a RvR movie for Septina to see.

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Tbh Vodkafairy I thought you were a compassionate and respectful player. Guess when peoples egos get too big they can't take loosing, shame really.

hah, well I don't know if he has drastically changed, but I know he can take losses =P

More losses then I would ever be able to take and still try again ;D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Session Ident: raunz|
07/05/06 00:38:48 Session Ident: raunz| (~raunz@dhcp-18-85.cable.infonet.ee)
07/05/06 00:38:48 <raunz|> i realy dont see why u guys act like that, if u wanna see recoring what realy happened sure but why u zerg us and talk bs irc later on that we push u=?
07/05/06 00:38:52 <raunz|> thought we m8s and all
07/05/06 00:38:59 <frs> we pulled off
07/05/06 00:39:01 <frs> shaman got slammed
07/05/06 00:39:04 <raunz|> when?
07/05/06 00:39:04 <frs> we still stayed
07/05/06 00:39:08 <frs> and you still p ushed on us
07/05/06 00:39:13 <frs> some time after inc
07/05/06 00:39:43 <raunz|> ic well we didnt get any adds untill the end of the fight
07/05/06 00:40:14 <raunz|> i saw u guys running back after inc we thought u extend back vs us or something we didnt get any adds then
07/05/06 00:40:21 <raunz|> then u push us and we get adds
07/05/06 00:40:26 <raunz|> and u zerg us
07/05/06 00:40:39 <raunz|> why do i have to explain this to you, dont you guys know me
07/05/06 00:40:51 <frs> yeah this is bs :D
07/05/06 00:40:52 <frs> its just a game
07/05/06 00:40:54 <frs> and we're friends
07/05/06 00:40:56 <frs> so just forget about it
07/05/06 00:40:57 <frs> shit happens
07/05/06 00:41:30 <raunz|> fair enough

and after this you have to bring it to FH to show off or something? :rolleyes:

i cant be arsed to get more logs but first one saying anything was elkie and the first insult was thrown by you, nocare anyway


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
Tbh Vodkafairy I thought you were a compassionate and respectful player. Guess when peoples egos get too big they can't take loosing, shame really.
you do realize vf wasnt even in the group that this thread is about in the first place and the whine has turned from one incident to an another one? :p where we showed respect to them by pulling off from adds and they still insist on pushing on us blabla and when new adds come they whine we didnt pull off :p after pulling off from 10 fights before because they were camping docks in the first place


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Only thing i realized, was about 2 hours after your grp logged, vf- was still sitting and babbling on irc :)

But atleast you guys dont take it to such extremes, as banning a guild because some members were in a grp that did something, according to irc, wich doesent really fit with the truth(see vid><).

I tell my grp to not sit and argue for hours and hours cause of some random shit that happens in rvr, if people choose to then, thats on their bill then.

I dont really understand why our(eclipse pug/grp) gets so much aggro from midgrps, and only from midgrps..?

edit: why do you say we camp dock when you know thats not the fact eleasias ?
Im not even gonna bother telling why cause its just stupid taunting each other back and forth.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Dallas said:
I dont really understand why our(eclipse pug/grp) gets so much aggro from midgrps, and only from midgrps..?

because alb players are cooler irl


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
This thing of 'oh we were pulling off then you kept pushing' is beside the point imo. If you decide to pull off, the onus is on *you* to disengage the fight. You start running backwards and stop nuking. You can't expect to say on vent 'right pull off these guys then' and expect that in the same instant they stop attacking you; there is no crossrealm communication so you have to let it sink in. The onus is on *you*, the group pulling off.

Now, a gg, if they say 'pull off' and all go defensive and start running back, and the other group has adds on them, you'd have to suck pretty bad if you get ppl dying just because the enemy hero or eld or whatever doesn't realise and keeps attacking you. So if this does occur, why not just continue your disengage and within about 5 seconds they will have realised and stopped chasing you down. Instead of saying 'omg they still attacking us wtf, ZERG!'

This is why I think all these excuses about why you 'were going to pull off but then didn't' are rather silly. That's the attitude I take anyway and I definately apply the same thought to myself if I am driving the group. If you end up 3k away from the fight and their light-tanks are still charging you even though *their* group is nowhere to be seen (surprising how much this happens even vs gg's) then what does it matter? You've pulled off and a solo BL isn't going to cause you any trouble.

Tbh, I think we all *know* why you get situations where people fail to pull off, add/engage at inappropriate time.

It's when you get your driver making call 'pull off' etc. and 1-2 hotheads in group say 'nah screw that' and continue nuking/charging/cc'ing whatever. I know from my experience that 90% of time when *my* group fails to pull off etc. that is the reason why.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 10, 2004
Dallas said:
I dont really understand why our(eclipse pug/grp) gets so much aggro from midgrps, and only from midgrps..?
Couse everyone wanne kill eclipse grp hahahahha:D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
Septina said:
3.5kb/sec, think i'll pass :(
And true, have become a whiney bitch lately so much that im starting to annoy myself ^^
Find the movie title amusing tho when taking a look at certain members of your group tho Raunz :p

i still love u tho


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Slayn said:
So if this does occur, why not just continue your disengage and within about 5 seconds they will have realised and stopped chasing you down. Instead of saying 'omg they still attacking us wtf, ZERG!'

well i agree that it takes time to realise what is happening on the other side, and we gave plenty of time, but its kinda hard to pull off when you are still pushing like dogs and stun the shaman that is trying to come with us :p

think part of the confusion is that the 'adds' might have been lagghosts, atleast from what i remember it looked like it. someone said on vent they were nuking tho, /shrug


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
So basically, there's been a superlong discussion on irc + a 7 page FH thread about a single misunderstanding or what? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
ego add whine add ego irc bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz whine add bs qq adds zzz irc bs qq adds irc bs qq adds ego add whine add ego irc bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz whine add bs qq adds zzz irc bs qq adds irc bs qq adds bs qq adds ego add whine add ego irc bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz ego add whine zzz whine add bs qq adds zzz irc bs qq adds irc bs qq adds bs qq adds ego add whine add ego irc.

whine add bs qq adds zzz whine add bs qq adds zzz irc bs qq adds irc bs qq adds ego add whine add ego irc bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz whine ego add whine add ego irc bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz ego add whine add bs qq adds zzz whine.



Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
This thread is like an oasis in the desert within all the grats threads :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
lol. cant remember last time a pug grp made all this chaos....

how about this....

dont pull of if we get adds or you get adds, cus none of us is ruining the fight.... the adders already did that. dont care if i have to release cus we get zerged, ive tried it before and it will happen again. Or atleast save if for GG's if you rly think its worth it. cus i think i speak for all of our grp, when i say we dont.

and stop fkin highlight on irc after each fight.... only one who speaks on irc without getting highlighted after a fight, is dallas. and hes too fkin cute to start a flamewar so its up to you really


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
on topic

nice vid, i hope some unnamed people will see how ridiculous they really look from our pov


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Raven said:
agree with konah, seriously do you think people care that you didnt add or they didnt add, or whatever the fuck you are on about, summer is coming, stop taking it so seriously and go and get a women, you will then see what twats you look like with your little cat fights, its plain to see that you all add at some point or another, so just shut the fuck up and enjoy the game or quit.

I for one think this thread is much more entertaining than the rest of the threads on this forum. If you dislike this thread so much maybe you should go back to reading grats-threads. Who cares? Obviously some do, and why does it matter if people care or not anyways?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc its entertaining, i didnt say it wasnt :) its actually really funny seeing how little dignity some people have left :) they are like children who have lost their ball.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
athom said:
on topic

nice vid, i hope some unnamed people will see how ridiculous they really look from our pov

that coming from you...................


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
this thread and just about everything about it is ultra sad tbh, most people posting here are in late teens or early twenties and talking about sume stupid little discrepency in an online game. There are so many better and greater, more interesting things out there to do at this age, playing daoc is ok but to get into a rediculous argument like this is really stupid. I think many people will find that when they get into IRC arguments that they just take the pleasure outta the game, thats atleast how it was for me. There is so much more to life than that, its just awful really, forget about it and play the game.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
this thread and just about everything about it is ultra sad tbh, most people posting here are in late teens or early twenties and talking about sume stupid little discrepency in an online game. There are so many better and greater, more interesting things out there to do at this age, playing daoc is ok but to get into a rediculous argument like this is really stupid. I think many people will find that when they get into IRC arguments that they just take the pleasure outta the game, thats atleast how it was for me. There is so much more to life than that, its just awful really, forget about it and play the game.

such profoundness!
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