Account Hacker's



Originally posted by ulrikakaka
I get the point that your an idiot? do I get a cookie?
I see you aint using the Gift from God, the two braincells you possess... Well, move on then, honeycub.


Can we try not to run over old ground again? That argument has run and run, and people are never going to dance with flowers in their hair over kr0ns antics, so its flogging a dead horse.

If people could make some definative answers on how to secure your PC, and what firewalls/safeguards could be made then I'll make a sticky in the technical section. Or make someone who knows what the hell they are talking about make a sticky in the technical forums.

Thank you.


bang norton firewall and anti virus on.

it aint brain surgery, its just that some people dont.


and its uber fun to ridicule pr0n, so I feel its essential to keep running over old ground.

Teh Fonz!!1

Take people like kr0n outside and shoot the fuckers.

Problem solved.


All the firewalls/anti-virus programs in the world won't help if you start passing your login details to a few 'trusted' friends.


If you haven't got the intelligence to figure out what I mean in my sig I'm not going to tell you kr0n.

And as for your reply otherwise, I don't think you've got the right to come here and say what's right or wrong after what you did. Espescially when you are such a prick that you are proud of it. "Hey, I did something wrong, look at me, I'm cool!!. (But don't do it yourselves..)" Duh... But then again, that has been discussed before. But at least I got my point through, see below.

Damini: I'm sorry, but as long as there is a slight possibility that there is ANYONE that haven't noticed who this guy is and what he's done, I will continue my remarks. People should be warned.


I appreciate your point of view Lestat, its just it always seems to descend into an argument and then the thread wanders away from the original purpose.

People that play this game have incredibly differing understanding of computers. I'm lucky enough that my partner stops me from downloading exes from strangers with random symbols instead of letters in their names :) Ok, thats an exaggeration, but I don't consider myself particularly dumb yet I do sometimes find all the technical aspects of computers intimidating. Yes, once I downloaded prettypark.exe because I wanted to see some flowers :) :twak: In my old house my housemate somehow managed to install a porn icon on my pc and reconnect to the net via Istanbul at premium rates just so he could download some Jo Guest pr0n. If it wasn't for Kenny (my man) constantly fearing that I'll somehow kill his computer by proxy, I probably wouldn't even have an up to date virus scanner.

I'm not saying everyone is as *special* when it comes to computers as me, but theres a big range from "I water my computer to stop it over heating" Damini to people like Desdecado-T30 who obviously know what they are doing to the nth degree.

Anyway, if someone would have the time to knock up a quick idiots guide on how to protect your PC, then I'd be more than happy to make it a sticky thread. Yes, if you do hand out your details then you can't really be helped, but this could cover more things then just purely DAoC.

Its just an idea. If you think its crap, then fair enough :)

*Goes back to chat on ICQ with her new friend Ex3cuTion3R, and to exchange pictures with strange file extensions*


Originally posted by old.ImLestat
If you haven't got the intelligence to figure out what I mean in my sig I'm not going to tell you kr0n.

Uh uh uh I know what that sig means since we thought of it about the same time, while chatting on the old MM/MÄ alliance chat, you typed it faster then me =)

Sarnat: Thumbs up mate, I have had the same exprience as you on that issue.

And now for the Flames!!!!!!!!!! burn baby.

I want to have the right to flame whom ever is acting like an idiot either in real life or online.

kr0n: By saying I can hack is like running around on the street with a sign on the back saying "im gonna break in to your house" - Why is it cool to display yourself like this ???

[I know it sounds harsh but people who are stupid or ignorant, get punished for it. Its not right nor good thing, its just the way it goes.] <--- The poeple who are stupid or ignorant is the people who wont accept that using online tools like irc and/or icq is taking a risk, same risk you take then driving around with out the headlights on. Something might happen but it dosent have to happen. eg. turn on your headlights to minimize the risk or turn on your firewall/antivirus/dcc blocker what ever you want to minimiza the risk of being online.

Oh and on another whats more cool being a sript kiddie or a programmer that can realy work some magic ?

breaking the laws suck no matter where you do it .


Got it, thanks. could you send me that link again, i went back to check it and it seems to have dissapeared from my inbox


Originally posted by old.TeaSpoon
Zone Alarm from Zone Labs is a very good firewall to use, its even worth getting the Pro version.

/em fluffles the firewall in his router


Use Tiny instead.


Originally posted by kemor
We give you tools to change your account information, we give you customer support so you can report the problems...the rest, is up to you.

There's no way for us to change the subscription password, meaning there's a static, non-changing password that controls credit card, address and account details. That's NOT good policy. In Ultima Online there have been several incidents involving people hacking/breaking into the account databases, if this happened here, those people would have access to our accounts indefinately since the subscription password NEVER changes.

If security is that important to GOA allow us to change the subscription password ourselves or auto-change it every month or every time we pay. This is the only problem I have with GOA :) but it's something that really gets on my nerves.


One of the best ways to firewall your PC is to use a dedicated PC as a firewall

An old 486 or p1 system, with 30meg HD, 16meg ram can run something like Smoothwall which is a firewall/router all in one, and even a PC newbie can install it (you need a CD Writer though to burn the cd image)

For something a bit more useful, the setup I use is an old AMD-K6/2 350 runing redhat and Shorewall - as a firewall/router.
This will also allow you to IRC etc from the linux system if you dont want to use daox :eek:

As others have stated, Tiny Firewall seems good for a win32 system, though I didnt like it, and prefer the linux solution


I am using Blackice and Tiny firewalls side by side atm, I get a few odd conflicts but it runs ok mostly. I would like to get rid of one but Blackice is so easy to use that I would rather keep that over Tiny even though Tiny seems more comprehensive. So, any thoughts on Blackice as a firewall then?


My cousin had BlackIce installed, some friend tested it with "highest" settings and he said it didnt do jack shit.

ZA has worked for me nicely so far.






ooo new page, I like new pages.

Roo Stercogburn

Good website to go and have a basic test done on your PC over the web is Gibson Research Corporation and do both the Shields Up test and Probe Ports test.

You can layer software firewalls, you don't just have to use one. Zone Alarm is indeed a good firewall, as is the Symantec firewall (which integrates with anti-virus seamlessly).

I've had Kerio Personal Firewall recommended to me, though I can't verify this one since haven't used it.


If someone doesn't go on IRC, ICQ etc. then it's damn hard to get hold of their IP address and thus hack them in the first place, thus why IRC isn't terribly safe. If someone connects to the net via their dialup, logs into DAoC nothing else, then disconnects when they finish playing a few hours later, you can 99% guarantee they wont be the victim of an account hack targetted at them. If said person goes on IRC whilst playing, then pisses someone off in game that person can perform a simple whois on the person who pissed them off and they've got their IP straight off, can initiate a port scanner and exploit a vuln on a running service. Kemor's 100% right about IRC, ICQ etc. leaving you open to being hacked, however I don't agree we should have to give up IRC, ICQ etc. if we want to safely play DAoC, again defending GOA though that's a wider issue that effects net security in general.

Madonion Slicer

I keep reading these same posts of over and over, come on people not like the internet is a new thing we all know what is possible and we all know the precautions to take, if you dont then expect one day to get a virus/hacked plain and simple.

You drive your car with wore tires and no insurance then i am sorry but your going to crash and be tottally fuked, same with you PC, you dont gaurd againts attack the cant say i feel sorry for you.


Hmm a tip that has been given before is to delete the mail that you get initially with your subscription and game logon and passwords (obviously write it down first :)

Mail systems like hotmail often get hacked and leaving that email about not only gives access to your DAOC login but also via the account section of the DAOC website to your payment details.


If someone doesn't go on IRC, ICQ etc. then it's damn hard to get hold of their IP address and thus hack them in the first place

Posting here, anyone that is a moderator can get your IP.

Send an email to someone, they can usually get your IP

Visit a website, the site can get your IP

It's not that hard. OK its not as easy to get a specific persons IP, but anyone determined enough wont have a massive problem.

The solution is to remove all traces of passwords from your PC and have a good firewall, keep up to date with security upates, and be careful with email :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Damini
Anyway, if someone would have the time to knock up a quick idiots guide on how to protect your PC, then I'd be more than happy to make it a sticky thread. Yes, if you do hand out your details then you can't really be helped, but this could cover more things then just purely DAoC.

To know how to protect your Passwords/files etc the best you have to know how these "Hackers" get your files/passwords, you can find many sites with information about these things.
Here is a bit of information about Trojans which contains quite some information about the differents in all kind of trojans.


Originally posted by Damini

Anyway, if someone would have the time to knock up a quick idiots guide on how to protect your PC, then I'd be more than happy to make it a sticky thread. Yes, if you do hand out your details then you can't really be helped, but this could cover more things then just purely DAoC.

I did this.

Now Givf custom title as reward!!

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