Albion has risen to glory once again

  • Thread starter old.Gombur Glodson
  • Start date

old.Gombur Glodson

We got the 3 strength relics today so feel proud of you realm.
and give a big thx to Nilo the new king of Albion for organizing.
Also a big thx to the rest of you who got out of bed early


lol excellent i missed this raid but im off to go visit the relics b4 the mids do another 3am relic raid an snatch em back.



Well done Albs.

But I think it was my curse that allowed you to take the Relics ;)
Whenever I log in a keep, it's taken the other day :p

See you at a Relic Keep near you :)


Congratulations guys good raid. Now isn't this game starting to get interesting all of a sudden.

Unfortunately you do realise we are gonna have to hunt you down like the dogs you are for tainting our relic keep with your presence :p

Cya at a keep near you soon.

old.What Wobbler

Indeed thanks to all involved. Thanks Nilo for Leading an Excellent Raid. Its nice to bask in our glory for little while :)

Thanks also to The Eternal Circle Alliance. First for turning out of bed at such an ungodly time of the morning and for the enourmous amount of logistical effort and planning it took to get all them rams there.:clap:

Well done Albion.


whom is in The Eternal Circle Alliance ?


The Eternal Circle is an alliance between the following guilds:

Shadowblood Dynasty (Vestax is the leader of SBD and of the alliance)
The Dragon Senate
The 30
Lost Souls
The Black Dragon Army
Kupo Flux
Angels of Darkness

I think our raids went quite well for a spur of the moment joint venture. Both EC and Unity were planning separate raids for the same day/time, unknown to each other lol. We contacted Nilo to help with ours and that is when we found out. So we banded together and my guildmates, Fightersuntzu and What did a wonderful job with building and operating the rams we brought.

Hope that answers your question Marc :)

old.What Wobbler

Actually Nilo contacted me, the conversation went something like :-

Nilo: Do you know about this raid.
What: Which one, EC have a Relic Raid planned for tomorrow morning.
Nilo: Really, we are planning one 2.
What: OMG what time?
Nilo: meeting at 8am
What: We are to.
Nilo: We had best have a chat.

We then spent about 30mins talking about our respective plans and decided the best way forward would be for EC and SoTL the combine our forces and efforts. That said, we had support from all quarters. It was a pleasure being an Albion today :)


I stand corrected :)

Thanks for clearing that up, What :)

*still basking in the afterglow of glory*


damn I always miss the raids =)
but great work getting the relics!:clap:

and we arent in an alliance yet so we never hear about any plans, were trying to join Unity but things are going so very slow =)

but I did have fun defending the mmg for about 3 hours =)
the catapults were soo damn cool and specially when we were gonna charge my comp crashes, loads of fun =)
is it only me or do mids die easier with the relics? =)

but I think there is some more defending to be done later on tonight anyway :D


Damn... I was away for the whole weekend and missed the thrill of the action.
Well done Albion! For once we may rejoice after our numerous defeats!


I'm sorry, I know I'm posting it everywhere, but this picture still gets me giggling insanely:



That fourth trebuchet up from the bottom was mine(well, The Dragon Senates anyway) and i hope the mids enjoyed it, i enjoyed hitting them with it, especially sinister :)


I was busy taking that same photo when an arrow hit me in the ass. :)


Oh nice we lost relics..
Well nice going Alb's as I believe this adds so called "high level content" for Mid's :D
Too bad I missed the raid (like most I know) because of the early schedule. Shame really as I like beating tincans.



anyone else having trouble believing how well things went on Sunday?
The relic raid was a doddle but that was expected at 9am.. Im talking about the relic defense in Hadrians... I was hearing reports of 15 Albs taking out mobs of mids outnumbered nearly 3 to 1... I saw a small group of Albs totally destroy the Mids raiding Erasliegh, and the amount of Mids we laid to rest at the MMG in Hadrians was just silly.. I wandered down to the PK at one point there was 10 albs, blue and yellow con to me, i looked up the PK there was 10+ orange con to me Mids hiding behind thier guards like we used to do as lil grey cons :)
oh the joy....

I see people supporting each other i see teamwork, i see people not bitching at each other in the midst of battle... (with the exception of krillin :p)...... great fun was had by me, well until i got aggro'd by the girlf at about 9pm....

see you at the MMG later :).... hope the relics are still there?


Are we playing the same realm shadow ???

At the mmg in hadrians, what I saw was 20 mids (runies, thanes, hunters mostly) farming ALOT of albs on the other side.

90% of the killspam was albions dieing. Good thing there was loads of rezzers around...

Then a few of us in LOE decided we had enough and rolled over you (ie. charge and the horde will always follow)...

Zarff, you must have gotten about a million rps off those albions :rolleyes:


90% of the killspam was "Albiongeezer was killed by a Viking Jarl" .. quite funny really, I remember when it used to be "MidgardGeezer was killed by a Man at Arms" and you middies used to moan like hell about it. :rolleyes:


Viking jarl at the mmg ? Uhm I don't think so.


I'm talking about the lovley piece of MPK camping us Albs were doing at about 9pm - 10pm.


Originally posted by Fightersuntzu
That fourth trebuchet up from the bottom was mine(well, The Dragon Senates anyway) and i hope the mids enjoyed it, i enjoyed hitting them with it, especially sinister :)

Heh heh heh heh... I was controlling the bottom one for a while, shared it with Cawen Calgrath, also of the Templars - And I had great fun watching the message "You hit Zarff for xxx damage. You hit Sinister for xxx damage. You hit Blood for xxx damage." Keep popping up every 30 seconds or so :p


Sounds so exciting to use one of those things :D :D
Damn... massacre ahoy :)



Chavez, You have such a big head its soo funny...maybe you are more superior than the rest of Albion but keep it to yourself if you want to keep some respect.... If you talk down at your fellow Albions and have no respect for them you shouldnt even be here.

I arrived when the first catapult was put up, from then on it was Mid deaths here there and everywhere, my realm points were going up up up... (failure to charge when the first mids arrived led to a stale mate for about half an hour or so... they may have farmed a few but it gave us time to erect siege equiptment and turn the tables) , people i noticed kicking ass: Shane, Araudry, Singing, Reckless, Giona, Zarthan, Tyler, Choppy, Fightersuntzu (siegemaster extrodinairre).. lots of people i cant remember, and lots of people i havent seen on the battlefield before. We got a good army in the making and were starting to see some true rvr heroes of the future...

~The Gimpiltrator~
*hmph, thats what i seem to be known as by now, bah oh well*


Lmao whos talking about superior, and I *really* don't need respect from you.

I can only comment on what I saw and i had several agreeing (it was a giant gank fest) it had nothing to do with "defense of the realm".

And the only reason I seemed "harsh" in my comment was because you lot acted like a horde and didn't respond very well when some of the warlords from unity tried to talk some sense (take Vayasen for example). Now before you start on "I don't take orders from unity members bla bla" yeah I know that.

Now for the good of the realm the best we could do was to send those mids packing and thats what we did then.

I arrived when the first catapult was put up, from then on it was Mid deaths here there and everywhere, my realm points were going up up up

Those mids shot albs to pieces the entire time, on battlements and at the gates...should have logged some of the deathspam and i'm amazed you missed it ?

I'm sure you'll get ample opportunity to test your trebuchet skills in the comming days....


Chavez, you're entitled to your opinion, but so am I, and I couldn't disagree with you more. The defence of the milegate was not only valuable in that it stopped a marauding Mid army breaking into the frontier for several hours, but it was also organised : you just don't get 5 catapults up and running without a certain amount of organisation.

More to the point, this was RvR which wasn't about individual realm point scores. They're meaningless, effectively, as the Mids already have an enormous amount more realm points than the other two realms combined. It was about defence of the realm. And it worked. So what if Sinister and his chums shot a few more albions ? They weren't taking our keeps to reduce the guard at Excal, or attacking Excal itself. That's what's important. It's RvR, and not PvP.

It was a superb and committed defence. The Albion Army stood their ground and won the battle through their actions. They neither ran off to keep or PK gurads, nor charged madly through the gate to be slaughtered by a superior strength Mid force in open field. I'm not talking numbers - people who state that there were 40 Mids and 60 Albions etc etc are talking out of their backsides. There's just no way to accurately count your own side in such situations, let alone the opposition - I'm talking strength. Most of the Mids I saw were orange or red to me at lvl 44. An army like that in the open field would have ripped through the albion force.

You say people ignored the advice of the "warlords from Unity". Has it occurred to you, not just that there were plenty of guilds there not from Unity, who were listening quite happily and well to their own officers, but also that a lot of people don't actually know who the Warlords of Unity are ? They're just other players. And as you know, there are plenty of players go round /yelling and spamming. Your grunt in the field might not know who to listen to and who not, which is why large scale engagements are always more successful when run through guild or alliance groups (like your successful relic raid). My guild and the Griffons were doing what they were told to defend the milegate, and doing it well. Just because they ignored what you wanted them to do didn't make them an undisciplined horde. It actually made them good disciplined troops.

Finally, two thoughts for you to think about. Firstly, when the final charge eventually went in, the Mid force had shrunk from it's original size to a size which the Albion army could wipe out. This could possibly be because many of them left either through necessity or boredom because the defence was so successful in holding them up. Secondly, maybe one of the reasons that the remaining Mids weren't hanging around right next to the gate with their AoE spells ready for the Albion charge was because the catapults had driven them back to a spot which allowed your LoE folks through relatively unmolested.

You shouldn't so easily dismiss the efforts of fellow Albions. Just because it's not your plan, doesn't mean it's not a plan, and just because you don't know what's going on, doesn't mean there aren't others who do.

old.What Wobbler

OMG Aethelstan, I stand in awe, that was a very lucid and elequent reply.

In full agreement :)

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