A warning...



Originally posted by Tom.
They should only be for sale to professionals.

I agree entirely. This would cut down on the number of accidents, injuries, annoyances etc etc.


ive never liked fireworks... i cant stand loud bangs, they scare the shit outta me, i blame my brother for it when he popped a balloon near me.. :(


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Isnt it ilegal to sell fireworks at the wrong time of the year?

Even if it was, due to the wonderful multi-cultural Britain we live in, you'd always have some festival requiring fireworks, round my way they have "International Drug Dealer day", it gets celebrated about once per week.


I thought you needed a license to store "Explosives" for a long period of time.
Maybe that's why? Dunno, can't be arsed to look it up.


Found this....

Control of Explosives Regulations 1991
Section 10:

(2) No person shall keep any explosive in any premises for private use except one or more of the following-
(a) any quantity of fireworks which are kept for less than 14 days before being used and are kept in a safe and suitable place with all due precautions for public safety;

So how do shops get around keeping them all year round???


Probably the same way that the warehouses and factories that store and make fireworks does?


I don't know of many shops that do store fireworks all year round, normally only around Nov 5th.


Originally posted by Clowneh!
Probably the same way that the warehouses and factories that store and make fireworks does?
Good point.
It's that damned Code of Explosives Regulations 1991...
What are the main provisions of COER?

If you want to acquire or keep certain explosives, you must have an Explosives Certificate, issue by the police.
Duties are placed on you when you transfer certain explosives to others.
If you have committed certain offences or have been sentenced to certain terms of imprisonment, you are defined in COER as a 'prohibited person'.
A prohibited person must not acquire, keep, handle or control certain explosives or any restricted substance.

If you are an employer, you must not knowingly employ a prohibited person in any position where that person would handle or control certain explosives or any restricted substance.
Restrictions are placed on the types and quantities of explosives that you can keep for private use and not for sale.
If you occupy a licensed explosives factory or magazine, you must appoint someone to be responsible for explosives security.
Comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date records of certain explosives must be kept.
Lost or stolen explosives must be reported promptly to the police.

The wonders of the Interweb eh?


I like the ones that go BANG! really loud, when you're least expecting it... the worst kind are the indoor fireworks that go fizzle and turn into a black slug. Proper shows are always better; especially when it's all done and timed to music...


Originally posted by Embattle
I don't know of many shops that do store fireworks all year round, normally only around Nov 5th.

Usually the supermarkets leave them on sale from bonfire night until new year's dayish.


If you do want to do responsible fireworking for an occassion, you can get these neat boxes now that you just light one fuse, and then the whole display goes from there.

I've seen a couple of these now and they are really effective, look like a proper display, instead of the usual, light a rocket, oooh 5 minutes later light another one.....

I don't mind them too much, great way to round off a wedding party, or new years, or something like that. I would however like to see scrotes who just let them off at random in the street hung by their balls from the nearest lampost. Ooooh bung a lit sparkler in their arse too for effect.


I dont mind fireworks in organised displays, I dont actually mind my neighbours having little displays for their children as long as they let me get all my ickle cats in before hand. Last year they did not give me that courtesy. :twak:

What I really really really despise are those parents who let their children set them off in public places without guidance - unfortunately it usually takes an awful accident for people to realise how dangerous they can be. :mad:


Originally posted by Jonaldo
Did it hurt? :eek7:
my ears
stung my legs a bit but werent too bad.
appears it was stuck in the ground too hard...


I think that properly organised displays can be good and rather enjoyable; but as most of you have said, it's the little bastards who get them from their drug-dealing parents and set them off, sometimes (deliberately) at people.

They all deserve to be shot, imho.


I don't know if its some sort of UK chain or if its a one off in Newcastle but there is a shop here that sells fireworks all year round i think, not sure though i'll have to have a look next time i pass :)


heh, when I was at Uni, I remember a shop that used to sell fireworks - The Fireworks Shop - or something stupid like that. It'd open around the middle of October, and then close on November the 6th. Then a few days later it'd reopen as the Christmas Shop. I dunno why the didnt just call it 'The Cash-in Holiday Shop'.


Originally posted by Cdr
heh, when I was at Uni, I remember a shop that used to sell fireworks - The Fireworks Shop - or something stupid like that. It'd open around the middle of October, and then close on November the 6th. Then a few days later it'd reopen as the Christmas Shop. I dunno why the didnt just call it 'The Cash-in Holiday Shop'.

lol, there's quite a few 'The Christmas Shop' in Swindon. Late November to early January they're open, selling all kinds of guff then the other 10 months or so of the year the shutters remain closed and the signs have all gone. Never noticed any fireworks shops though.

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