A look at Hibernian realm.



Originally posted by Arnor
They do, atleast the good ones rarely uses insta. saadyst on the other hand uses insta ALL the time, he insta's and runs us back to ligen to rest while it recycles :p

LMAO :clap:


Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by Myristica
Hibernian melee classes are below average.
Blademasters, Valewalkers, Heros, Champions, Wardens.
newb alert. play an alb or mid and see how much u get hit for by them so called "gimp" champs then.


Re: Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by Hit ^_^
hiberia/mid=hp/good armour alb=no hp or armour
and as everyone already knows- insta>all.^^

ps- moc on a friar?

hmm the healers i know never use insta mezz as it lasts under 10seconds on a high RR group of tanks ....soooooo bolt range qc mezz full mezz > 10sec insta mezz


Re: Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by leviathane
newb alert. play an alb or mid and see how much u get hit for by them so called "gimp" champs then.

and heros!

and sometimes VWs

and even BMs!


Re: Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by leviathane
newb alert. play an alb or mid and see how much u get hit for by them so called "gimp" champs then.

they arent called gimped champs, they are called chimps :p


since all this post is about nerfing i say nerf those bloody bd's to start.

but what about the classes that need upgrading, armsmen, face it they can be pretty crap and boring, i play my friends 2h one, sure he can hit hard and do well in a balanced group but they cant' get anything like guard with a shield and if they fumble then they are buggered. i think most/all will argee that alb 2h is no-where near as good as the hib and mib 2h, so make 2h better dammit!


Originally posted by Gadd
i think most/all will argee that alb 2h is no-where near as good as the hib and mib 2h, so make 2h better dammit!

Someone hit you over the head :(


1. I totally disagree with what you have said about reavers being "below average" they certainly aren't. They're great at unstealthing people, Leviathan is VERY powerful and i have seen some solo friars in melee.

2. Haven't you exagerated with your verdict of the mezz classes? Sure healer is severely overpowered with CC i've been saying that for a long time, and sorceror has the longest range mezz, which on occassion is a good way to defend against the mids insta's. But in your demonstration of how people albion vs midgard vs hibernia is you made it sound like Hibernia is weakest when that is totally untrue.
Healer+Bard do not wear cloth.
Healer+Bard can heal and buff.
Bard gets better speed than both of those and a endurance chant.

Please don't make the bard sound like it needs major help from the spell list and my experience with them, they don't!

3. I agree with what you said about Hibernian tanks, they need help.

4. MoC even though it allows the ability to heal while under most forms of attack really doesn't help that much i've been told, although they might change it when the RA review is put in place?

5. I agree that chanter is your only overpowered class.


Originally posted by rynnor
Funny thing is - Savages are really a variant of the alb friar with the same concept of a fast hitter with self buffs (although savage buffs cost health and they cant heal/res) - any Albs calling for a nerf should watch out because the other realms have put up with friars for ages :)

In order for Friars to hit hard and fast they have to sacrifice the ablilty to heal. So yes they can base buff ppl < hib has 3 ppl in grp for that > but ther heals are laughable at best. Friars Cannot hit NEARLY as hard and fast as a Savage.

If a savage is so like a Friar then give Friar's primary tank RA's or take savage's primary tank RA"s away. Also tell me a class that can get 50% mele resist's at the push of a button without the use of RA's. Savages can easily reach 2400 hps fully buffed and a Friar about 1700ish.


Why do people allways tend to get upset etc. when discussing? I would love to see a thread where that dont happen..

If this discussion happen in real life people would tear eachselves to pieces...

Take me and my brother for an example, we can discuss DAoC without tearing both apart irl ;)

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Sarnat
Once again: Hib needs only 3 classes to fill the support roles of a group as mid and alb need 5 classes for the same abilities. This gives hibernia a big edge in RvR as they can have more damage dealers in a group.
you only need to kill 3hib classes to destroy their grp, unlike 5 for albs :>

and warrior is definitly best pure tank, 1h and 2h in same line, highest weaponskill off all and they all get 50shield "for free" (bc they dont have to spec for their 2h ability, unlike heros/armsmen)


Albs really need to stfu about 5 support class bullshit you only really need 2 cleric 1 pally 1 sorc then rest tanks tbh.

As for hibs - we are in dark age of tankalot. This poses a problem for hib because they are built around casters for damage and at the moment tanks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>casters.

Having the worst end regen of the 3 realms makes tank groups a unattractive proposition.


Albs should really just stfu about the 5 classes thing.

Paladins do damage, maybe not much, but they DO damage.

Ditto for mincers.

Ditto for sorc.

Ditto with a "they actually do damage too" for friars.

And youre left with *one* class that cant do damage, the cleric.

Compare that to bard warden and druid, who CAN NOT do damage whatsoever(with possibly the exception of a melee speced warden, but then you cant count it as a healer).

Alb damage output aint gimped whatsoever.


Originally posted by kinag
Take me and my brother for an example, we can discuss DAoC without tearing both apart irl ;)

you agree? :p


Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by Myristica
Midgard - Shaman - Healer and has to Endurance buff every 10 minutes.


And Endurance buff + Midgard the Melee realm tanks = death.

actually, in 1.62, the ONLY task a shaman has is to STAY ALIVE and STAY NEXT TO TANKS. guess how easy that is with only one lousy escape spell that you get when you spec 27 to into cave.
now compare that to the probably best defensive tank in the game who has a lot better chance to stay alive to keep endurance on groupmates in battle.

and also - thanes and skalds are good tanks? yes yes, ofc, roll one and be yber melee damagedealer. zerks are great tanks in 1.62! only tanks left in mid then are warrior & savage.

and hib has sucky tanks? excuse me, but what are LW heros/champs then? LW is prolly the best 2h line in the game, which gives a hybrid class access to heavy damage.


Originally posted by Sarnat
Once again: Hib needs only 3 classes to fill the support roles of a group as mid and alb need 5 classes for the same abilities. This gives hibernia a big edge in RvR as they can have more damage dealers in a group.

At the same time, killing one class negates endurance, mezz, secondry healing and drops baseline buffs off most other characters in the group.

Or primary healing, specline buffs, secondry CC...

Can you see where I am going with this?



Everyone, and I mean everyone claims that their realm sucks ass, and that the others are amazing/great/powerful/uber.

There's no point in discussing this, other than improving your flaming skills.


Originally posted by noaim
Never noticed our bard having any problems getting end song running, but maybe he is just a better bard than most of the whiners here?

I reckon your bard mate should wash your mouth out with soap for speaking so much bullshit. Interuptable end song sucks, you know it.

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