a RvR movie for Septina to see.

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Loyal Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Lorfo said:
The "fair play" rules are starting to ruin the rvr.
Randoms get loads of whine if they add, if they dont add they got no chance. So they might log or just roam with zerg. It's easy to avoid engaging if people are fighting(adding).

Altho it's hard sometimes to see if people are "ready" to fight or not. They might've just gotten a pet for the sorc. They might just've killed a speedwarp. They just killed a soloer? The list goes on.
So it's quite hard to _know_ if a group is ready for a fight or not, attacking groups that aren't ready is a part of the game, so I think it's bollocks that you cant engage groups that aren't fighting(resting included). Since there are so few
groups out there atm all these "misunderstandings" or whatever just creates more whine.

And about "disengaging" from a fight if you get mid adds. Maybe you just spent all your realm abilities, instantheals etc and then you get some adds.
You might want to finish of the group, I've seen alot of whine about this
(from myself also yes).

Oh, and alb kitegroups that run into other peoples fights shouldn't whine when they die! Impossible to see who's in what group!

Yes I used to have a different view on this.

well put, have a rep


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
noaim said:
You could pm that to yourself and everyone who gives a fuck about you and your oppinion would get it.

lol that one made me laugh irl :<


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Septina said:
Edit: anyway, this is a matter between our two groups or rather, a few of the members from each group and shouldnt really even be posted here.

mhm <nods>

Denna pajkastning på FH på låg nivå ser en smula.. fånig? ut.. !

Sometimes adds happen, one notice after some time which the noadders are, accept mistakes now and then, shit happens really. I go with what bard says, if bard say go, we go, if bard say no, we dont. Forgive and forget, and expect same treatment next time you fuck up, since, you will, sooner or later.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
hohoho funny thread, cab to download atm to see what the "handbags at ten paces" is all about... yeah yeah keep talking like a biatch and i'll slap ya like a biatch


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Tuthmes said:
So ok, you lost, they win(whatever the circumstances where). Shouldnt make a big deal out of it, its only a game after all (although vent makes it a bit more personal)! Let them have a laugh if they pwned y0 imo, happends to all of us.

Anyways how did they get into your vent server in the first place?

coz Septina hopped around in all realms before ending up in easy-mode and ofcourse played with everyone so he gave Vent-details in the groups he was in xD

Anyhow regarding the movie, was watching it abit, but dont see the big deal, I mean I killed that FG Mids a few times on my ranja solo but I deleted the FRAPS-material coz I thought it wouldnt fit the movie I was working on.

Septina on BM = Nice guy
Septina on Sorc = Bearable
Septina on Warrior = Grumpy old man xD


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Cba to read all but Ok both groups have their own views which is fair enough. But it is getting silly we ran group last night every fight that we face vf group and after every fight they would start wajn OR we would their aint no need menz, think there was a 6 pages worth of discussions on Irc over an incident of Vf group not pulling of when we got adds but aparantly we atacked them so they just have to finish off. Its all silly adds is part of the game but makeing lies is not and having silly discussions over threads like this. In the end of the day you lost a fight maybe because you was not ready thats fair enough but its only a fight dont loose then just wajn just rebuff straight away and go out again and look for a fight, that from your view that is a fair one.

The video itself shows people who maybe are getting abit stressed atm but from my view it might be true from what they are saying in the video i for one think septina is a nice guy has his moments but we all do, but it is an example of people maybe takeing things a bit to seriosuly atm. Lets just carry on with the game imo the groups that im in when we fight your groups I find the fights fun win all loose. Cya out their less wajn from both mids and hibs we seem to be owning fh and irc atm lol :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
YES!!! AT last, just what FH has been calling out for, an e-peen battle between the nerds!!!

Please mods, dont close it!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Eleasias said:
cba to take any other part in this conversation as its not my place but atleast one of the quotes about adds is totally out of context since it was even from a different day? but definately from a different fight that had some invisible adds :D

well actualy it was from same conversation and was about same fight and a fight before that but no matter.
was even worse y.day when your group saw some invisable adds on MY grp at start and pulled off what we toke as extending back then suddenly you push in and moments later we too get adds for real and you zerg us now how sad is that....
tbh havent we played enough together that you should only take my word enough for it if i say something happened in a fight and not make it a 6 page dicussion between our 2 group members while clearly your group didnt see how it went down y.day.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
The whine and discussions are kinda funny, but most of it is based on bland allegations that the "core-whiners" throw at eachother. You and he and her and that had that and this and so on, but you also had this that and you did that after we did that so it's your fault now. It's just funny :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rauno said:
well actualy it was from same conversation and was about same fight and a fight before that but no matter.
was even worse y.day when your group saw some invisable adds on MY grp at start and pulled off what we toke as extending back then suddenly you push in and moments later we too get adds for real and you zerg us now how sad is that....
tbh havent we played enough together that you should only take my word enough for it if i say something happened in a fight and not make it a 6 page dicussion between our 2 group members while clearly your group didnt see how it went down y.day.

your pov = we kite real far, you push, kill shaman who was at front, get adds from bridge (gj going so close), we push on you

our pov = someone spots quite a few adds, we pull off and do nothing, you push and kill shaman, we fight, you get adds, we keep on going til the end and logged off after the fight.

your group was the first to mention something on irc, i explained pov, and it resulted in you throwing insults. then we get the blame for making it a drama.

really, you have nothing to blame but yourself if you don't want any of this bs talk. our intentions with fg have always been good, and will always be good for aslong as we play, if there is some confusion then tough shit. it happens.

and here comes the cheap dig: who always had to control you when you wanted to add, playing bard for us? :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
so after 3 pages of bs if i got this straight, a hib grp got lucky and beat a mid grp and heres a video to prove it? okay... cba dling movie. there are no good hib grps atm, least none ive met in my pug's. some ok grps, noone special so put ur epeens away.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
agree with konah, seriously do you think people care that you didnt add or they didnt add, or whatever the fuck you are on about, summer is coming, stop taking it so seriously and go and get a women, you will then see what twats you look like with your little cat fights, its plain to see that you all add at some point or another, so just shut the fuck up and enjoy the game or quit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
your pov = we kite real far, you push, kill shaman who was at front, get adds from bridge (gj going so close), we push on you

our pov = someone spots quite a few adds, we pull off and do nothing, you push and kill shaman, we fight, you get adds, we keep on going til the end and logged off after the fight.

your group was the first to mention something on irc, i explained pov, and it resulted in you throwing insults. then we get the blame for making it a drama.

really, you have nothing to blame but yourself if you don't want any of this bs talk. our intentions with fg have always been good, and will always be good for aslong as we play, if there is some confusion then tough shit. it happens.

and here comes the cheap dig: who always had to control you when you wanted to add, playing bard for us? :rolleyes:

i think you are a hypocrit vf.

now about us mentioning something on irc first about the fight is not true, you was the first one to go on irc an whain about us pushing forvard(you say we got adds?we didnt get them at that point)(btw you was moving back to docks gj for us moving far away from bridge maybe?) while we were talking on vent just to drop it that you zerged us and have a new fight but noo you just kept going on and on and was frs who said the first insult, i actualy didnt look what you and others said after few lines as it just become stupid and looked again in about 10min but you still were talking about it Zzz

and about me wanting to add, are you sure you havent ben hit in the head recently? thats just BS vf you know this and everyone else also who grouped whit me !
yes i want to kill every stealther in sight but that always ben like that, resoen for it has something to do whit having 1-3++ adds every fight(stupid to let them live as 99 out of 100 add on u)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Thankfully I have never used IRC in relation to DAOC, as I can only imagine some of the comments when you kill someone when they felt it was an "unfair" fight/kill.

It only really leads to arguements I suppose. It's funny seeing 8v8 fights have a whole set of rules that people try and play to, similar to 1v1 fights.

Oli - Illu


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
You win some, you lose some aslong as u get fair fights don't argue/whine.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rauno said:
i think you are a hypocrit vf.

ok :p - not going to post the irclogs so lets leave it at this, sorry for pulling off in the first place :rolleyes:


Jan 22, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
ok :p - not going to post the irclogs so lets leave it at this, sorry for pulling off in the first place :rolleyes:

Tbh Vodkafairy I thought you were a compassionate and respectful player. Guess when peoples egos get too big they can't take loosing, shame really.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
I havn't seen you around for ages konah or are you playing another char? Your conclusion is a bit twisted as well, since it's about the standard whine comming from both sides and people not having their facts straight before whining. VF has a point about things not being black and white and confusions occur, so it shouldn't be an issue when groups not intentionally or in the confusion do "the less right thing". It's these small mistakes that escalate into huge IRC wars ^^

.. I'm positive no respectable groups add on groups that are known for having good intentions concerning adding/good play style - except shit happens sometimes :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
it's cause all "enemies" have played with eachother in different realms etc, which makes us all way too nice ingame and way too evil on irc... imho :<

still think it's all mamba's fault tho :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
Tbh Vodkafairy I thought you were a compassionate and respectful player. Guess when peoples egos get too big they can't take loosing, shame really.

and you can conclude all of that from one post, just after i got back from a vacation? my e-ego definitely grew a lot in the sun! :) tried to explain our pov, had nothing to do with a "cover up" of losing, but whatever :(

silly how a small thing can turn into such a big one, shame after the night was pretty fun all in all. (talking about yesterday, no idea what the original drama was about)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Arid|Disci said:
it's cause all "enemies" have played with eachother in different realms etc, which makes us all way too nice ingame and way too evil on irc... imho :<

still think it's all mamba's fault tho :fluffle:

im with arid on this one
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