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- #31
Without determination group purge and baod would be to good also. As Hib groups wouldnt be able to be mezzed/rooted but alb/mid groups are.
Originally posted by faderullan
Without determination group purge and baod would be to good also. As Hib groups wouldnt be able to be mezzed/rooted but alb/mid groups are.
Originally posted by faderullan
Without determination group purge and baod would be to good also. As Hib groups wouldnt be able to be mezzed/rooted but alb/mid groups are.
Originally posted by faderullan
Wouldnt it be easier to just up pure nukers damage? Like give all nuking casters 50% more damage.
And nikolas. In my current regular group we have 2 determination tanks and 2 cloth casters. Is that a pure tank group?
Originally posted by faderullan
I did say that some of your sudgestions were good. But not all. For example, both mid and hib group can afford a defensive tank in group to guard. Albion cant.
Originally posted by faderullan
They can but if paladin guards our mercs run out of endurance. As range on pala end isnt long enough. And 2 mercs without endurance cant kill anything. Especially not anything with 90% guard block who gets chainhealed.
Originally posted by faderullan
Its not like the savage/healer groups are impossible to beat or anything.
Originally posted by faderullan
They can but if paladin guards our mercs run out of endurance. As range on pala end isnt long enough. And 2 mercs without endurance cant kill anything. Especially not anything with 90% guard block who gets chainhealed.
Originally posted by tildson
Seriuosly, just buy some endpots. Not guarding your support is crazy.
Originally posted by tildson
If albs on excal, would guard their support when sos had ranned out, i know we would have a much harder time killing it.
Originally posted by hotrat
Hmm some good points.
Interupt with ae nuke? Did I hear that correctly that means grouping with a wizard or smite cleric, I think not; Albs would have to rely on the sorc casting amnesia or use a reaver. Theurgist casting pets on each pbae caster? when they are all bunched together hiding inside firbies and celts, unlikely.
If det was removed then reavers would be a lot more popular in alb groups and they are the best method to interupt pbae groups for sure (and they can slam).
I dont like the idea of purge every 15 min, I hate it when a tank is hitting my sorc I qc mezz it and he insta purges. I prefer leaving it at 30 mins and adding 40% mezz reduction.
Also GP would be very powerful if you removed Det, mezz reduction chant is crap I never even use it anymore prefering to use speed. SoS is nice but once every 30 min unlike GP which is once every 15 or even 10 mins.
I doubt a hib group would get crippled if they just waited an extra few secs so that all are mezzed.
A paladin cannot guard he must provide end regen to those who need it else what is the point in grouping him? Well a good paladin can guard a bit but you cant have a dedicated guarding tank in a alb group. Also guard is crap vs quad hits, and fotm savages are not rare these days. Also guarding a sorc who is being hit by 3 savages isn't gonna make them live much longer.
Giving thanes and champs those abilities still wont get them groups unless det is removed. However if you remove det the first mezz would win, and instant mezz would be too powerful again.
- All casted debuffs have been changed from the values 15/30/50 to 10/20/30 respectively.
Originally posted by Arnor
not to be rude, but kindly shut the fuck up.
like casters need more nerfs, god knows we cant have casters that kill stuff in groups, that would just sick
aw fuck it, just justify it to me, please... id really like to see this.
I should have added "to all classes, oh and 40% root reduction".I prefer leaving it at 30 mins and adding 40% mezz reduction
Have you seen the logs from 1.65 debuffs on pendragon? I'm guessing you haven't. Debuffs suck arse in 1.65. In particular debuffing for yourself sucks major arse - the duration is so short you can just about get 2 nukes off in it if you're lucky.Originally posted by -nicolas-
You have a RC RM I guess? Explaining further to someone who can't even formulate a decent reply without including various childish profanities would be quite pointless indeed.
Originally posted by hotrat
Paladin is second best but only 1000 range and more annoyingly it doesnt work when he is mezzed/slammed. Also it costs him power and in a long fight in which the paladin has rezzed someone he can go oop and no more end.