Agramon RVR Tonight


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Ho hum, 6 pages of whine from a good nights RvR. God help us when there's a bad one.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Aran Thule
Tried running around tonight however we kept running into just high RR groups which we dont really stand a chance against.
2 hours and all of 750rp's, this was from running around various areas but wherever we went and whatever we tried it always seemed to be dragon lords and Fru's.
How is a low RR group supposed to compete or improve, we have tried not jumping on groups fighting or killing soloers but at the end of the night we ended up frustrated and disappointed.
Were playing to have fun but we dont have a hope in hells chance of beating (or even killing any) in a opted gank group.
The only low RR albs we spotted were being supported by lords/ladies, just like everyone else we just want to have fun but last night wasnt.
So what can we do? umm nice answers only please.

Play the game as it's supposed to be played = Realm vs Realm
Kill anyone with a red name
Dont worry about the elite don't add whiners on this site
Enjoy the Game and have fun.
The Iron Wind are out most nights
Roaming Agromon
Setting towers or keeps alight
Or defending our realm
Your more than welcome to /assist us
It's allways a pleasure to /help realm mates find their feet :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Tbh was some very good fights, most of them clean. And at least sev not adding on fights when we're fighting means we get to enjoy the first fight :] Ye and rures group is tough to beat as alb castergrp :]

...well I enjoyed it at least


Dec 22, 2003
Seems AOD are still reeling over getting pwned so badly :D fun

Doromir1 go back to roleplaying on a bridge somewhere, I am sorry me and Zephina ruin your illusion of camelot being played by noble knights and grusome trolls!!

AOD, the usual, cept what you were acusing me of last time you are doing yourself this time, which is AOD all over. Infact I have made an offical AOD slogan

<Angels Of Darkness> - Do as we say, not as we do.


Jan 22, 2005
Gamah said:
Doromir1 go back to roleplaying on a bridge somewhere.

Havn't RvRed on a bridge for months, infact I have hardly RvRed at all since NF. And its dorimor, not doromir, can I post a whole dictionary page on how to say that?

And why do Severance have to gloat so much about beating AoD, is it really an occasion when you beat a good GG rather than soloers or the rog zerg? Lets face it, you're no Eclipse.


Dec 22, 2003
Don't appear to have claimed we were Eclipse oO Infact no one from our guild has ever claimed we are why bring it up? Thought it would be a low blow?..oh boo hoo I'm crying over my CareFlakes, we play for fun not to WTFPWNOMGLOLBBQ

Clearly you havn't RvR'd in months if you think AOD are a good guild xD and its funny how you can be a master soldier if you "hardly" RvR..what exactly is your definition of "hardly" Mind you suppose those kills rack up when you sit on a bridge "pwning" everyone with 1000 albs behind you :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
Slitzzz said:
Make a fotm HibKitespeedwarprunawaygrp , farm mid/alb zerg! pl your seers/caster then remake tankgrp ;)

Wow that's our plan :D


Jun 9, 2005
Dorimor1 said:
Havn't RvRed on a bridge for months, infact I have hardly RvRed at all since NF. And its dorimor, not doromir, can I post a whole dictionary page on how to say that?

And why do Severance have to gloat so much about beating AoD, is it really an occasion when you beat a good GG rather than soloers or the rog zerg? Lets face it, you're no Eclipse.

Lets face it, all your toons listed are thid ones?, you can hardly comment on 'real' rvr :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
AoD are one of, if not the, best guild on alb. Of course theres always room for improvement, but I'd like to think we give a good account of ourselves when we fight, and I'd hope most of the hibs/mids we fight would think the same. Obviously theres an issue with sev, but you didnt add on us when we were fighting last night, and nor did we add on you, so thanks for that. Made it one of the best rvr nights I can remember.

The fact is sev jumped us twice and won both times. Not a big deal in my eyes? :)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
But I know enough about the people who play in RvR.

Because you read FH? And of course FH is a very reliable source of information about people? Seems to me you are just some angry forum trolling dude.

And for the record, I havent been 'gloating' over winning against anyone.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Brite said:
rps not as good as it was farming alb zerg in emain with caster group but fg fight where nice and only a couple of adds from jupiters group which was annoying especially towards the end of a fight with rures when we where spread out and fucked due to rures run and keep running forever tictacs :p its fucking hell to play against you guys, should have heard the abuse when you added, deserved aswell. must start recording vent and stuff maybe make a video but never can be arsed :p lets hope tomorrows a better one and severance and aod can shut the fuck up and just play

<shakes head> - see post above. and stop stiring.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Brite said:
you want respect your going to have to start earning it.... and thats after you start making up for adding

one of your group members being nuked is hardly an excuse to charge in, not exactly a well known group/people and mistakes can happen, attacking because of thats is pretty stupid if you ask me or just a really bad excuse

as for the loosing comment, please.... im not going to respond to that lol

Lets chill down otherwise we will talk ourselves into adding on each other on site, which we really dont want. Again I go back to my first post in this thread. Weve had some good scraps in the past, weve each cut each other a bit of slack and made the odd mistake. So lets keep it civil and do our best (under the circumstances) to respect each other fg/fg fights.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
scarloc said:
AoD are one of, if not the, best guild on alb. Of course theres always room for improvement, but I'd like to think we give a good account of ourselves when we fight, and I'd hope most of the hibs/mids we fight would think the same. Obviously theres an issue with sev, but you didnt add on us when we were fighting last night, and nor did we add on you, so thanks for that. Made it one of the best rvr nights I can remember.

The fact is sev jumped us twice and won both times. Not a big deal in my eyes? :)

Aye, NFD GG1 have had some fun fights against AoD when rvr seemed devoid of enemy groups who respected fg fights. ta :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
voice comms, opted group setup, toaed templates, higher mls (get all the toys) higher RR, playing together more, practice (so you can target luris on inc and know which of the three kobolds who just hit MoC you should be going for).

That's about it ;)

you missed the roll hibs/mids part


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
Jobbegea said:
cause you suck at playing albion doesn't mean whole albion is suddenly gimped

awww such love from my enemies !

as for gamah... ill suck for ashy only !

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