A wake up call with regards to mezz...



LuL is meant to have a 2300 range hopefully that will be fixed soon :D

Not saying id beat u Dannyn but id like a fight :clap:
Shame I didnt get to go rez Laven as alpha was in the area ^^


SoS = out of 2300 range before your speedsong can tick. ;) And the only way to stop a minstrel on SoS getting out of range is to kill them. :p

As for fighting me, I'd happily oblige but as I'm hib on excalibur that's not really going to happen. :p


Originally posted by idril_daoc
sorcs have to specc 2 lines mess and dmg..
bards have to specc 4 nurture(speed end mana) music(dd mess confuse) regrowth(heals) weapon

so you mean that bards should olny get 1.0 instead of 1.5 ... your a fucking minstrel go play it and have fun with that char instead of just coming with st00pid remarks

lol 2 spec lines oook now go look again

nowmay i quote

go play your char and stop making st00pid remarks


go play your char and stop making st00pid remarks

Go Roll Some Scor and .....go play your char and stop making st00pid remarks..

Regards Nicky...

Ps i would love atm a Scor account rather than my Bard if Scor were in Hib i would have one they are leet ...Ala Veeshan.

Over and out.


AM heals for 250 a tick and over 6 tics 6x250=1500hps
Works pretty well 1on1 or in PvE otherwise im not really that impressed


OMFG...jeez guys does it reeally matter, we could spend all day talking about mythic and how crap they r, how bad all our classes are and how we could get killed by a rotting pile of shit. but wtf is the point, will it get u anywhere...well i agree you will get flamed a lot, but just calm down and play the game.

alternatively we could make all realms the same, even call them the same, every1 is only allowed 1 type of race/character and cant choose teir spec or weapon or infact anything, and u can only level up on 1 type on monster by yourself, then maybe you wont complain its imbalanced???


Mesmerize: Freezes the target. Attacking the target will break the spell.
4 Fog of Senility Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 200 3 power
14 Blanket of Senility Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 250 7 power
24 Cloud of Senility Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 300 12 power
34 Veil of Senility Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 16 power
44 Shroud of Senility Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 400 21 power

Mesmerize: Freezes the target. Attacking the target will break the spell.
10 Captivate Audience Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 6 power
16 Captivate Crowd Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 10 power
21 Captivate Swarms Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 13 power
28 Captivate Multitude Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 17 power
29 Hypnotic Harmony Enemy Instant Rng: 1500 18 power
36 Captivate Army Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 23 power
37 Deluding Harmony Enemy Instant Rng: 1500 Area: 150 23 power
43 Captivate Legions Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 27 power
47 Entrancing Harmony Enemy Instant Rng: 1500 Area: 300 30 power

Mesmerize: Freezes the target. Attacking the target will break the spell.
6 Allay Area Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 4 power
13 Pacify Area Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 8 power
20 Conciliate Area Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 12 power
27 Placate Area Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 250 17 power
29 Pacifying Glance Enemy Instant Rng: 1500 18 power
34 Harmonize Area Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 21 power
36 Pacifying Glare Enemy Instant Rng: 1500 Area: 150 23 power
44 Tranquilize Area Enemy 3.0 Rng: 1500 Area: 350 28 power
47 Pacifying Gaze Enemy Instant Rng: 1500 Area: 350 30 power

that'll be the spells for each realms MAIN CCers in 1.52 ... look at that and tell me that sorcs don't need some luvin :p


tbh I dont understand why theres such a shortage on Sorcs, I love the class, not done that much of RvR yet thou, but they are awsom in PvE, with the new Mob heal rate and RA's you can solo on orange/red cons without any "10min pet hp regen downtime", damn pet's go from 10% hp to 100% hp faster then I regen 30% power :)

Let's hope more ppl try the class, it's accually quite fun.
But I guess ministrels will be more common when they get their aemezz.

oh and as it been said b4, Instant AoE CC should not exist it's just dumb.


Rather than wasting AM in a solo 1on1 situ, I will die. Unless it is unlikely that I will group in the next 30 mins (e.g. when only a few players are online in my realm). AM CAN be very useful for a group, which is why I save it for such a situ. Usually doesn't work and I waste it for nothing, but that applies for most of the RAs on timer.

And I have to agree that a bard CAN take out a minstrel (even more likely to do so after 1.52), but in order to do so, has to be specced a bit 'group-gimped' (most likely the nurture spec line has taken a hit, more points in music and weapon instead). Also, have to mention that probably only a few bards will actually get the higher duration, radius insta mezz spell as it requires the bard to put 47 points into the music line (which again requires the bard to either lose speed 5 or gimp the regrowth line). The lvl 37 music spec aoe insta has only a radius of 150 and a duration that will definitely NOT take all those affected by mezz out of the whole fight/battle (aoe mezzes will have their timer halved on the 'edges' of the aoe). And, of course, there always can be 'purgers'...

Bards who are specced more one-on-one in mind with music at 47, will be definitely great additions to a group that already has a bard thats more 'into nurture spec'. Their CC will rule and it is always good to have 2 bards in a grp (=at least 50% less chance to die per bard in the first 10 secs of any confrontation
:p ).

On a more serious note: the regrowth line of all healers is a bit gimped (until next patch), the cast radius is simply too low (and this in addition to the bard regrowth line being too weak to begin with...). In large fights (zerg vs. zerg) and even in reasonably small ones the group tanks usually split up so much that its hardly unlikely to use e.g. group heals for the benefit of all. This saddens the bard who (after CC...) just wants to go around playing his drum happily and healing his fellow group members ;) not hurting anyone instead just healing :D and stopping invaders of other realms to think (...by reapplying CC on the lost sheep).

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