A question regarding Game Play ethics



Originally posted by Cdr

And so, you capture one flag - will the rest of the team spawn there? No, they will continue to die at the spawn (mainly because the majority of people playing BF are stupid), and it'll only be a matter of minutes before you have 3 tanks and X amount of troops on you taking the flag back, and you're back to square one.

To be honest - I don't bother - I get the flag - then run to the next. If I try to hold it, you're right -dead meat. Get two flags though...fighting chance that someone on your team will notice.

Annnnnyways, there's my thoughts on it. I dont wanna 'discuss' this too much with the head bloke incase I find a horses head in my bed tonight :)

Heh. This is me with my BF player hat on, not my 'Suit' on. The only time my suit status helped with BF was when I asked Deathace every day for months when we'd have BF bookables working - which is why we've got them and no-one else (I think) has.


Aye fair play, everyone has their own playing style I guess, mines just not the same as yours :)

I'm sure we'll meet on the servers.......maybe not today (etc)......mwhahahahaha hahah hahaha

Btw, what name do you play under?


Originally posted by Cdr

Btw, what name do you play under?

Now there's a good idea = tell you lot ;) No one knows - not even the rest of the BW team (I think).


easy...look for the guy at the bottom of the score sheet :)


I was playing last night on Market Garden, as Germans and had most of the flags locked down. Me and Flamin were guarding the church flag.

After many (failed) attempts by the Allies to take the church back, they then moved onto the the different other flags - but it wasnt long before they were back in Axis hands. 20 mins or so of this, someone on the Allied side pops up and shouts 'YOU SPAWN CAMPING FUCKER'. I respond by saying 'Who's spawn camping?'. The allied blokey (Frosty) 'YOU YOU LITTLE RETARD'. I then have a 5 min discussion with him explaining that guarding a capable flag is not spawn camping. He would not have it, and promptly called me various names and left the server.

It just goes to show that people do have different ideas of what 'spawn camping' is. Still I think he must have been dropped at birth.


maybe he was spawning in the air and u was killing him when he landed?


Nope cos I hardly saw anyone in the air - he was either in the busted house at the back, or in the church itself.


Question? How far outside the enemy home base do you have to be before you're not spawn camping? I was just playing on Kharkov - we had all the flags so I started firing katyushas from the hill down into the axis base. I wasn't even outside my own base, but someone moaned I was base camping. Now, since rocket artillery is basically an area weapon, and I wasn't about to fire on our own flags, where else was I supposed to shoot the damn rockets? The fact that the game designers put this kind of weapon on this kind of map says to me that there's absolutely nothing wrong with shooting the crap out of people as they're spawning.


hehe CDR how the feck do you capture a spawn point without camping it :puke: he must of been a yank saying stuff like that


DeGaffer - that definately aint base camping, its just simply using the artillery as it was meant to be used. I'm sure you would have got the same response even if you had been sat in your own main spawn firing the rockets on to their main spawn (via a sniper of course).

n3wbie - heh, tell me about it, I was very very surprised to have that come at me. I think he wanted me (and the rest of my team) to head back to our side of the river once we had taken the flags and wait for them to take them back. And yes, it was quite early in the morning (around 3 - 4am), so it was more than likely a Yank.


My personal opinion runs along the lines of:

1. Running into enempy uncap. base to steal hardware (tank, jeep, APC, plane, or even just reload) fine. As long as you get out reasonably quickly (shooting ppl fine, as long as they're trying to shoot you too and you're on your way out ;) ).
2. Being a distance out from enemy uncap. base and using say, artillery or sniper fire then, reasonable to an extent (Like DaGaffers comments about his Kharkov experience).
3. Having plane destroyed near or over enemy base (even when you're not bombing them in planes, can still end up over there anyway in the course of a dogfight) and parachuting out over enemy base, fine, see rule 1.
4. Going into enemy base and blowing up sad bastard from your team who is sat on a repair pad in a tank shooting all and sundry the second they appear.


5. Sitting in capturable base, that's just defending dude, no such thing as camping when the base is your own is there?


I have to say, my 'ideals' roughly go along the same line as Anasyn's.

Each to their own I guess :)

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