A Warning To Fellow Albs


Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by - Fedaykin -

This is THE real Fed here. I'd just like to point out that i have in fact quit the game and this load of crap which i only just heard about was nothing to do with me. My little brother now plays cos i couldn't put up with the DAOC crap anymore

So don't wonder why "i've" been so thick cos it wasnt me :)

i'm playign SWG on Chimaera along with FinandPet.. i even saw outlaw and zoyster :eek:

name is Earendil on there :D
did outlaw and zoyster have 1119793287987 ewoks /stuck to em? ;)

- Fedaykin -

nah lol

outlaw was running round town screaming cos he was bleeding to death

shouting "SEE ME FREEZE" every so often


Originally posted by Gregstah
since sweeden and denmark are close we decided to meat eachother for fun and know eachother bit better ... and done it two times...

Hehe, stop it, you're turning me on.


haha never seen so many tread hijack attempts...

Stig u rox...


gonna take a piss while it Dloads-be 2mins


Getting back to the flaming at hand please :flame:

Firstly Fed should never have given out his subs username and PW he realises this but still made the silly mistake that GOA strive to prevent. In many ways you left yourself open to attack and unfortunatly someone took the bait. Having multiple people accessing your account is banned in the CoC for very important reasons. If multiple poeople are using an account and they exploit/cheat/hack/theif from the game then it makes it extremely hard for GOA to identify the culprit. :wall:

As for Greg and Edo, we have had many "run ins" in the past. Both were once members of the Dead Dragon society and both were kicked after a short period for multiple account use, a few months later greghadien requested a reinvite and some (stupidly) did it (it wasnt me honest) He was then ejected from the guild for a second time for stealing from an alliance member. Other the past 6 months weve seen him move from guild to guild (possibly being kicked from them i dont know) and ive heard bad press about him in general. Edohadien i dont no much about ive heard thnigs here and there but its when they are both together it seems they cause trouble.

The problem with greghadien/Gregstah....whatever.... its again a multiple use account an each incidence could be caused by different people, but all of them are greifers by the looks of it.

They give the game a bad name and spoil peoples enjoyment of it and the account should be banned/terminated by GOA, of course theres nothnig stopping him setting up another account.

Just let this be a lesson to those more trusting of unfamiliar people :wij:

Jesus Greg ur such a twat sometimes :twak:


Originally posted by dawn-
by the pic i can really tell you work @ comp animation :p
Actually I am the graphics designer that came up with looks for the Inconnus :)


Gregstah have had "innocent" hands on atleast 3 accounts which all of the sudden ended up being totally empty of gear and cash, and it was all a mistake he promises, and low and behold his dear friend Edohadien comes along each time to defend his honerable friend :)......you guys are to much, pls go to some different game and fook with peoples heads there.


jesus @ that nerner bloke how can some people be that dum in sum of them its just plain stupidity :eek:

feds said he was wrong and accepted responsibily duno why sum people are having a go at him. i for one belive what he says.


Originally posted by stighelmer
Actually I am the graphics designer that came up with looks for the Inconnus :)

thats y i l00k s0 k00l?

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