A Warning To Fellow Albs



This article you are about to hear maybe not 100% true, I am writing this not because I do not care about these peoples feelings, but I care about Albions feelings more.

I am an idiot for what I have done, and I take 99% of the responsibility for what has happened. The other 1 goes to 'Gregstah and his friend(Mr.X) I do not want to Identify him because I am not sure it was him, you may say this is the 1% left. I have told close friends who this is and ive asked them and his GM to keep it safe for the moment, because I do not want to spoil his reputation.

It started off with my account running out, I disobeyed the CoC and gave my subs pass to my irl m8, who I know wouldnt do anything to m account (I go to school with him). At 11:00 GMT he put 1 Months subscription on, I was at school at this time(he wasnt).

I came home and asked him(msn) to put my account on because it was now closed. He said he had done, but I didnt have an email from GOA which they usally do within minutes. So he then put another month on at 4:30 GMT which once again didnt renew my account. So i was a little annoyed because that meant I wasnt able to play DAoC.

By this time it was around 19:00GMT and I told Gregstah on MSN that my account is down and jokingly would we want to put it on, He replyed that he didnt have a CC although his friend does it for him, who is a very nice guy and would do it for me if he asked. Gregstah lives in Denmark and I England, so it would be vertually impossible to send him some cash irl, but he owed me 1.9 plat in game so we deceided to call it quits if he was to pay for me.

Stupingly as I am or was tonight, I disobeyed the CoC and gave these 2 people ( Gregstah and Mr.X) my subs pass in MSN.

The process took about 2minutes then all of a sudden Mr.X disconnected from MSN, i was very suspicious. Gregstah said that Mr.X pmed him saying it was done, and he had to log for an emergency IRL. I will still suspicious...

Luckily for me, i was still logged in the subs page, and the first information i checked was the icon ' modify my personal details'.
To my horror i had a different email address in... I presume it was Mr.X's. I knew now something was way out of hand, Mr.X had logged off msn, different pass, no credit on my account!?!

As u can imagine, my heart rate raised to 120 B/p/s I quickly went into my personal details and changed the email to my own again. Within minutes i Received an email from GOA with my new pass on and subscription pass on. I logged out of the subs pass and tried to log in, to see if i could still get into the subs page, but my username or password was invalid? - Shit!?!

I quickly pressed the icon, lost your subs pass, within another few minutes, I had my new subs pass, which Had my email in. Therefore he could not get in because my email address was in my personal details and he didnt have the new subs pass. I found out for the first few minutes he kept changing the subs pass, which was sent to my email at hotmail. - 1hour later,things are still the same, i have the email and afaik he doesnt have the new subs pass.

I am gutted because I thought Gregstah was my m8 in DAoC and i proved him wrong by his C**p lieing, Which ill explain :-

Firstly - He said his m8 lives in Sweden, and has only ever seen him irl twice. He said he was a very good guy and I would be able to trust him.
Seconfly - Gregstah didnt have a Credic Card, so his friend from what i heard put it on for him.
Thirdly - Mr.X said in a 3 way conversation on msn to gregstah, pay me the money on Saturday when I see you...

Hmmmzor Suspicious

1hour later - I went to have a bath with y heart beat at 100, I could loose out on my account here! :'(

But then it suddenly hit me, Gregstah has1 IRL m8 who plays this game, therefore it must be Mr.X - he is the 1 who pays for his daoc. AFAIK Mr.X logged into a false MSN account pretending to be a Swedish guy that gregsta knew... LIES

If what i think is true i will reveal who Mr.X is later, I know him well as a different name on MSN, but dont want to reaveal him, He has probably read this already and has guilt on his mind...

I know i shouldnt have given my subscription pass out to them... But i wouldnt be able to play because my m8s card didnt work 1st or 2nd time with GOA, I disobeyed the CoC which if GOA want to ban me, plz do so, i dont care, I have learnt my lesson from this, never give passes out again. I hope you guys dont do the same.

I would like you to reply to what u think of this, please dont go blabbing on about what a d*** i am for lending it him because i know... I would like to know what u think ofGgreg and Mr.X.

Sothing else, A few other people have encountered a few problems with Mr.X. I will mention these names as they are bound to reply in the post - Hehe and Aligro, that is all I will mention incase I am not correct.

As i said in the first sentence I am only 99% sure of this and i take the responsibilty for the idiotic crime i did. IF iam wrongi will correct myself but the only evidence i could give is the history of the msn conversation we had...

Thanks for your time in reading...



aye bad luck... but:

I quickly pressed the icon, lost your subs pass, within another few minutes, I had my new subs pass, which Had my email in. Therefore he could not get in because my email address was in my personal details and he didnt have the new subs pass. I found out for the first few minutes he kept changing the subs pass, which was sent to my email at hotmail. - 1hour later,things are still the same, i have the email and afaik he doesnt have the new subs pass.

you cant change the sub pass....


this guy is a very suspicious character and i would not put it past him. all i am saying at the moment is that he has a particular interest in Sidi Weapons and trying to get you to hand them over before he delivers his end of the bargain...

i need to talk to this person ingame to make sure that he is a scammer.


You've already said that it was wrong of you to pass on sub details so im not gonna go there :)

But this really shows how little you can trust (some) people whom you can chat with and have a good time with at 1 occasion(sp?) then they pull something behind your back - The people i play with are the same people whom i've been playing with since release and some since beta and I would never imagine them cheating me for anything, some have even visitit me.

Anyway, name'n'shame isn't really the way to go but regarding this i think this is something that is needed so people will kinda realize that they might not know the person they are trusting all that much.



u read bw... i see u post often

n u see how many times that guy get flamed for good reason...

and he also got accused ov account scamming on mid...

if u get back ur stuff... feel lucky damn lucky and do not commit the same mistake again...

btw... tonight in cotwold ther was a "fighter" hiding behind a tree near the smit called mrx ;P


Gregstah is a scammer, before he left mid he scammed someone of a respec stone this time he also was talking about a friend, also on trade forum ppl say hes a scammer

krang+gregstah story

and for all who doesnt know Gregstah = telitha in alb/exc, traded acc ofc


Fed talk to me on msn ASAP this is fucking ridiculas ok!


Hello and good day fellow Midgardians of Excalibur.

First of all; you can take this thread as whine if you want.

Here goes:
I was the lucky winner of a career stone at a dragon raid long time ago. As I didn't have to respec any of my characters I would like to sell it.
One day there was a guy writing in /as that he wanted to buy a career stone. This guys name is 'Krang' member of <The Overlords>. This Suited me fine, cuz he wanted to pay me 7p for it.
Now this is where the "history" is getting a bit tricky in my eyes, hang on:
This Krang guy had no money that day he were going to buy it off me. Talked a lot with him, and it came out to, that it was not the "real" Krang, just one of his danish friends who did some buisness for "the real" Krang. At the start I of course didnt want to trade my stone when this guy had no money. Talked a bit further to the "unreal-danish-Krang" guy, and he said that he was Morkai from the newcomer famous rvr guild <The Domination>, which is also true
I was talked into, that the "real-Krang-guy"'s friend owed him 15p and would get them to pay me off when this friend logged on.

ok i am convinced now so i am going to name him..

he is "Telitha/Oriane" and is currently a member of ASq, my guild you ask? well he wont be in my guild tomorrow.

basically he tried the same trick as above on me

cept it was for my Livid Silencer Fang which i am very fond of and he offered me 15 plat for it, i was tempted and agreed to the sale. he told me he was getting 60 plat at the weekend (this was mid week btw) i asked him "where on earth are you getting 60 plat from?" he replied with, "not telling." later on he asked if he may hold the sword till he gets the cash, i know from past experiance never to do this so i told him "no sorry" i had other offers in game for my sword for the same amount of money for the sword but i had a deal with telitha and i was sticking to it. It gets to after the weekend and he says his mate hasn't logged on to give him the money and asked if he could pay me over time. so i thought fuck that and and had nothing more to do with it.

My RL friend "hehe haha" also had a problem with him. "hehe" owned a sidi minstrel sword much like my wrathbound sword but with different stats ofc. anyhow hehe needed some MP drums and money for his SC template and didnt have any, so he though selling his sidi sword would raise the cash to pay for it, this is where he came across telitha. now telitha told hehe he could supply him with MP instruments and 10 plat for his sidi sword, (oriane being a minstrel it seemed genuine) so hehe agreed to this and after a while telitha told hehe that crafter has them made and that he was just waiting for him the crafter to log on so he could collect the stuff. hehe was happy and agreed to hand over his sword to telitha going by his word that he would have the instruments as soon as the crafter logged on. a month down the line and no sign of the crafter or the 10 plat.. and telitha still has hehe's sword.

i saw a post on the trading forums by gregsteh selling an ebony defiler


where he got this from i have no idea.. but he is definately a suspicious character and one to watch out for


Aligro Get ur fucking facts straight before u start acussing people

How on earth have i become telitha?


thank god for this, Big Brother just ended here in norway, I needed something to fill the void :clap:

seriously though, give him ONE chance to explain himself, if its not fucking convincing, make his life living hell ingame&msn ;)


as u can see iam Oriane And not teliha and i have nothing to xplain realy just some falls acusations and iam intiteld to a apolgi

end of story


Originally posted by **Aligro**
he is Telitha
Same guy that was dumb enough to think he could buy respec stones on a buy now pay sometime-never basis.

Still - anyone dumb enough to go giving their passwords to other people deserve everything they get.


giv fed a break will you? he knows what he did was wrong regarding givin out his acc info Why do people have to post it when he has already stat it clear in his post?


Originally posted by Draylor

Still - anyone dumb enough to go giving their passwords to other people deserve everything they get.

Shit reply so why fucking bother. Fed was merely explaining how his account has been hacked. He admits that he was at fault for handing over his passwords, it really doenst need asswipes like you rubbing his nose in it.


Originally posted by elbeek
Shit reply so why fucking bother.
For the sake of the first section of the reply - the total lack of surprise at who was (allegedly) responsible.

Looks like you need to learn the meaning of hacked.

Making use of passwords you are given is NOT hacking.

He was asking for trouble - and he got it.


Originally posted by Draylor
Looks like you need to learn the meaning of hacked.

Making use of passwords you are given is NOT hacking.

He was asking for trouble - and he got it.

Ok lets not get way off topic here. I bow to your understanding of the word "hacked".

I do not think Fed was asking for it as you so succinctly (sp) put it, more that he has been conned out of his account. This doesn't mean that its acceptable as you suggest, far from it. My experiences of conmen will probably qualify me on this matter, victims do not ask to be conned.

I think these conmen, scammers or wotever you want to call them need to be named and shamed on these forums. Maybe what has happened to Fed can be a lesson to all of us, Draylor being the exception ofc.


only a small thing for u 2 think of..

i've been playing this game for a while now, never tryed 2 scam any1 and never ever gave out my pass n stuff 2 ppl i dont know well enough

so lemme say it like this

i've been using fedayking for about half a month now, maybe more.. cuz i knew fedayking well and i still do.. so he gave me his pass since his comp is fucked and he aint playing fedayking at all...

so i started 2 play feday, and it was fun.. then once i got pass from a mate for a 50 farmer friar.. fine feday wanted 2 farm with that char and since i know him well and trust him i gave the pass 2 him, why not? no reason 2 think something else since he have no reason of scamming and neither do i...
so he farmed with my mates char and i farmed with my mates char alot.. and it kinda got mixed up, i had farmed 2.5p and some dia seals and then fedayking farming with the friar and go aprox the same of what i know.. suddenly all the cash from the friar were gone.. and i was amazed but i didnt even tell feday anything.. then i logged on fedaykin and saw him having 6.3 or 6.4p on fedayking and he didnt even had 1p before the farming session..

but still i kept my mouth shut and let it go, afterall its only cash in a game..

so now im kinda totaly amazed that he even can write my name in such a sittuation but i dont blame him, he got his thoughts and i got mine... but i can tell u this and im sure... if and if i ever wanted 2 scam fedayking i would have done it a half a month ago when i got the pass for it.. i even spend money on fedaykins the sorc 2 respec him 2 mind... but once again, its only a game..

such language :)


Originally posted by elbeek
Maybe what has happened to Fed can be a lesson to all of us
It would be nice if it led to fewer people giving their passwords to some "idiot" who trys to rip them off - but we've all seen far too many of these threads in the past to know it wont make the slightest bit of difference.

Giving your password to other people *IS* asking for trouble. Whether or not you agree isnt the point - its a simple fact.


Originally posted by Gregstah
y0 u sons of a bitches, i dont have 2 explain 2 any1

only a small thing for u 2 think of..

i've been playing this game for a while now, never tryed 2 scam any1 and never ever gave out my pass n stuff 2 ppl i dont know well enough

so lemme say it like this

i've been using fedayking for about half a month now, maybe more.. cuz i knew fedayking well and i still do.. so he gave me his pass since his comp is fucked and he aint playing fedayking at all...

so i started 2 play feday, and it was fun.. then once i got pass from a mate for a 50 farmer friar.. fine feday wanted 2 farm with that char and since i know him well and trust him i gave the pass 2 him, why not? no reason 2 think something else since he have no reason of scamming and neither do i...
so he farmed with my mates char and i farmed with my mates char alot.. and it kinda got mixed up, i had farmed 2.5p and some dia seals and then fedayking farming with the friar and go aprox the same of what i know.. suddenly all the cash from the friar were gone.. and i was amazed but i didnt even tell feday anything.. then i logged on fedaykin and saw him having 6.3 or 6.4p on fedayking and he didnt even had 1p before the farming session..

but still i kept my mouth shut and let it go, afterall its only cash in a game..

so now im kinda totaly amazed that he even can write my name in such a sittuation but i dont blame him, he got his thoughts and i got mine... but i can tell u this and im sure... if and if i ever wanted 2 scam fedayking i would have done it a half a month ago when i got the pass for it.. i even spend money on fedaykins the sorc 2 respec him 2 mind... but once again, its only a game..

but u sons of a bitches decide for ur self... i dont need 2 explayn and u can try and do my life living hell all u want.. i rly dont give a flying fuck ...

GL HF and hope u get scammed one day so u know the feeling.. pricks
Dude learn to spell his char name right at least.


Gregstah's post made my eyes bleed.

I dunno who to believe but it'll be interesting to see who the 'Dick fuckin' Tracy' award will go to.


Gregstah you stupid fuck, you are a well known scammer, just quit daoc pls


So , can one of the Mods confirm if Orianes and gregstahs IP's match please? :D I do believe they are logged here.
We dont need to know em, just if they match or not. It is for the good of albion (and soap opera) :p


So Gregstah, have you scammed Feds account or not?



It might be 10:24am, and I might be hung over to fuck after a hard night out, but...

a) You can't change sub passes, only game logins.
b) Has anything been deleted? From what you say all that's happened is someone's put their email address in *shock horror*
c) You silly tw*t.
d) see c)


Originally posted by elbeek
So Gregstah, have you scammed Feds account or not?

Beek, as said above, i dont have no reason to scam fedaykins acc...
I've been playing with u as fedaykin for a while now.. and u know me, or who fedaykin was, at least maramar knows me well... and kerith knows me..

man this is so fucking lame imo...

like i said again, if and only IF i wanted 2 scam fed's acc i would have done it ages ago.. i had his pass.. he had shit loads of cash on his acc after that farming.. was about 6.3 - 6.4 p and all the sorc sidi parts and all the other jewels n stuff.. why didnt i take em all? i could tell fed to go fuck him self and take all he got and rip him totaly off the delete his char.. but i aint like that..

i have never in my entire life scammed any1, and im not intending 2.. ya i've traded acc's and got new here and new there n stuff.. but i aint no scammer...

PS: as for the spelling, it was 3am in the morning and i had headache n stuff.. so dont blame me... and find something better to post the "at least write his name right"


but once again.. i dont have 2 explain my self infront of u.. IF i did something wrong wich i didnt then yes, but i havent done anything wrong..

as for aligro.. about ur fecking sword.. go shuv it up ur ass...
i was trying 2 be nice and beeing a _friend_ if u know what that is...

FFS... i was willing 2 sell my sword on my inf just give money 2 fedaykin and Hehe so we could get a house together... man go fuck ur selfs... :/

this fucking lame...



Greg you said your money farmed on that friar went missing? Dont be such a lame liar, I didnt touch your seals, and if the real friar is a decent guy he will know... You are backing yourself into corners by lieing. Edoh, i didnt say it was you because I was unsure, Thats why i called you mr.x, and aligro reavealed who you where, its just in the msn conversation, 'alex' said he would see him on saturday, when greg said hes only seen him twice irl. Now you dont have to be a rocket scientist to work out who is going to c greg on saturday and plays daoc with him.

Another big coincidence is all my PVP Armour and Money has 'vanished' off my necro, and when I spoke with edoh, he says u where on my PVP account, U only 1 been on it. And even created a lvl 20 scout in an open spot.

Something else i noticed is - look in his signiture - The darkwolves website - scammer website......

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