Advice Alb scale farming - solo char /w realm buffs


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2011
Now about 1 week back in the game (since 2006) and at the beginning of the Dragon Quests and getting into Grimspound. Often I am farming solo or with a random person also in the area.

However, am looking for a decent spots/mobs/locations to farm scales with a solo armsman (50pole/39slash/42shield) and solo with a smite cleric (am getting both templated for RvR). For this I am looking for some advice and guidance.

Side objective is Champion exp for both and gold in general for the template (< 5 plat on my account at the moment).


P.s. I also heard something about trading the dragon quest token rewards allowing to re-use it at the dragon items merchant.. How does this work?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
At the rate scales drop it would literally be faster going to ToA and hunting elementals then salvaging all of the metal you get off them / going to housing and buying the scales.

You can also turn in the essences of afrit in hopes of getting an insane RoG people will pay through the teeth for (high healing bonus/duration normally goes well)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2011
BloodOmen, thanks for that. I tried running around in ToA, but find it a bit daunting and the travel involved I experience as downtime/time consuming.. (tbh.. the afrit scare me ;p)

As I am in Dartmoor for quests and standing I like to now and then grind mobs for something worthwhile. Hence my question for spots/mobs with decent scale drops.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
for scale farming neither of those 2 toons will be quick tbh :( if you want scale items / dragon drops an need plat., I'd be tempted to just make a new toon and get to 49 and rinse the BG quests on a toon like a scout or so.
I got a hunter to lvl49 and by the time I exp'd artie's to 10 there aswell, I had 7p+ and thats with a couple hours just grinding for artie exp couldve been 8-9p or so. From there if BG's are too slow i'd use the plat to buy ml's and get gold from the repeatable quests.

If you still set on just scale farming I'd still probably roll a scout, be 50 in a couple hours with BG's. And they are still easy to farm same lvl stuff with.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
I can't say what to farm solo with a smite cleric...probably just green giants... or dragonsworn but they agro like hell. I'd really recommend a scout/ friar/ heretic..for farming. With a friar you could take anything from multiple yellow/orj's up to the purp giants but only 1 at a time.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2011
Maxmaxx, thanks. I guess I'd still need to run the dragon quests with my armsman and cleric. However, your suggested BG farming sounds nice too. I am tempted by your scout.. never played one. However, currently I find the 45-49 BG quite challenging with all the gank groups running around.
  • Which scout spec for such farming for non-botted scout in BG would be recommended (basicly how to spec while leveling and while farming BT@49)?
  • And what spec for a friar for Dartmoor scale farming dealing with multiple yellow to single purp giants?
  • Would a Necro or Paladin work this too ( I have both at 45+)?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2011
Not many replies on above questions yet. So I thought I'd share with the Freddies where I am now in this MMORPGs lonely road to RvR readiness.

So, I was able to dig up some info from VN boards (wooohooo, google4tewhin; I really miss the active meta-community sites from back in 2006.. ah well, this has it charms as too) and my new guild ((y) Albion Avengers) on templates, specs, dragon quests etc. and piece it together.

Doing all sorts of stuff in game I decided to aim for a clear goal (2 templated toons (rejuv cleric & armsman ready for organised RvR) via the route that gives me maximum fun. While also considering an important limiting factor: game time, I came up with the following list of activities:

  1. Get my smite cleric into Dartmoor with the objective do all standing and dragon quests and farm gold/scales (Actually I like smiting lightning on mobs and respecced my RR6 Avalonian Cleric into smite enhancing realm abilities. For CL i'm going for some fighting skills from the Fighter trainer, become sort of an Avalonian Thane ;) )
  2. When bored with throwing lightning around and leaving hordes of smitten bodies behind, i'll swap to my Armsman for some of the same... (CLs into line with resist and disease/dots)
  3. When really thouroughly bored with not have a templated 50 for RvR fun ill be swapping to my BG heroes. Be it my level 46+ S/S Paladin or DS Necro or newly created lowby 24 sorc/12 theurg/10 merc/14 heretic/scout :p to level in a fun way with some RvR... and farm gold while doing that.
  4. When plenty of time and bored of 1 - 3 then I'll try my luck with some potion crafting (Alchemy?) and getting enough skill to salvage loot (still have to read up on this how to do most effectively).
  5. When got sufficient resources/dragon items, get remaining template sorted.
So what do you think? Got any advice or suggestions to make above activities more fun and/or easier with my current resources (characters/time)?? Do I overlook options to reach my goal?


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
If you want to salvage, you should not train alchemy. You should do armor, weapon and fletchering, but only those that involve metalworking. So don't make staffs in fletchering where none of the materials are metal. Make arrows. Take each of the three skills to roughly 300-350 and you will have 1000+ metalworking, enough to salvage any metal items for maximum gain.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
what CorNokz said, its insanely easy to get 1000+ Metal working these days just do as he said.

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