Afghan protestors behead 2 UN workers.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
aye, all because some retarded pastor decided to burn the Koran... did he honestly think there wouldnt be anything done in retaliation?


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Yeah but they were probably just looking for their 15 minutes and didn't care.

Although it has to be said it is still an atrocious over-reaction.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It could of also been insurgents taking advantage of the situation.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's funny you know..I like God..but then again I like Mohammed as well,
who's the best?
There's only one way to find out.. World war 3!!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
The only thing these dark age twats know is violence all in the name of religion!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Yeah, us civilized people drop smart bombs to kill our innocents, get with the times jeez

Casualties of War?

What happened today was just plain murder.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
i was wondering... if a lightning bolt (therefore an act of god) set fire to a library or mosque over there.. and thus burning lots of the books... who would get the blame?

they are BOOKS. bits of fucking paper with ink on them.

then i see they are all saying.. Death to USA etc.. and burning USA flag.. which is just as bad to americans.

when are these dozy fucking cavemen gonna realise that their "god" isnt gonna do a fucking thing when the bombs come.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The simple solution would be to not fucking go there in the first place. Wall the place off and leave the fuckers to it.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Casualties of War?

What happened today was just plain murder.
The Kill Team | Rolling Stone Politics

We're not any better, sorry to say. And while I sympathise with the workers families, is it really so hard to understand why this happens? We have no reason to be there, we never had but that didn't stop American's in the 80s creating the very thing we're currently fighting.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
If that Pastor wants to burn the Koran to incite hatred, do it in an Islamic country. Else he has no conviction. Twat.

I feel sorry for the UN people who died and the countless Afghans who got taken out by UN defenders that aren't reported.

Swings and bloody roundabouts. All horrible.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
The comments on that thread make our own with regards to religion look like a play ground scuffle :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
Horrible, condolances to the victims families. Religion makes me sick sometimes, glad I dont believe in a higher power.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Yeah but they were probably just looking for their 15 minutes and didn't care.

Although it has to be said it is still an atrocious over-reaction.

very true, backwards ***** they are.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
If that Pastor wants to burn the Koran to incite hatred, do it in an Islamic country. Else he has no conviction. Twat.

I feel sorry for the UN people who died and the countless Afghans who got taken out by UN defenders that aren't reported.

Swings and bloody roundabouts. All horrible.

Its just like an american to do something without thinking of the consequences fully tho, its almost becoming a cliche these days. It should have been the **** that burnt the Koran that died not these people who were there to help the fucking savages in the first place.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
The Kill Team | Rolling Stone Politics

We're not any better, sorry to say. And while I sympathise with the workers families, is it really so hard to understand why this happens? We have no reason to be there, we never had but that didn't stop American's in the 80s creating the very thing we're currently fighting.

Kinda silly of you to actually bring that up. Because thats to very difference cases.

We NEVER tolerated what the killteam have done, and they will most likely either get lifetime or deathpenality for what they did.

But when it comes to what the afghan people did now, rather then they getting a punishment for what they did they get worshipped. By the muslim community! Like heroes, because one guy in the US decided to burn a koran.

And yes, I know this to be true. Since I myself have been down there, and know how they react when it comes to their own religion.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 30,901 ;)

Shush you Mr Triple-post :D

I just don't think there's anything to rabble about, not without either looking like a dick for advocating own personal vendetta against issue X on the cost of lost lives, or without sounding like a patronising wanker who doesn't really care.

Internet forums should steer clear of these kind of things as...*points at thread*...oh gee.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm only gonna post this. Make of it what you will :)

Its just like an american to do something without thinking of the consequences fully tho, its almost becoming a cliche these days. It should have been the **** that burnt the Koran that died not these people who were there to help the fucking savages in the first place.

The two actions are linked only in the minds of the perpetrators.

They believe they have justification for killing innocents. We all know that the actions of a pastor in one country says nothing about the opinions of UN relief workers in a war zone.

However, the fact that these men perform the action of believing gives them justification in their mind for their actions.

They and they alone are at fault.

As for the pastor's part:

"But it was an entirely predictable reaction!"

Yes. Yes it was.

This book burning pastor is, in his stupid believer mind, standing up to Islam. And in a certain way he is right. The only way to beat a bully (which is effectively what Islam is doing - bullying - "act the way we say or we'll hurt you") is to front up.

Using his "believer" logic what he should now be doing is fronting-up - showing that the deaths of these people aren't going to change his mind. In response to the killings he should, say, stage a massive Koran burn of 100,000 korans and have everyone piss on them whilst they're burning.

However, the evidence shows that if we do that more innocents will die. As long as we think that life is more important than making that point then the evidence shows us that fronting up is probably the wrong course of action.

We're dealing with a religious mindset here. We can't force them into submission. The best strategy we have to win and avoid death is the same strategy that is pummelling christianity in the UK.

We play the long game. We give people an alternative. You only have to look at where christianity is now and where the muslim community in Britain is going to see what the exposure to different values is slowly doing to them.

Religion thrives on ignorance. Its why religious people indoctrinate children. As long as we make the conscious choice to consistently show children a better alternative then we're on the right path.

How's that for a more considered answer than "wall 'em in and fill it with water"?

You probably actually bought the "dicks, pussies and assholes" capitalist reasoning of Team America: World Police, didn't you? "But it makes sense" said your believer mind...



Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Two choices -

Get out of there, leave it to them

Old school oppression, day after day, you see images of them burning the Union Jack, and the American flag - if they do, shoot them, ban any opposition, if it comes up, destroy it - it brings out more hardcore opposistion but at the same time, it lessens the amount of opposistion, then it'll turn into Egypt, Libya etc...

Actually.. not two choices

You can't win can you? :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Two choices -

Get out of there, leave it to them

Old school oppression, day after day, you see images of them burning the Union Jack, and the American flag - if they do, shoot them, ban any opposition, if it comes up, destroy it - it brings out more hardcore opposistion but at the same time, it lessens the amount of opposistion, then it'll turn into Egypt, Libya etc...

Actually.. not two choices

You can't win can you? :(

IIRC Gwadien's a christian, so I'm not surprised that he's turned to Nazi-ism and full on murderous oppression.

Shoot them for burning a flag? What, like killing UN workers because someone burned a book? Belief v Belief the ages over eh? :(

It also happens to be tactic that's a proven failure.

You can win Gwadien. But first you have to understand what the problem is. Only then can you come up with a counter-strategy. It involves changes to the way humans work on both sides.

See above.

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