Albion wants a leader



Well actually we dont a leader for emain zergs cause they arent important indeed.

What we need is a leader for defending our own frontier and to take keeps or maybe to organise a relic raid or to defend our own relics.

Therefore we don't need a rvr uber elitist player. We need a player with a sense for our own realm. A leader dont need to have zerg tactics or things like that. He must decide what is the best for his realm. He must be able to make people follow him, he must be in a strong alliance to bring people with him.

I always see tons of players zoning to emain while the enemies block our roads in savage and take our keeps in pennines. That players should not our leaders. I dont have much Realm Points, thats true. But why, cause I dont camp for RPs. My job is in our own frontier.

So me is not following that dumb stuff. I try to organise to take keeps. Does a zerg help your realm? No. It just helps the players to gain RP. Does it defend your realm? No again.

If time of big events will be posted on BW again, I really begin to wonder why? Yes, you posted, you will suicide at the dragon, if enemies are incoming. But did you do it, while we had that battle in savage, when the mids blocked the road and made it impossible to break through even to check our own relic or to defend our keeps? No, you did not. So please, for albion, stop posting the time on BW. Use ingame communication ways to spread infos about a raid. Contact the players of the major guilds ingame. That can't be so hard.

No offend, just a suggestion. Please think about it.


along time ago in albion when everyone was still reaching towards 50 there where few main guilds and it was agreed primarly among royal bavarians, guardians of light, praetorians who our ldrs would be and it worked, damn it worked well i dont care if anyone says otherwise finster and greg did a great job at the begining.
then more guilds started becoming up and coming and thinking they should be ldrs instead infact as i remember it a completely different alliance was born cause of ppls difference of oppinion.
Thing is people even entire guilds are gonna have there own agenda but the one thing you should all agree on is your own froniter defence and for the most part albion does

the problem as i see it is yes when you all get to emain some of you start shouting orders thinking you should be number #1 but rarely does anyone of you who does, say right this is a good time to take some keeps or get a relic, soon as someone takes the initiative they disagree and start saying the complete opposite and thats the problem was certainly the problem when i was there

so my thought for the day if someone shouts something in emain or anywhere else for that matter and it sounds duable dont slag him off just to be a twat be encouraging ask him what there plan is the more support you give that person the more courage that person will have to run through with his chosen plan of action so what if it fails you tried thats all that matters and that you had fun doing it and just maybe that same person will get it right the next time this doesnt just go for albion it goes for any realm


Originally posted by Kralen
. But did you do it, while we had that battle in savage, when the mids blocked the road and made it impossible to break through even to check our own relic or to defend our keeps? .

wow 2 FG pulling relicguards.
that's really a reason to suicide on Legion :rolleyes:


I follow people who i respec.

We have some nice leaders,if someone want to lead an Alb army only needs to shows in battlefield that he/she is able.

Everyday we see like the others play, so is not difficult to find nice players.


most the time i see quite a lot of success in rvr. A cg starts up and as soon as an overall leader of the cg is nominated, things start going right (if they r followed). People need to backup the leader and help them carry stuff out else it wont work. All this is is negative stuff, remember the amount of good stuff we do too guys, don't put others down for trying, again, guide em into better light :)


If Fin takes the lead, ppl just start laughing :p

And no, i doubt there will be any leaders, cos of the massive zerg, and no one will listen :/ .. soo ..



Call me a dreamer, but I still have a vision of mids and hibs being intercepted at x-roads in HW every goddam time they port in.

Only way to do this is to have a standing force in HW - a force comprised of ppl that are not all that eager to farm emain for RP.

This force would need
-A competent tactical leader
-2-3 Scouts that can stay passively in a place and gather intel (and are not RP-horny)
-3-4 full guild groups

At this moment, only CE makes a regular presence in HW, but it is a major threat to our relics every day.
Every day we lose 1-4 keeps and it takes us 2-3 hours before we get them back.
If we get used to saying 'its only CE' when we see a deathspam in sauv or pennine we are bound to lose more relics.

Besides that, being in HW will enable us to hold Benowyc in a firm grip, preventing the enemies from using that as source for the rams that take down our keep doors every day.


as i been saying before Cowled , stop picking my nose u tart


RAH TO ODDY! Spot on there. Now who's gonna do it? :)


Originally posted by Aussie-

wow 2 FG pulling relicguards.
that's really a reason to suicide on Legion :rolleyes:

Legion? Uhm, it was the dragon, but who cares? :flame:
Be quiet Mr-Noob-Caller. How the hell, do you know there were 2 FG. Was it you who was in savage?

I made some good points in my post, but you ignore that. Doesnt matter. You just pick up the ones you need for making stupid comments.


RAH TO ODDY! Spot on there. Now who's gonna do it?

If enuf ppl find this a good idea, I will start it up from this saturday evening.

I have some ideas which I will present in due time.

All I need is 3-4 FG of albions finest and 2-3 scouts.


Hmmm… I find this kinda funny.

There are several different situations where a leader can step up. There is leading on raids – legion, dragon, etc. There is leading on keep retakes in our frontier. There is leading keep takes in Midgard (sometimes in Hib too but mostly Midgard). There is leading in defending keeps under siege. Then there is Emain…

There is no goal in Emain other than to get realm points. Really, there isn’t. Occasionally people might say LETS TAKE DC or whatever, but the main reason people go to Emain is for casual RvR and realm points. This is why it is so hard for a leader in Emain – 90% of the people there are realm point horny and they really don’t give a damn if all other Albions are wiped so long as they get their realm points. Example: leader is trying to organise something at AMG. One skald is spotted and a third of the force runs off chasing this one skald – splitting groups, splitting the force, leaving the leader there completely frustrated. Normally Mids/Hibs then wipe through the split force and maybe the leader gets flamed. Result, leader says fuck that and takes his group elsewhere. This is why we don’t have good leaders in Emain in my opinion.

The other situations are different because we have a goal that people are willing to be selfless for. Selfishness rules Emain, and I don’t think that is going to change anytime soon.


Originally posted by falcor
I try my best now and then, and have some sucess, no one is perfect tho and no tactics r flawless, had some good runs in rvr and ive done the legion raids, dunno how ppl feel i do? be honest, i dont mind.

A little too much shouting/swearing for my tastes but that's probably essential ;)

Certainly manage to keep the zerg in check a little bit :) which is damned near impossible... :)


hahaha kate is so right :D

One skald is spotted and a third of the force runs off chasing this one


Originally posted by old.Odysseus

If enuf ppl find this a good idea, I will start it up from this saturday evening.

I have some ideas which I will present in due time.

All I need is 3-4 FG of albions finest and 2-3 scouts.

Oddy sir, my email address is - You need anything? Contact me in game or via email.

In fact.. sod it... Get the email addresses of all the guilds on chronicles (dunno how but can't be rocket science..) and send an email off to the leaders when you wanna do something. That's sure as hell what I'd do. Bugger fragmented alliances, let's just do this properly and use email as a realm wide communication system.

I'll get the boys from Merry Men ready for a Saturday night HW trip. - See you all there, Nobbly Pride and Cutting 'So cutting I've hurt my finger' Edge :D


Leaders hmmmmmmmm

Albion consists of 99% wannabe leaders from what i can see.

" DO THIS !!!!"
" DO THAT !!!!"

Thats ALL i ever hear when entering Emain or our Frontier.

Not to mention the constant bitch bitch bitch !!

This is the reason why I am RR2 L4 (cos i usually only stay 10 mins max)

my opinions on leadership ...

FIN ------- hehe
Falcor ---- pfft
Aussie --- lmao (who put dragon raids on b/w ffs)
Zoyster and Outlaw --- Jokers
Everyone else --- hmmmmmmm

Its quite clear theres only one leader for ALbion


ME !!
ME !!
ME !!
ME !!

AND WHY U ASK ?? .................... COS I IS WELL COOL :p


The other situations are different because we have a goal that people are willing to be selfless for. Selfishness rules Emain, and I don’t think that is going to change anytime soon.

Quite agreed, though this is why I prefer Odins and Sauvage these days, Emain is only good for casual zerg-won rps. People fail to realise they'd get more rps by being ordely and following someone, no matter who they are.

I'll give any leader a chance to run things and learn from mistakes, and a leader shouldn't be judged by the actions of the zerg but from the common sense of his orders.


Rofl Rofl rofl.....every1 puts me & Outlaw together in the same sentence, but..............he sux :puke:

And I neva Said "AOE the Ubers" :D

And Us bieng that good or bad ?


Originally posted by bf_kate

There is no goal in Emain other than to get realm points. Really, there isn’t. Occasionally people might say LETS TAKE DC or whatever, but the main reason people go to Emain is for casual RvR and realm points. This is why it is so hard for a leader in Emain – 90% of the people there are realm point horny and they really don’t give a damn if all other Albions are wiped so long as they get their realm points.

Hit the nail on the head there kate... Emain is all about frag-count, not about success for the realm.

Contrast to when we have keep retaking groups in Pennines... Fin often leads in his crazy manner :) there is discussion on the chatgroup, decisions are made and then action is taken. How it should be. It's not 'yes sir!' marching in line etc. :) but it's organised. Tactics are used (taking the keeps as the enemys move forward, a feint to draw them out then an envelopment with more troops)

And it's all great fun :) probably nowhere near the RPs of your typical game of "Red Rover" in Emain (the new Armsman TL came up with that phrase... superb :)) but it's fun and that's the important bit.


Not hard to understand why the realm dont work

Sure we need a leader,BUT the idea how a leader should be is way to many.

Some say they should not fight,Ofcourse they should.

Also with all troubble i say stick with your guildies first then alliance and last of all the other's.

When you come to emain form a grp you get a few tanks a cleric and some other casters,woa you think and blast away to emain and encounter a grp and,Its more or less like this tanks run for the tanks our casters dies from there tanks cleric dont heal cuz OPS its a smiter..ends up all is dead grp disbands

So many times its like this that i dont even bother to grp with ppl i havent played with before or that i know can play.

Anyways back to the leader point,Im very sure we have ppl who can lead well maybe my self who know's but this is also a major problem if someone leads and we get wiped ppl starts to whine And again the grp's disbands it had nothing to do with the leader.

Belive me even with a good leader you die here and there aswell Many times it has nothing to do with him,But as i said before alot dont think when they play If a sorcs mezz the tanks up some idiot tanks think they supposed to run hit the mezzed tanks instead of the casters.Story goes on its alot of things that makes rvr either suck or good.

Rvr is pretty simple really if ppl just follow a few rules and use there own comon sence.

1.Always stick together no matter what if you even going to die do it together you probable take some with you instead of running of and getting killed on the run.

2.Ppl need to listen,If leader tells you to jump reply how high:p

3.You dont camp a milefort unless you can back it up with AE casters if you do without you soon all be res sick and get over runned by enemies just a matter of time.

4.When you charge Albion charge not 4-5ppl a freaking charge is a charge,This is also a real important factor that fails durring milefort wars,It ends with 10% charge when leader said charge making them all die for nothing.

5.When leader speaks the ppl shutup so all can see the info without alot of other spamming.

6.And all this tanks hitting tanks fuck that to be honest,a tank DONT attack a tank until casters are dead,I mean the tank i use to get hit for 30-200 or something some casters fire me for 600-700. Probably all get the picture tanks are np when casters are dead. This also happends and belong to the ppl dont think factor

Anyways we already have what it takes to win,simply just cant cuz of these factors i just pointed out and a few others.

This is not a overall flame or anything,I think im probably saying what many thinks already.Even tho to the guys who dont do this you should really feel hitted by this cuz alot of albs die in rvr and for nothing many times cuz you dont listen,attacking mezzed,run like newbies,scared to die,ignore others.



Some say they [the leaders] should not fight,Ofcourse they should.

no. period.

If a leader is in charge of anything more than 15-20 ppl he will completly lose both control and initiative when engaging in personal combat (I have tried it, both in RL and daoc).

Sure, you might be able to participate in that one battle, helping your comrades, but it might as well result in complete disaster because you missed that vital piece of information saying you were about to be overrun from behind.

The first thing a leader needs to accept is that he can no longer help his comrades in the way he used to.



You said you done it in RL and and daoc...

Well listen what you do in RL i dont care about..

And you dont loose control, and get attacked from behind?

Heard of scouts?

Thing is scouts supposed to keep us updated and if ppl dont spam /cg with hey hey,YO,SUp,WHAT NOW!.. etc i will see what is to come wont i?..

Besides even with good leader or bad leaders dosent mean you wont get in to traps once and a while.

Anyway i like that you share your thought's


Originally posted by old.Odysseus

no. period.

If a leader is in charge of anything more than 15-20 ppl he will completly lose both control and initiative when engaging in personal combat (I have tried it, both in RL and daoc).

I was in NAM


Originally posted by old.Zoyster

And Us bieng that good or bad ?

Nahh m8y nothing wrong with being a Joker :D

As long as that Joker dont talk utter crap

Then they will get my attention :D


You said you done it in RL and and daoc...

Well listen what you do in RL i dont care about..

And you dont loose control, and get attacked from behind?

Heard of scouts?

Thing is scouts supposed to keep us updated and if ppl dont spam /cg with hey hey,YO,SUp,WHAT NOW!.. etc i will see what is to come wont i?..

Besides even with good leader or bad leaders dosent mean you wont get in to traps once and a while.

Anyway i like that you share your thought's

Maybe you dont care what I do in real life, but surely you understand that any form of experience related to this kind of action can only be an asset.

Have I heard of scouts? Well you could read some of my previous posts, more specifically the part where I explicitly include 2-3 scouts as part of my plans.
Scouts are the eyes and ears of any army, but one would be naive in believing that the use of scouts alone can ward off every unforeseen situation.

And as much as I hate repeating myself, a leader cannot and must not engage in combat himself if he wishes to maintain tactical initiative.

Long talk, still awaiting if some guilds other than Merry Men and Dragon Knights are interested in my idea.

babaluna VII

i agree with Ody !

but hell who am i .....


Wel had fun today at emain, from 12 cet to 20 cet ....

and we had goal, we worked on that , and we had fun, then more peeps entered emain, and didnt wanna follow/listen

well i stopped there, 2 releases, 20K, and most of peeps didnt even die on those 8 hours..

and actually we played at breifine, not emain

and no, i didnt think about RP, they come when u win battles.

and about leading opinions, Bhaak, well u starting picking me nouse also ?



posted by raven3

Surprising I did not see the names of zoyster and outlaw here...

Arent they power hungry muppets who only deal orders in benefit of their own realm rank?
Or is that not what we are looking for?
Very hard to understand why some people still listen to those 2 ...

Ohh no... Albion is not that stupid ... yet ...

Those who are happy as a paladin because they manage to be successful in what they undertake were meant to play the class. Those who dont, well, weren't.


shaddap fool :cool:

btw who r u?

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