Advices for scouts



Im bored atm :) .. so why not write some small tips for scouts?

Ok, most scouts contact me about spec, items, classes and where to xp.

Sooo... let's start :)

Rogue - Scout DEX ,QUI ,STR | Skill x2.0
|Saracen |Briton |Highlander |

The mainspec for a scout is:
Dex, quickness, str.

Dex: What gives damage to your arrows.
Quickness: How fast you shoot with your bow.
Con: How many hitpts you have.

Many might spec dex with all the specpts, but u shouldn't. All classes, briton, highlander and saracen has a cap wich allow u to have as much dex as 210 (don't blame me, if this number isn't correct, just an exsamble).

Scouts can use Longbows, the slowest bows in daoc. Slowest bows gives more damage, as damage-tables is defined as: Dps, damage per sec. If u got a low quickness, u get a HIGH damage critical-shot, and normal shot. But a slow bow is a danger vs. casters, since first shot will be absorbed by bladeturn (caster-shield), and they have the time to react with a spell, before next arrow is released, and interupts him.

Str doesn't effect ur dmg on arrows, only melee - and no, u wont melee in rvr that much. Imo it isn't important for u.

I specced: 10 con, 10 dex, 10 qui.

This gives me a capped dex, with items, fast bow, and i can resist a few arrows or hits - and still get away.

Saracen, Briton, Highlander

Saracen 50 50 80 60 60 60 60 60

Briton 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Highlander 70 70 50 50 60 60 60 60

This is without spec.
Highlander: As you can see Highlander got massive str, but a scout don't really need this, if u plan only to use your bow. But highlander got a high constitution, wich isn't bad.
Thrust/slash: Slash, since slash rely mostly on str.

Briton: Britons are "neutral", 60 all the way in all base-lines. They don't have the high dex, but got a good normal str and con.
Thrust/slash: Neutral, pick one :)

Saracen: Imo this is the best scout-class, since they got the highest dex (dmg on your arrows). But saracen has low hitpts, only 50 con, and a bad str, which results in a bad melee.
Thrust/slash: Thrust, since saracen got most dex than all the other classes, and thrust rely mostly on dex.

Scouts can spec in the following lines:

Styles 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 25 29 34 39 44 50

Styles 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 25 29 34 39 44 50

Styles 3 8 13 18 23 29 35 42 50

Long Bows
Styles 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27

Slash/thrust has been discuss, no need to bring that up.
How much u decide to spec in melee is ur own problem, but i can tell u that u wont be meleeing that much in RvR.

Shield spec can give you "slam"-style at spec 42, and grants you a long duration stun (8 sec, if im not wrong). VERY good vs. assasins, and tanks that is trying to get into close combat with you.

Longbow gives you +% to your damage cap, at the following spec: 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 , you get a new Critical-strike which is better. Most scouts takes longbow-spec to 45+.. some to 50, to get most dmg on your bow, some 47 to save the rest of the pts up to 50, cause it doesn't give that much extra dmg - not worth it, ppl say.

Where to xp
Scouts are HARD to xp, realise this now. Ppl wont be happy to have you in the grp, and if u get in u can't save many ppl from dying, and drain your healers power.

1) Ok, first of all, xp to lvl 10 from monsters near camelot, while moving towards prydwen-bridge. Bandits, drakelings, sea-monsters (forgot their names) etc.

2) Do killtasks, remember to call your minstrel-friend to help you with this :).

3) From lvl 18 go to Keltoi, in camp. forest. If u don't know where to find keltoi, go to Caer Ulf (take horse from West Downs), and jump at a station inside a big forest :). Ask ppl at Caer ulf where the dungeon is, most ppl are alts, and can point the direction.

4) At lvl 23-24 you stop getting much xp in keltoi-grps, therefore move to Cornwall-station, and kill nearby monsters: Cornwall hunters, boogeys, and trees behind cornwall-station, along the road to lyonesse.
Watch out, when xping at trees, they are aggro and nasty to melee.
Hunters, boogeys, and trees gives +dmg to slash (your arrows is slash-dmg).

5) At lvl 30 try get a grp in barrows, stonehenge.

6) At lvl 33 move to lyonesse, close to cornwall-station, and kill dunters (small rat/dog looking monsters) - remember the crafted-bow, or you can get easily in trouble. Dex-buffs/dmg-buffs is great from the nearby clerics/theurgists, killing dunters/merchant-mobs aswell.

7) at lvl 35 move to do gobo-chain with ppl. This place is a bit "hidden", so ask a higher lvl character running past you, if he/she can give u the direction.

8) At lvl 40 you can go to tanglers, the opposit side of the road in lyonesse. Watch out you don't aggro a telemon, which u can't outrun.

9) Sometimes i get SICK and TIRED of tanglers, sometimes it's hard to get into a grp - or there are no grps xping there. If so, move to Sauvage, and port to Midgard.
Here move to amg, and stick to the right side - untill u meet the border wall. Move along the border-wall, untill u get to a little lighted camp with the mobs: Bone-eater oracles. No, don't pull from here :). Move NW (?, ask a scout) from here, and u'll find a 2nd big camp with oracles. These are north of midgards relic in yggdra forest.
Many archers/casters xp here, so watch out for invaders.
Oracles are aggresive.

Why do u need to xp here? Oracles are caster-mobs, very soft, 1000 hitpts, and when running towards you, they try to cast a spell.
If you should miss a few arrows, run! They got root and poison-spells, which can be nasty to run from.
Important you have a con 100 bow, best crafted, to avoid miss.

10) At lvl 45 get to lyonesse and xp at Wintherwoods, no other way - just xp there :).
Again, u might not get into a grp easy, so return to oracles, even if they are blue. It's going fast, killing them, and it's great xp!

11) At lvl 47+ you are tired, just want to get lvl 50, but no grps to find. If so, move north of excalibur in forest-sauvage. Just follow the road, and there u go: Gnotten Fellwoods.
They gives +dmg to your arrows, BUT they are fast moving, and have a dmg-shield.
It's nice to have slam-style here, slam them, and give them arrows, while they are stunned.
I only managed to give them one arrows while they were stunned, cause the dmg-shield interupted me (grr).
A note: The trees CAN call for help, so try make them move out of the grp.
Trees are aggresive.

12) Grats with lvl 50.

Get a crafted bow! Contact Kiarra which got a fletcher, or another fletcher, just do a /who scouts, and contact random :).
Remember to enchant the crafted bow, to avoid missing your target.

To be hornest i havn't played in this new patch 1.50, with See Hidden, BUT ..

I would still spec:
Low slash/thrust, 42 shield (gives you slam, always needed, higher shield is not needed, but good, imo), 45-50 longbow, 35 stealth (gives you 50 stealth with items, and rr5.)

A little add-section :).

What i would spec:
Augmented Dexterity Passive N/A 1 3 6 10 14 N/A N/A Increases your character’s Dexterity by 6 per level.
(+dex = +dmg)

True Sight Active 30 min. 10 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Detect all hidden characters for 60 seconds.
(Nice to see assasins, and unstealth them by shooting them with your bow).

Falcon's Eye Passive N/A 1 3 6 10 14 Augmented Dexterity 2 Additional 5% chance to critical hit with archery attacks per level of this ability.
(extra dmg, always good).

Purge Active 30 min. 10 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Dispel all negative spell effects from your character, such as rez sickness, DOTs, poisons, mesmerization, stun, etc.
(Good vs. Nightshades, which got a nasty snare, and poison. NS also got a 2x poison-dmg-ability in this patch, which Purge should be able to remove).

Ignore Pain Active 30 min. 14 0 0 0 First Aid 2 Self heal that heals 100% of the user's health, and can be used in combat.
(Good to get away, or just to avoid getting killed).

When camouflage comes, remember to spec that, so u can be used for scouting.

I might add something later, hope you could use this :).

Remember this is only my openions.

Ppl say scouts are insane hard to lvl .. just follow my path, and get lvl 40 in 8 days ingame, as i. (i would insert some smilies, but i have exceeded the limit :-( )

Add add:
On plains, if u hate killtask, do Nympfs (correct spelled?) without using your criticalshot. IF you use critshot they loose much health close to the tree, and start yelling for help, which add 6 or more.

Sharp Thing

very nice litle guide cowled, but theres one thing i fear u have forgotten:

Mastery of archery, and it cuts 3% of your shooting time per lvl and has 5lvls, and when using 5.4spd bows its always handy to get some faster shooting times :)


Oh, and if you have low quickness, damage isn't higher.
If you have 1000 quickness you won't have tiny damage, quickness has nothing to do with damage calc. It's the base spd of the weapon.


Verry nice post :)
thou i can add some stuff ive noticed, ps all the stuff written below is mostly just my oppinion and im mostly wrong, but ive read alot :) and i only write what pops in my head so its pretty unorganised :)

-slam style is 9 sec afaik :)

-specc past 2/3 in your wepon aint recommended for a scout, ie going 29 slash is the ultimate if going slash, since u will get Amesty slash which is the main style all slash specced classes mostly use, afaik :) if your going thrust head for 21 its deacent with lunge. But stil at 29 slash you will be just under the 2/3 limit which is nice. Mythic have said themselfs that base speccing past 2/3 in a ability aint worth all the points :)

-DO not specc 50 lb :) its pretty worthless to give away so many poiints on something that wont give any results back... I would suggest something between 42 - 46... with that you will def get to the 50 hardcap, and over that there is almost nothing more to get :).

-get stealth 30+ we will get some neat abilitys in the upcomming patches...check out the scout reports at VNboards or

-going 42 shield is pretty much a must :)

- afaik Oaklief has some plans in getting us scouts style shots..which we get in speccing the longbow, such as Cripple shot (decrese running speed), Armshot or something (decrese attacking speed), lunge shot (decrese the end of the target)...
etc...verry intressting.

blsa bla bla bla bla
im to tired to write so ill post a neat link for all ur answers about speccing...cant get anybetter then this :)


Originally posted by Stallion-
DO not specc 50 lb :) its pretty worthless to give away so many poiints on something that wont give any results back... I would suggest something between 42 - 46... with that you will def get to the 50 hardcap, and over that there is almost nothing more to get :).

lb spec 47 -> 50 is like 100-150 dmg extra on a CS. Some like it.


Originally posted by Cowled
True Sight Active 30 min. 10 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Detect all hidden characters for 60 seconds.
(Nice to see assasins, and unstealth them by shooting them with your bow).

It doesn't work like See Hidden :p It unstealths all enemy-stealthers in range. I'll get you Shade!


I think true sight in the current patch only lasts 30 seconds.


An idea for Mythic

Does anyone else here think that to introduce the concept of having "fire arrows" for scouts, to use whilst inside keeps, would be a good idea?

they could place lil braiser's here and there so we can drag arrows in to them converting them in to fire arrows, then maybe get a lil extra dmg while in rvr. Not only would this make RvR more intresting, it would add a larger sence of realism to the game.


Nice guide.

The fire arrows comes with spellcrafting :clap:


Originally posted by Cowled

lb spec 47 -> 50 is like 100-150 dmg extra on a CS. Some like it.

it gives 9-10 more on crit .


I was about to say that.
When my RR went from 3-4 i got 1 more point in LB, my crit went up _3_ points.
Im 46 longbow, +11 items +3 RR

I have tested it and found that past 55, extra points give some 3-8 damage on your cap.

Do NOT go 50 longbow unless u have tons and tons of points u really dont know where to put.


Originally posted by Cowled
lb spec 47 -> 50 is like 100-150 dmg extra on a CS. Some like it.

Some like more than 4 in thrust spec too, rofl :D


tanking Trees with 4 thrust, prolly did 10-15 dmg T_T


As i said getting the extra pnts over 50 or so aint worth horse shit :)
but stil if u think its worth a total failure in melee & Stealth a half failure suer :p


Originally posted by K0nah

Some like more than 4 in thrust spec too, rofl :D

I don't have 50 lb spec :) .. i have more than 4 thrust-spec. (after putting final template together)

This thread wasn't ment for Aussie and K0nah to flame me... sigh, children.


Most scouts takes longbow-spec to 45+.. some to 50, to get most dmg on your bow, some 47 to save the rest of the pts up to 50, cause it doesn't give that much extra dmg - not worth it, ppl say.

lb spec 47 -> 50 is like 100-150 dmg extra on a CS. Some like it.


btw, the guys that exp'ed with you at lvl 49 told me you had 4 thrust and were too lazy to go buy arrows T_T
otherwise, prouve that they are wrong and post screenie ^^


I got 50 longbow, i like dmg cap, but not worth enough, go for 46 longbow and better slash/thrust skill.

That's my point of view...


Originally posted by Cowled


Saracen, Briton, Highlander

Saracen 50 50 80 60 60 60 60 60

Briton 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Highlander 70 70 50 50 60 60 60 60

This is without spec.
Highlander: As you can see Highlander got massive str, but a scout don't really need this, if u plan only to use your bow. But highlander got a high constitution, wich isn't bad.
Thrust/slash: Slash, since slash rely mostly on str.

Briton: Britons are "neutral", 60 all the way in all base-lines. They don't have the high dex, but got a good normal str and con.
Thrust/slash: Neutral, pick one :)

Saracen: Imo this is the best scout-class, since they got the highest dex (dmg on your arrows). But saracen has low hitpts, only 50 con, and a bad str, which results in a bad melee.
Thrust/slash: Thrust, since saracen got most dex than all the other classes, and thrust rely mostly on dex.

at lvl 50, 10 constitution equals to 36 hitpoints when playing a rogue class in albion. so, let's say you take 10 con in the beginning for a briton, so it is 70. at lvl 50, without items, you will have 812 hitpoints.

as a saracen, with 50+10 con in the beginning will have 778 hits.
(and no, the amount of con u have, doesn't affect your hitpoints gained when you level up.)

What comes to low melee damage: saracens 50 str vs britons 60. Well, 10 str won't affect you weapon skill that much.

About thrust: its damage is based on 50%strenght 50%dexterity.
About Slash: its damage is 100% strenght based.
result: I would pic a saracen too :}

-Soulfly Amarok (posting from eleasias' place)


Originally posted by Aussie-


btw, the guys that exp'ed with you at lvl 49 told me you had 4 thrust and were too lazy to go buy arrows T_T
otherwise, prouve that they are wrong and post screenie ^^

Oo.. why do i have to defend myself?

I bought about 800 arrows each day, but if a grp is chaining, it's hard to run to cornwall (far away), and get new arrows - therefore i melee, blash, and guard my fighters.

Ppl in ur xp-grps told me u were a briton Oo.
Go away u retarded boy, u are making me laugh.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Cowled

Ppl in ur xp-grps told me u were a briton Oo.
Go away u retarded boy, u are making me laugh.

so thats why al US saracen scouts complain they should have went briton and are all respeccing slash? :p


Originally posted by Sharp Thing

so thats why al US saracen scouts complain they should have went briton and are all respeccing slash? :p

anyway.. don't care, im a sb now :)

SoulFly Amarok

Hehe, they whine about 36 hitspoints ? :sleeping:

Sharp Thing

US ppl whine about ANYTHING, its really bad over there :p


Briton power ^^
only bad thing i did with my scout is going thrust ;/

Go away u retarded boy, u are making me laugh.

yeah you too, the uber saracen scout with 50lb base(lol) and 6 thrust(lol) spending hours in emain for 140k.(lol)
your cleric wasnt uber enough so you made a scout but that wasnt the uberchar of the 3 realms so you moved and made a ShadowBlade !!:D

wannabeel33tz0r power T_T


Originally posted by Aussie-
Briton power ^^
only bad thing i did with my scout is going thrust ;/

yeah you too, the uber saracen scout with 50lb base(lol) and 6 thrust(lol) spending hours in emain for 140k.(lol)
your cleric wasnt uber enough so you made a scout but that wasnt the uberchar of the 3 realms so you moved and made a ShadowBlade !!:D

wannabeel33tz0r power T_T

U are making me laugh, same as the 20+ ppl in celticfist, when i posted this thread. Zz.. Go away, retarded.


Originally posted by Aussie-
Briton power ^^
only bad thing i did with my scout is going thrust ;/

yeah you too, the uber saracen scout with 50lb base(lol) and 6 thrust(lol) spending hours in emain for 140k.(lol)
your cleric wasnt uber enough so you made a scout but that wasnt the uberchar of the 3 realms so you moved and made a ShadowBlade !!:D

wannabeel33tz0r power T_T

omg u are good at making a nice comeback!

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