About the missing Sidi Friar robe



Next time don't mention any names plz. <Person X no longer named> is getting some unwelcome PM's just because he was mentioned here. Him picking it up doesn't meant he got the autosplit. This has all been analysed with screenies and as mentioned before has been talked about with the person that according to the logs got the drop. Shit happens just leave it at that.


Originally posted by Bellona

grow up, get balls, grow hair on chest and act like a raid leader.. :p

Think i am, stupid thing to do would o been to post a flame thread now wouldnt it :)

yeh gremon my fault, should of screened him off post, done it now if u wanna edit ya post plz


Erm a small point but:

"I have investigated this in detail and can tell you the following: On the raid Sunday the 8th of June, (edited for privacy) Xperson picked up the Azure Prayerbound Robe at 17:58:35 pm. The autosplit that you have on your screenshot is correct and there were no bugs involved. I can confirm this with 100% certainty"

This sounds like a load of bollocks, if goa knew the slightest thing about this they would have said "Item was moved to slot 3 in inventory at x time, item moved to slot x at this time, item was destroyed at this time etc"

Anybody can look at a screeny and say yeah its fine and legit, frankly I've supposedly picked up a drop sometime ago I checked my inventory 2- times and it wasnt there, 2-3 mins later it was, strange things happen in this game, least of which is the really cute little instant XP death in Emain for no reason whatsoever.

Hence my infil decided to leave the grave in the bowl till it decayed as a protest :)

You can do only so much, if you aint 100% sure then there is nowt you can do about it, people will always accuse others when they feel strong enough about it, yet they only become aware of the implications when it happens to them.

I would take goa's info with a pinch of salt...


Originally posted by MesS°
Actually 2 ppl have lost Bane, 1 of em a friend of mine... Simply gone from inventory, not explenation... no haxed accounts no friends using chars nothing just dissapered... :(




if you don't this will KEEP happening - you're protecting a theif ffs!

Madonion Slicer

Why is this a big mystery the guy/girl that got it in the auto split simply kept it, no bug no code error no act of god they simply did not had it over.

The robe is either sitting in the guys inventory or vault or sold in game.

This person can say " i swear i never got it honest" you don’t know this guy from Adam he is a anonymous user sitting the other end of a pc not giving a flying monkey that he has the drop.

Some people here are a little to trusting, if you’re a raid leader you need to nip this in the bud else you be having you kilt pulled down every raid you lead from now on.

Like i said no big mystery here the wanker just kept it end of case.

Name/Shame about the only way to punish this as to these people their in game rep is all that matters to them, and RL need to get stricter else this will increase.

Remember when you have not got to look at the other person in the eyes, lying and bullshit comes easy.


just one question did a friar get the drop ? ....... ( with autosplit loot eh )


Originally posted by quinthar

You can do only so much, if you aint 100% sure then there is nowt you can do about it, people will always accuse others when they feel strong enough about it, yet they only become aware of the implications when it happens to them.


Falcor, u did ur best m8 and the raid went very well. Gratz on a good job :)

1 thing goes wrong and it's a 2 thread topic :/ (not a friar btw so i prolly care less than friars do, soz for that am not trying to say it's not important .... to .... someone)

Even if 'the nameless char' is guilty, he aint ever gonna admit it so ..

movin on up, moving on out....(sung to the tune of "damnitican'trememberthatcrapeightiessong..what'sitcalledffs..ohnm"

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