or a grp that work well together to roam. Our front needs a leader and so do relic attempts. Like i said you either want me as a leader or you dont Simple...... but dont critisise all i say plz because no one is perfeck and no one does it right all the time


Originally posted by old.FIN

and about leading opinions, Bhaak, well u starting picking me nouse also ?

Hehehehe Finny

Pick Pick Pick Pick Pick !!!!!!

what was that famous qoute of yours ???

OH yes

Go Play with your willy :)


There are shepards and sheep,

I consider myself a sheep and would be happy to be sent to the slaughter by Lac :)

Onward to fiery victories!

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