A Warning To Fellow Albs



I dont really understand this also, all of you are proclaiming that you are unable to change your Subs Pass, something has gone wrong then, Greg/Alex(mr.x) has been playing Ping-Pong with my account, and putting in the subs logging page 'forgot subs pass'

I have received a few emails from GOA with DIFFERENT game/logging and subs pass/logging. Only the recent ones work,

I think my account is partially safe but he can keep getting different emails/passes sent to my email, but he hasnt got the latest one therefore he cant accsess my acccount.


You asked for any input of experiences with these chars/peeps.

Well I sold an item a few days ago to Telitha and it was quick, fine and all oki doki :) No complaints. Just my experience.


I guess there is a moral here. Don't give passwords out unless you are totally sure who is on the receiving end. I am just glad that I have changed mine ( I think you will understand where I am coming from Fed ).

To Gregstah, if you havn't done anything wrong please accept my apologies, I reacted to Feds post. As far as knowing you, I can only relate to the character name, I guess Fed has been in circulation a bit from what I read between the lines, so god knows who else has played him

To Fed, get your fucking shit together and stop lending your account out. If you have lost items then I have no sympathy for you at all. Perhaps now you will realise why I was so pissed with you/yer brother, being on the receiving end of it aint much fun.


Originally posted by Edohadien
Aligro Get ur fucking facts straight before u start acussing people

How on earth have i become telitha?

i always assumed you were telitha, seemed to remember u telling me your relogging on telitha to check something.

so wheres hehe's instruments/sword/plat

if he dealt with you


Me as a person who can't pay his own bills can only let someone else pay by giving sub password. A payer will never giv his CC nr and all his info to someone else. You gotta be certain the one who pays is someone you can trust. You need to know everything about him and know how he is ingame and outside game (to get some impression how he really is).

These kinda things will keep on happening with people who can't pay his own account and there's basically not much you can against it. But I thought people couldn't just change subs password that easy (I must be mistaken)...


Why you would give your sub pass to someone else you don't know is utterly beyond me. It's kind of like giving someone on the street your cash card and pin number.

Nobody has my sub pass, a few have my game passwords, but they're all wubbly.



I dont lie fed... u know me better then that... ur just upset and stubborn to admit that it wasnt my foult.. u need sum1 to claim n blame, and it had 2 be me becouse i was in that conversation...

and no alex aint Edoh... edoh doesnt even have his own CC he uses either his sisters or mine when i got cash for spare...

but usually before i got my CC wich was about a week or 2 ago my mate alex were paying for me, he is a nice and cool guy, i've known him for a while, and he is sweedish, since sweeden and denmark are close we decided to meat eachother for fun and know eachother bit better ... and done it two times... we were supposed 2 meet this weekend actually, cuz im going 2 sweeden 2 see a mate no saturday.. so i was thinking me and alex could meet there and have some fun or sumn, thats why he said im gonna give him cash saturday...

Denmark to sweeden is like 30 mins or so..

But imo, the most important thing here is that u accuse me with no proof no nothing, so u cant proof that it was me.. and once again fed.. u know that if i ever wanted 2 scam ur acc i could have done it 1000 times before... so dont try 2 be mr sherlock holmes and think that u are right, cuz at this point u aint Jim!

Beek u dont have 2 appologice. its all ok


While i was leveling Acei i grouped with both those guys... Edohadien almost got booted from 2 of my groups for sitting down and allowing friars to take the agro...

Anyway, that bit isn't about this story, just want to confirm Greg and Edohadien actually sit next to one another or are very close to one another e.g. probably a cyber cafe as one of them took over the other person's char at one point.



Also, my bullshitometer has gone through the roof somewhere, just I'm too tired to work out where.


Yet more proof (not that it was needed) that schoolkids + daoc = disaster


Originally posted by Loth
Giving out the subs pass on MSN :doh:

priceless ! :D

ohh .. U guys didn't know how easy it is to hack into a instant message conversation ? :)

U can even enter the entire comp, giving full rights to the computer (if the user is admin of the comp), and sn00p around ... and w00ps ... creditcard info ...

what do we have here? ... personal folder .... pr0n ... *shrug*
(naked photo's of Greenfingers) <-- OMG ... DELETE !!!!!!

DAoC info .. nice .... ohhh look at this !!!
Account login : hh2dienow
Account pass : Xhd72KsW
(im not responsible if this info is correct in any form, as I just random-hit the keyboard :p)

c/p and there we have it ....

plz don't be so st00pid to give out your pass over MSN, on a not secure line ... plz !


OFC i mean there are 1000's of geeks sat out there snooping around 10000000000000000000000000000's of msn accounts just waiting for someone to send a pw over msn , get a grip serious. People going around saying things like this is pathetic i mean yeah leet ubah hackers have nothing better to do ?
you do a good job of "educating" people who know no better. (sarcasm) i mean ill tell my dad or mother that or someonewhois not very computer literate and they shit themselves logging on to www.walmart.com just in case they get a bomb sent to their house, water supply cut off,and a ninja swat team jump through there window wielding uzi's. just saying its like people who run 1001 firewalls and cant access anything because people say omg you could get "hacked" but tbh HUGELY unlikely , you could get killed by a cow with a samerui warrior riding on its back but i doubt it ..........


U can NEVAR guess what I just saw outside my window !!!


I do believe that is one of the funnier things I have seen on BW lol... Love the art work! :clap:


Originally posted by Gregstah

...we decided to meat eachother for fun and know eachother bit better ... and done it two times...



As i said in the first post, I am a fucking tit for what i did, and now i regret everymoment of it, I hope u learn from this incident, sure i have.

Greg, Im sorry if it wasnt you, but it must of been alex then, There is no need to input his email address into my personal details, then change u pass numerous times. I am just suspicious about this, especially that u know edoh who owes Hehe money etc and hes been waiting it for for weeks if not months.

I think for now my account is safe. If u know wtf is going on Greg please stop it, I havent enjoyed this if u r having a laugh or something, and I would like to speak witht his alex, who maybe was or wasnt edoh. As for Edoh i Didnt say it was him... I only knew that it was you and alex in the conversation thats why called him mr.x, Aligro was the 1 who annouced him into this. and for that i am once again sorry. i am also sorry for whats happened. I realised not to trust ppl except irl friends, which only 1 person plays. - also its just a good job this is a game and not my life.

And for alex, who tried to hack me, I will find him out and if u agree greg, I will do a personal apology on BW to u and edoh for my mistake, and name/shame him...

But you must agree, was a very big coincidence...


K thought i better tell you this,

just logged into my subs page, invalid password or user, So i clicked 'forgot my sub. pass button' which sent it to my email

this could be hard work :/ - but i deserve 100% of it

Greg or Alex who ever it is please stop it...


Originally posted by Gregstah
my mate alex were paying for me, he is a nice and cool guy, i've known him for a while, and he is sweedish, since sweeden and denmark are close we decided to meat eachother for fun and know eachother bit better ... and done it two times... we were supposed 2 meet this weekend actually, so i was thinking me and alex could meet there and have some fun or sumn, thats why he said im gonna give him cash saturday...

thats just wrong man :x

oh and fed ur bro is gonna kill u Ôô


i hope that this one is a lesson for you..and thank god you almsot get in the trap but you were lucky...
this shows how dickheads and assholes some ppls are..that's why you SHOULD NOT GIVE YOUR SUB PASS AGAIN IN NOONE (except he is IRL friend)
this 2 are dickheads and assholes and imo give the name of Mr.X so we can flame him :flame::flame::flame::flame:

twats:great: no question about that


Originally posted by Powahhh

this 2 are dickheads and assholes and imo give the name of Mr.X so we can flame him :flame::flame::flame::flame:

Try reading the thread :great:


btw the post regarding my brother... He quit daoc, he got bored, i am soon to follow... He isnt going to 'kill me' because franqually he and me dont give a shit nemore, we have had enough bull shit from goa and savages...

and now, i pay for the account and level chars up, you only know him better because he was the 1 who rvr more than me, tho i am better :p


Why did GoA make it so that every time i request a new game pass i got Game pass and Sub pass renewed.. Never seen that happen before.. Weird (?)

- Fedaykin -


This is THE real Fed here. I'd just like to point out that i have in fact quit the game and this load of crap which i only just heard about was nothing to do with me. My little brother now plays cos i couldn't put up with the DAOC crap anymore

So don't wonder why "i've" been so thick cos it wasnt me :)

i'm playign SWG on Chimaera along with FinandPet.. i even saw outlaw and zoyster :eek:

name is Earendil on there :D

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Vireb
just in case they get a bomb sent to their house, water supply cut off,and a ninja swat team jump through there window wielding uzi's.
that happened to me once :(

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