yes but then stop claiming you have skills, as that's what you've been doing since the day you entered thid, besides i recall all the times you tried to solo on your cabalist you just dropped as a fly against my bd and at most occations you ended up either blocking me on msn or spamming emotes on meI usually run in small groups, for me the role is to assist the MA and spam nuke (as the MA I usually run with always stuns first), however on some occasions more often than nuking I'll be NSing casters and mezzing adds on the druids/bards. Though I will admit probably around 40% of my kills are just leached off group membersbut thats the way it works and I enjoy myself, which is enough satisfaction for me.
I usually run in small groups, for me the role is to assist the MA and spam nuke (as the MA I usually run with always stuns first), however on some occasions more often than nuking I'll be NSing casters and mezzing adds on the druids/bards. Though I will admit probably around 40% of my kills are just leached off group membersbut thats the way it works and I enjoy myself, which is enough satisfaction for me.
i think this post made akia's assumption correct
sean is anub!
aleven your a BD shut up for god sake if you cudnt kill any other caster at level 24 you should of already deleted, ooh ye your the BD who got his ass handed to him twice by a mincer...... fun tyms mr wannabeking of thid
To Be Honest If You Run In Good Groups /Set Group As I Imagine KP does When iv Played on Shards (YES ITS SHARDS BUT WAIT!) I find It ALOT harder Being In A Set Group Then to being solo , Because...
1. You Have to Make Sure Noone is on healer at every collision with the oposite realm.
2. If You Are The Main Healer In Group WHen Your Attacked , Ofcourse this is in my experience You Panick Sometimes thinking SHITTT!
3. You/ i anyway always have to think what the group is doing and whether im doing something right
4. Pressure, sometimes Its Up to You to Get That Crucial Mezz In Or Heal Your TeamMates
and when your solo its easier because...
1. You just go at your own Pas (sp? yeah i know)
2. If You die , so fucking what u just try again
3. Noone to get pissed at you when you piss up
In Groups Its Defo Much More Of A Laugh Especialy when your grouped on NN or ariadolis with Pete Minions and Sean -.-
And all this is from my experience on Shards! Which is alot more zergy then Live so maybe its just my opinion BUt Hopefuly someone just someone will aggree with me here
To SUm it up ... If KP enjoys Grouping More Then Solo' what ? You Can Still Be Skilled When Grouping , Just Cause You group dosnt mean Your a Skilless N00b which is what im getting from Your Posts aleven and Before you say " You used to group and zerg loads" Yes i did i found it hillarious at times BUt once again i liked it so i did itAnnd Now its rare i group on le shards on on US On shards only people i group with is sean i rarely play with him on there anymore RR9L9 Infil ftw tbh !! 100 Rps to 10l0 and a 6L7 Scout
Once Again Dont Get Pissed at me
I like You Both Im just Basing this on purely what I Myself Think
Mr WannaBeKing Of Thid ? Surely Your Not Implying You Were The King Of Thid ?
I Think Aleven was, Purely Because He was a hard mother fucker to take down...Yeah You Say his a BD but he was a good one Most BD's in thid were Either 1PA kills Or a BS+Garrote Kills But Aleven was alot harder
Well Obviously My Infil wasnt the best back then but when Aleven Made me that temp i think it got alot better and went up in the "ranks" and still aleven was hard to kill well i only killed him like a few times or even tryd to most of the time me and Aleven was speaking on msn and said we wouldnt bother eachother,
Trait , Yes You Did Own Me With Your Mincer Thing is you were fully temped and SC'd, i was wearing quite shit Items and armor And yet i got more respect then you ? Wonder why ? Cos my ego wasnt as big as yours ? , i wasnt a complete wanka to people ? hmmm probably one of those
Thanks ,
ShadowOfTheNight / FallenPhoenix
if he was skilled he'd show it the times he tried to solo but he even got rolled over by noskilled players, that prooves the fact that he both cannot play properly on his own hands and that he needs to take the honor from the players in his group and say he's skilled just because he can get into a zerg grp, f8 spam anyone?You Can Still Be Skilled When Grouping , Just Cause You group dosnt mean Your a Skilless N00b
Yes you can go cry to your mom now
lyour a nobody
shadow your completely rim everyone seriously i bet you wank about meeting aleven/sean and others.... get some balls and stick up for yourself insted of being sum sheep follower, i remember you telling me you liked me in pm then started bitching about me with som1 else... lol shows you have got no bollox its a fking game who wants respect the idea is to win, and yes i do anything to win and i have also beat alliandro and everyone else buffed with ease.... simple fact is that everyone hates me is cos ive beaten everyone..... then get zerged by everyone... i win 1v1 but as i always did solo with my tomte due to groups head-hunting me i got rolled so by no means i was king of thid... their is no king of thid you have good days and bad days... your wiz was complete bollocks and your a nobody you even posted about yourself being sum mint wiz u lame fuker... yes u can go cry to your mum now.
my mincer was unbuffed vs unbuffed players simple...
yes but sean: in a buffed duel it wud be 2 buffed for me mincer/pet, 1 buffed for most others.... so in unbuffed duel i think its actually fair to stay in the same ratio and keep the buffed pet advantage especially against such a gd armsman like alliandro but i didnt need it that fight really and we later had a fully unbuffed one where i also won...
i was hardly ever in a fg
mainly we would run with only the best players their which wouldnt fill a fg mostly... if it was needed then yes we would occasionally be in a fg but most of the time if a fg was formed and rolled everyone i would log onto mid or alb etc.... on avalon i try to use the minimum ammount of people we can to kill the enemy so it is a good fight.
first of all, no1 is bitter here the only person that is and has ever been is you, also, i doubt you run those 2-6 man groups, you could just aswell call them fg's mate, as that's what it is, also, why do you have to comment seans characters? yours were, if not twice as bad as his characters, maybe he had rogs but atleast he had capped stats where you sir had what? 0 resists and maybe capped stats? that was on both bd, cabalist, and also your eld now, that kinda also says that you're leeching the effort of other players when you dont even bother kitting out well so you can do the maximum amount of support for your group, also due to you trying to be a leet player and all that crap keep it coming mate, keep telling that you've owned us all in thid <that reminds me, please quote my other message and tell me which of the upper comments that you've actually done, as i'm quite sure you havent owned me in thid or play any better than me>, you have to find out that no matter how much you keep trying to boost your e-peen, no matter how much you try to insult us, you will allways be the worst of all of us, better face it and quit these boards, go back to where you belong and never come back.Sean, me and Trait run in groups of 2-6 on Limors 99% of the time. I don't think you are in a position to make those comments as you neither play nor have ever played Limors. Wild accusations fueled by your bitterness will get you no where.