Advice - Thuergist/DR/Ra's

Lorimez Shadowblade

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004

Wanted some advice on the things mentioned above. Any advice is better than none :)

1. Thuergist - is it worth redoing a template with artis in - gov/CB/TG etc when DR is about to be released? Is this a waste of time or will most templates not be affected unless you go for the new weapons?

2. Whats a good spec for a rvr theurg? I want to have good nukes so 45 air is a must . . do I then go 21/21 for better pets etc? Can someone explain why Lvl 37 pets are good enough or better than the lvl 50 air ones. Obviously interupts are good but do others work better than air etc

3. Whats would be a good RA set for a RR5 theurg? I'm thinking aug dex 4 and then put some into bedazzling aura, reason being I often have different roles depending on the different groups I run with.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter :cheers:



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I looked at the Champ weapon for Theurgists and was quite tempted to redo a template around it. Then I looked at it again and realised that TG was better in every way (other than looks). The only reason I can see for using the Champ weapon is if you can't get TG for some reason.

There's a long discussion on Theurgist specs a bit further down, the 45/21/21 is discussed there.

For RAs, you'll want MoFocus 4 ideally as well as obvious stuff like Purge and MCL or RP. Aug Dex 3 and a bunch of other passives like Serenity, MoMagery, WP and that's all your points at RR5.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Its up to you really, I'm not redoing my template as find there'll be no need for it. You also dont NEED AD4 imo, if you template has 97+ dex in it then AD3 is more easier on the eyes. Purge 1 is usless so just mlc1 if you have Tarts and maybe a barrel. other than that just went with MoM and wild power untill have enough for purge 2 along with passives. Serinity is a waste only need MoF1 and RP is not worth it.Can get purge 2+/RP2+ later on when they're worth it.

All depends how decent you're template is imho :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
hahaha at other posts !

Anyway :eek: You want MoC !!!!!! My spec at rr5 was (Ithink it's rr5) MoC2 Purge1 dex3 EB2 LW1 mcl1. As a theurg you don't need any MoM or WP. With a decent tempalte you can nuke almost anything down with 3/4/5 hits.

rr6 Baod3 moc2 dex2 lw/eb1. With no purge you'll need to abuse CB and run with a good sorc.

The best spec depends if you solo alot. If that is the case then you want 45wind 25ice? rest earth. Otherwise it's 45/21/21

Yes it is worth getting arti's. As a theurg you will need a good temp. So thats GoV/CB/JS/EC/TG/CS/MS

DR is not worth it tbh. Maybe a few parts of the epic will be worth it but other than that I wouldn't touch it.

Oh yes. Baod is not worth it untill it's level3. So no point getting it at lvl 1 or 2 so you can get some dex.

100dex in temp and you will only need dex3 in your RA temp.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
like I said its up to you and with the passives I have takes way less than 4-5 nukes :p MoC2 is shyte, you're pets dur takes effect so count them out and the damage is wank. Purge1, well if ur mezzed/stunned and it takes you 5 secs for it to take effect you're more than likely are dead already.

You test whats best, dont care myself as what I have works extremely well. My playing style so I'm not all to bothered :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
i am 46air, 25ice, rest earth... and i find that the best spec for both solo and grouping.

Ice pets are primary use in group rvr as they do more damage then air pets, ice pets nuke in the region of 180-260 were as an air pet melees for about 40-70, on top of this ice pets last 5 seconds longer then air pets iirc.
Stick a few ice pets out, and a couple air, throw in a earth pet for good measure as even the grey con ones really get tanked down by the support. Normally that will do the trick i find. Reapply when they get aoe'd down (most decent players will drag them into twf if one going, which will kill the pet no matter the level)

RA specs, it a matter of choice. Personally i run with MoC2. Now people may say it is a waste but it all comes down to what you like. If someone gets the jump on the group and you cant get free to interupt them easily then you can just moc and stick out earth pets. They will still last 30seconds and will interupt the enemy casters/support long enough for your group to recover.

Nuking, you normally will nuke for about 500dmg without RA's (not including crits), you can add into passives if you want but that be at the cost of Boad which is a nice RA to have considering there alot of casters out now days.

Purge- depends if you run with a good sorc or not.. run with good sorc/support then you can go without it. However if you solo or dont trust support (maybe run in pugs) then you will need it.. In that case it Purge 2/3. If you cant afford purge 2 minimum then dont bother full stop in my opinion.

As for champ weapon, i probably stick to my current template, but havent decided. If i want erinys in my template then i may switch as i would have to redo it anyways... but that would mean resorting which artis i will/wont use and i like the utility i got at the moment.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
A theurgist is there for interrupts.

Moc2 or 3 is a requirement. If you can't cast, you are useless.

You may as well...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
eggy said:
A theurgist is there for interrupts.

Not everyone plays in a Plum FG of Doom Rod ;)

For solo Theurgists, 45 Air 25 Ice is a superb spec and Purge II and passives are perhaps better RA choices until you can afford MoC 3. IMHO of course...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Danamyr said:
Not everyone plays in a Plum FG of Doom Rod ;)

Nor do I, we have lives which causes issues!!!

I hear they have this pisshead GM who spends all his free time down the pub chatting up Swedish girls. Bastard.

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