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- #31
I suggest you watch Quicksilvers movie ;/
Sorry to burst your bubble Repent, but Mids are zerging like the best of them.
Mythic should just make interesting rvr areas, which is what they are currently doing. Shame GoA will have to translate it for all those French and German people who are too lazy to learn English, making us wait longer
Regards, Glottis
Originally posted by AoE HoE
ffs its a realm vs realm game not just team vs team... u wat tvt go play cs/tf.
do u see Bush invading iraq with 1 squad?
instant ae stun beats all..how many times u seen hibs pbaoe full group of ppl?
Originally posted by m4rk
It's well known that 1FG Albs have no chance vs 1FG Hibs/Mids (unless they are lucky, or playing n00bs)
Alb just has abilities spread over too many chars :/
Originally posted by AoE HoE
ffs its a realm vs realm game not just team vs team... u wat tvt go play cs/tf.
do u see Bush invading iraq with 1 squad?
instant ae stun beats all..how many times u seen hibs pbaoe full group of ppl?
Originally posted by Repent Reloaded
Emain has always been the zerg area, albion has always had more then Mid & Hib.
. I've been going RvR alot over the last two weeks to get my shaman some RA's and every day of it emain was zerged by 3 - 5 fg of Albions. Each day Midgard couldnt get close to 4 fg, it was mainly two or three if lucky, same went got Hibernia.
do u reckon there is a soulution to this or should i fuck off to WoW and SWG ? Yes pls do
Originally posted by Kallio
Alb groups can be as effective as mid/hib groups, you should just have the right class combination. Ask Raid, he talks all the time about his Pryd/alb group whooping the floor with mids.
Yeah, and savages are *a bit* too good
But, making a solid group is a lot harder in alb than in mid. they still have the same potential if played right.
I find it also a bit stupid myself cause when we meet a fg albs most of time I can safely think, ah! Free rp![]()
It's all part of a cunning plan to make Mids and Hibs think we're not as good as we really are and enable us to catch them offguard!... :uhoh:Originally posted by -Nuked-
its funny he is in First Cohort as most of my best 1FG vs 1FG battle's are with the very same guild![]()
You don't HAVE to be in an RvR guild to be able to get 2 Mercs, 2 Clerics, a Minstrel, a Friar, a Paladin and a Sorc together to make a good group. If you can't get a Sorc, take an Air Spec Theurgist along instead... a good Theurgist mezz, while not as good as a Sorc one, is still useful if you have a good Theurgist who can land it nice and early. If you can't get 2 Mercs, take an Arms or Reaver, or even a Wizard, instead!Originally posted by Stormm
yeah alb grps can be effective but only if ur in an RVR guild which can setup these groups, many of us are not and many of the RVR guilds arn't taking any more in atm it seems.
so most of the alb grps u bump into are pickup grps, finding a cleric, speed, and especially sorc is very hard - 2 hours + last night and not a single sorc... now you try rvr without those tools in ur grp
Originally posted by alithiel50
Building a good solid group takes patience. If you don't have the patience to wait while forming a good group....
Originally posted by AbPoon
This quote tells you why Albs are, in general, shit
The old cant do attitude ^^
Originally posted by Strapon Sally
Lets have an example just to be sure
Hib basic calsses fro balance
These 3 classes provide
speed 5
end regen
mana regen
6 sec pbt (as all wardens spec this)
both sets of resist buffs
3x heals
primary and secondary buffs
main cc
edit but albs have 3 reasonable damage dealers(if air theurgist is with 6 sec pbt so cant do anything) and mids have 1 (if runie has 6 sec pbt).
Now middy
Speed 5
end regen
2x heals
PBT (runies are rare now i know that)
primary and secondary buffs
mana regen
main CC
both sets of resist buffs
edit you have either got both sets and no cc or you have cc and only shamans resists buff (as pac/mend or aug/mend)
so far for the basic requirements hibby needs 3 classes and middy 4, now lets check albion
Thurg(rare to see anything except 10 sec pbt on this rare class)
This gives
Both resist buffs
2x heals
speed 5
end chant
primary and secondary buffs
main cc
mana crack/powersong
edit: +shield tank
So to get the correct balance alb needs 3 more classes than hibby and 2 more than middy to get the balance right for group rvr.
How long do you think you would have to wait at drum ligen for those 3 classes compared to ATK for 6 different classes?? alot longer, which is why alot of albs zerg, cause they dont wanna wait, if you have 4 hours max to play u dont wanna spend 1 hour at atk waiting for the right people.
For the 6 albion needs to fullfil balance requirements look waht mids and hibs can have
healer x3
Druid x2
Warden x2
(insert any class here)
Originally posted by Strapon Sally
Now middy
Speed 5
end regen
2x heals
PBT (runies are rare now i know that)
primary and secondary buffs
mana regen
main CC
both sets of resist buffs
Originally posted by driwen
so to conclude it all to get the around the same things that the albs have with
Thurg(rare to see anything except 10 sec pbt on this rare class)
you need:
2 healers
1 shaman
1 skald
1 warrior
1 runnie
and lookie that means that we also need 6 classes(mids have more healers but albs have more damage dealers).
for hibs i wouldnt really know as i dont know their realm to well to go into what they exactly need. But do realize that a friar isnt soley resistbuff+buffs and paladin isnt only an end chant bot(same with your other chars
Originally posted by AbPoon
Try this combo
3x merc pally mincer sorc 2x cleric
Originally posted by AbPoon
I'm not being funny Sally but from playing Alb and Mid i really cant be bothered to pick apart your group combo's
Yes the grass is greener but not quite as green as Albs might make out, classes do play out differently in game then they do on paper and your listing the whole abilitys them classes can have if they were all 50 spec in everything.
Originally posted by Strapon Sally
3xhealer, shammie, skald, zerkerx3
3 insta single heals
3 group insta heals
3 PR
say 2 pac healers
2 insta aoe stun
2 insta stun
2 insta aoe mezz
2 insta mezz
2 root
2 aoe mezz
2 aoe stun
2 stun
2 mezz
top celerity so zerks cap swing speed
resist buffs
main shammie buffs
castable end regen, shammie dies never mind end regen still stays
ichor of the deep
aoe root and single root in cave line on a different resist to healers
dot+aoe dot+aoe disease+disease+bolt
and the damage output by the middy group will eclipse the alb one by far, as it will for CC and surviveability (except when BoF is up, 30 kmin timer, middy doesnt need to rely on RA's to win in this situation).
Swap one Merc for a Frair, and you're on to a winner!Originally posted by AbPoon
Try this combo
3x merc pally mincer sorc 2x cleric
Originally posted by Strapon Sally
No were talking about the basic stuff i.e end regen/crack/cc/heals/resists buffs/pbt
no matter how u word it middy and hibernia are ultimately better off in terms of getting groups faster. paladin does very little damage and is mainly used as a guard, warrior on the other hand is a PURE tank, u know cheap ra's etc etc, typical middy group
Albion has more damage dealers? add 2 zerkers to your 4 to make it 6 like albs and then lets compare
ok thats 6 people each now who has the better damage output and better healing output??? exactly![]()
Originally posted by driwen
albion doesnt have more damage dealers but it did have more damage dealers in your group set up and you said healer resist buffs+CC i have no idea how you manage to pull that off with only 1 healer.
to be honest dump the frair get another cleric, so you got better heals + being able to give better buffs and 1 extra bof. Dump the runie and the theurgist as pbt on a caster isnt that great certainly if it is 10 sec and atm caster damage and survivability isnt that great. and the mid tanks have no way to really protect their support as they dont have slam so add a warrior and a merc to the groups.
So now you got:
now the albs have better buffs and better healing power their damage is slightly less (with post .62 zerkers), but will be made up with healing+bof. Dont forget that mids in this 6 person group do NOT have a good healer as their healer went to pac mostly so his heals wont be as good as one of those clerics will be.
You keep looking at what you are missing and dont see what you have, with paladin you have the defensive tank taken care of, which you hadnt done with the mids. And healers rarely go aug/pac so you cant count on having a cc'er with resistbuffs(that arent as good as your frairs were). [/B]
Originally posted by Strapon Sally
put it into reality
aug/mend healer
2 zerks and a skald out damage minstrel/paladin/merc EASILY, post 1.62 swop zerks for savages, the warrior you put there as there is a paladin, but we need a paladin for end regen, where as u get it on your main buffer.