Account Hacked, Request to any who read



Originally posted by Silenzio
maybe just check thos ppl u were used to share the account with...
I bet it was his brother who did it. No, really. :rolleyes:


so incredibly smart to use hotmail accounts for things like this xD


Originally posted by vindicat0r

Both login and Subs pass changed. possibly e-mail addy to which I dont even have access anymore.

I have never given my game / subs login or password to anybody nope :(

How can you change your subscription password/login without sending in your personal details, such as copy of your passport or a copy of your ID?


Thanks to most, some nice reply's and some other unhelpful, meaning-less 1's 2.

Had Router Firewall + winxp Firewall < yes it shit but still its x2 firewalls>

a Few trojan's were on my machine, this was the cause. afaik.

Thing is, they logged on my acc a few hour's after getting my detail's, I believe could have gotten earlier not sure, and then logged off. It's possible this is a daoc player that does this often and this is his 'scam' he probe's machines etc but then again maybe it was some script-kiddy that hit the jack pot. Either way it sucks.

Well I can only hope the guy that hacked it did it for the thrill :rolleyes: and just left it as is after :/. Then again could be Game over man, game over.

Well, hope some of you watch out for me. would mean alot to me..........

Disgruntled deeply saddened Arms signing off



Well, The cd-keys. This is your solution. Mention old your passwords, email, home adress, phonenumber. All that stuff.

After that u mention your CD-keys, both SI and Classic and ask to be sent with the new details to your account.

I'm not a hacker, but I guess it will be hard for the hacker to get your cdkey from yr comp.

Give it a try. Cd-keys...

Hit ^_^

oh and sub pass changes when u change ingame pass nowdays.


talk to

this is the third person I've heard of being hacked through hotmail - some little hacker shite has got themselves a method and they're just following it.


how can your sub pass change with your in game pass?
what is the point of that exactly?

can you change your email with just a game pass now?

I don't understand how people are getting hacked with game passes if you still need the subpass...

I wouldn't keep my subs anywhere on my computer...

I know that doesn't help this situation. :(

Hit ^_^

I use to have mine on my comp as well as my hotmail.
Tho i always had a firewall and an up to date virus proggie.

Even if someone has a good way in hacking hotmail they still need to get the address from somewhere. .
That's one of the reasons i use to use multiple hotmail accounts just to be safe. One for important stuff like passwords and official work applications, and one for forum info and not so important stuff like that.
as for now I only keep a hardware copy of the pass as it seems hotmail is as safe as it was a few years ago when you just needed a proggie and a click to enter someone mail.

I still believe Trojans and key loggers is the big problem apart from ppl who have traded or given someone their sub thinking it’s safe.

This is not only that someone has nicked your acc (witch is crap but wont do you any real damage) but that someone has probably "hacked" or whatever ppl wants to call it using Trojans or alike to get access to your files on your computer.

You should email your internet supplier and tell them you think someone has broken in to your comp and stolen important info and see if they can do anything like check logs or stuff like that. Not that its 100% sure they will find anything it still worth a shot. And if they do find proof that someone has "hacked" into your comp you should report this to the authorities.

next time it might be something more valuable they try to steal.

Ps. sorry for my crappy grammar and spelling: \ I always misspell stuff longer then 2words.


Ahw vindi :((( feel sorry for you m8

not much i can do about except if you need anyting just give a call m8 got plenty of stuff around.

if i catch vindicator online i will root / stunn / flash / ice him etc and then tight him to a tree and call you :D

GL m8.


damn this = suckage :/

hope goa will fix it for u or something, some weak children that like to cause trouble for other peeps, where is the world at, :/


Originally posted by Sibanac
For those that Still dont know it :

print them on paper and put them samewhere safe.

Better still get a USB type storage unit and store yer passwords on that keep an encrypted backup somewhere safe.

Yank it out when you log in and never leave it in the machine, it takes some getting used to, but when you do it daily it becomes second nature.

Firewalls - get a grown up one, dont use pirate software (I found 5 cases last year where there was trojans/viruses inside a pirate copy of Norton Anti virus...sweet way to send it out imho but hey.

Make all emails containing passwords very cryptic, I have the details of several accounts and most have been givin to me very cryptically indeed, usually over several emails with a in game chat telling me which bits to use for each bit of the password etc..Likewise I have done the same with mine.

Never use forums or PM's to pass passwords, they are as secure as a paper bag in a rainstorm.


Originally posted by greenfingers
how can your hotmail account be hacked??????????

okey, first of all, if your password is something like the actual address, then it's your own fault!

it might be someone close to you, who "hacked" it ... someone who might have an idea what your password might be!!!

Erm this should "when was the last time it was hacked..." hotmail has always been notorious..


"Firewalls - get a grown up one, dont use pirate software (I found 5 cases last year where there was trojans/viruses inside a pirate copy of Norton Anti virus...sweet way to send it out imho but hey."

Yeah but thats probably just because NAV sucks balls...
Get a grown up AV like Nod32 ;)


Originally posted by greenfingers
how can your hotmail account be hacked??????????

okey, first of all, if your password is something like the actual address, then it's your own fault!

it might be someone close to you, who "hacked" it ... someone who might have an idea what your password might be!!!

is he this retarded or is he joking? I honestly cant tell :(

sorry for your loss mate, totally sucks balls :puke:


gah unlucky, that really sucks
hope you can sort something out :(


Don't store passwords on your computer full stop, putting them on a removable hardrive is bit overkill, just use paper and pen until you remember them by heart, then screw up the piece of paper.


Here is some help

Now i have had the same problem once.. it took my about 20 mails 2 Rightnow before they said this but it works..


If you wish to change your subscription password, you have to send us first a hanwritten letter with the following informations whether via post area or by fax (see contact below):

a. Copy of the identity card
b. Copy of the last credit card bill (the last payment for DAoC has to be mentioned)
c. Last registered "profile" information (first and last name, postal and email address, both cdkeys)

Contact :
Wanadoo portails - GOA,
Administration des ventes Jeu
48 rue Camille Desmo ulins
F-92791 Issy les Moulineaux cedex 9

Fax : +33-1 58 88 68 50

PS : We have terminated the concerned account “ups” temporarily until we solve your problem.

Yours sincerely,
-------------------------------- -------------
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

This you can do if you lost your acc details etc... thats the only way you can get it back.. But remember to write the day you got hacked because they can probertly look on what you had of items that day.. i think... GL with it :)


isn't putting your username in that post really stupid? I wonder how many ppl are trying to brute force hack it at this moment.


Re: Here is some help

its a acc that is closed.. cant be opened anymore anyways but will remove it just incase some dumb4ss finds out a way 2 use it :)

Thx sugah :) (Didnt really se it in there:()


:( That sux hard

Hope you get something back after all that stress mate. It's such bad form for peeps to do that. I don't know how they can live with the guilt.... maybe they are sociopaths.... hmm


I feel sorry for the people who's account got 'hacked' but i still doubt if the accounts are really hacked.
Pretend i hack a hotmailaccount and i can get into a mailbox and see the daoc-passwords. First of all what the hell is DAOC? ah ok a mmorpg. Let's try the game maybe.
Ow damned i need to buy an original cd. Question: will a hacker do that to explore daoc? i doubt it. In case of Gracies 'hacked' account , i was crafting in Diogel and Texanburger was yelling to sell your stuff , he needed the cash because he wanted to move to HIbbieland. He knew all the armor very well and he knew the prices also.
It's pretty obvious to me that it's not the usual-let's hack hotmail-accounts- hacker but 'a friend' who has your password/login in another way (ingame talking, trading etc....)


Or lets look at it another way.
Texanburger admitted on one of the trading threads that he was from the US servers and had recently 'acquired' a Euro account. Now, depending on who knows Gracie and had her hotmail address, or hell he could of got it from one of the websites on which it is posted. Peoples email addresses arent exactly hard to get nowadays, it only takes a little bit of effort to get in to the email, normally via the secret question or whatever, or if it was someone she knew, they may have been able to guess the password.
Once in, all he had to do was say, ah ha theres the login / pass, get in game and spend an hour or so completely ruining someones year or more hard effort.

Now, i be 99.9% sure when i say, that Gracie is not the kind of person who would give her logon / pass to anyone, or if she did, to anyone that would do anything remotely as annoyingly pathetic as this.

So before you go judging on people that you dont know, or probably dont even care about, take a second to think what you're saying and about the possiblities that sometimes if someone is determined enough they can do what they want, and basically ruin a part of someones life in such a small amount of time.

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