A look at Hibernian realm.



To the original poster. First atleast keep in mind that Midgard almost always has had the str relics the last months. Thats 20% more which means that a 750 hit for any realm with no str relics, equals a 900 from a midgard tank. Also Midgard are as you said focused on melee, thus our blasters are equally weaker, you even documented that in your post.

But as i said, you haven't considered that Midgard has had the str relics most of the time.


Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by Myristica



Midgard - Healer - Ranger 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:05 minutes.
Hibernia - Bard - Range 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:10 minutes.
Albion - Sorcerer - Range 1875, Area 400, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:12 minutes.

* Midgard - Healer - has AE Stun, Mana Regen, Root, Insta Stun etc.
* Albion - Sorcerer - has Charm, Mana Regen, AE Lower Con\Str shout, and Root in baseline.
* Hibernia - Bard - DD, Confusion.

* And I like to add that Bard is the most complicated character, has to play speed and twist to endurence in fights, while getting interrupted by Instant spells which makes it a bit hard.

Giv sorc's better armor and remove both insta's 4teh win then reduce ther range. Its bad enough with an insta being used every fight < 2 healers for mid for 4 insta's :x or at least 3 > hib has 1 fair enough its a last resort thou tbh.

Originally posted by Myristica

Mastery of Concentration

Hibernia - Druid has it, Bard and Warden dont.
Albion - Friar, Cleric has it.
Midgard - Healer, Shaman has it.

* Hibernia should have 1 or 2 more class(es) who should get MoC.


lol MoC on a Friar :0 so he can heal me for 500 hps then be oop ........ I would prefer 3 healers in my grp rather than 1 good and 1 v poor healer with moc

Originally posted by Myristica
And people 'whine' about Hibernias Mana Chanters ( pbaoes ), about that they have Heat Debuff in Mana line and Damaga shield (good for pl).
But really, how much is the % that Chanter uses the Heat debuff + DD ? Hey, its almost 30%.


sorry again .... LOL. Any chanter with half a brain use's Debuff 100% of the time. PBAE is mainly used now a days as a defensive tool to get tanks off ur support. yes 3 pbae mages mocing is nasty. u only use pbae to wipe Ward0r's and skill-less Vaktens + possibly if ur CC'ers lands a perfect mezz and grp is surprised in which case the Lead pbae will decide to run in. I shud know I have played an chanter and I use heat debuff every fight and pbae only to defend mainly.

I am not trying to flame u mate just pointing out what u left out or fail to reliease. I play alb and hib at lvl 50 RvR in 1 fg V 1 fg so I know wher it stands. Hib is superior to alb but in saying that ........ Alb tank grp RR6+ with RA's up > ALL daoc grps. Fact


Originally posted by vindicat0r
I dont know what ur doing mate but once ur mezzd and u press purge u are immune to mezz for 1 min at least. You are prob just getting Rooted tbh ^^

lol OK, but by that point I'm too busy screaming abuse that would make the Drill Sergeant from Full Metal Jacket blush at the monitor/Hib casters to notice the difference in spell graphics :).


Originally posted by bredo
To the original poster. First atleast keep in mind that Midgard almost always has had the str relics the last months. Thats 20% more which means that a 750 hit for any realm with no str relics, equals a 900 from a midgard tank. Also Midgard are as you said focused on melee, thus our blasters are equally weaker, you even documented that in your post.

But as i said, you haven't considered that Midgard has had the str relics most of the time.

Str relics dont increase ur cap dmg they only increase ur chance to hit for cap. So the spd of ur weapon + style used and ur quick would dictate ur max dmg and str relics would help u reach cap.


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Str relics dont increase ur cap dmg they only increase ur chance to hit for cap. So the spd of ur weapon + style used and ur quick would dictate ur max dmg and str relics would help u reach c. [/apQUOTE]

Ok, well it still is a valid argument either way, cause in the end the relics will be responsible for why he sees mid tanks hit high more often.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
You make Hib appear to be the underdog here ?

Just to let you know
Paladins have to twist in combat to give END to the group, granted this is not as complex as a Bard but it has to be done.

OMG NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Twist insta chants which cant be interupted is TEH HARD!


all realms thing the other realms are over powered. From an albs point of view instent ranged CC make both other realms over powered. I'm sure Sorcerers would swap all there new trick and longer range for that nice instent CC.

Instent Stun need to be made single target only or have 1/2 the duration of the castable one (just like top instent mezz only last 30sec). The instent CC's are ment as a defence add but they are being used for attack, being able to run at Skald/bard speed and cast. Pac line could probably do with a DPS bebuff spell or something.

Hib main tank (Hero) is proably the best of its class. For starters being able to turn into a stage seem pritty magical to me. Along with not having to spec for damage type means they can make much more effective offencive tanks than Armsmen.


My 2 questions are:

1)What was the original poster smoking?

2)Can i have some of it too?


Originally posted by Xaldrick
The only thing I find really overpowered is that mid has two aoe insta ccs. I can live with the fact that zerkers/savages/warriors can take me out in 3 hits even tho Im a tank class or chanters doing the same on ranged (here's actually the only place you'll find hib magic superior to the other realms), but if you meet mids head on your only really option is to fire off the insta mezz which lasts roughly 8 seconds on determ tanks and gives them a nice immunety timer afterwards. If the bard fails this you're truly doomed as the healer would do either (1) fire off the insta stun and use the lovely safetime to conjure a 1m mezz and pick out targets one by one - or (2) fire off the insta mezz and use the castable stun and pbae everything to bits.
Sure sure druids could then use GP but the whole group would have to be told that before the two groups clashed as you dont get any graphic sign from GP. If this happened and the hibs managed to win the fight, what would they then do when they met the next mid group?
Albs at least have the opportunity to qc 1875 mezz before mids get in range of their instas.
The only sollution I could find would be to strip mids of the aoe stun line for which Im sure to get many flames but take a look at it - even without the aoe stun line you'll be a bard with better armor, a shield and not a round object signaling: HELLO IM A CROWDCONTROLLER, PLEASE KILL ME.


??????????????????? You're a champion and warriors take you out in three hits ???????????
Do you know about the feature 'armour' which you can drag onto your toon and by doing this equip it ? If you do this, you will never be killed by a warrior ( or a zerk post 1.62 ).

A healer is a bard without speed and speccable weapon following your logic.(or absence of it )

Kerram Darktyde

i got about 2 lines in then swapped to skim reading the rubbish
and stopped reading after the Skalds (good with 2hander line)

instantly became the poster is a moron, cant be bothered to read it

Hibs are the most powerful on paper realm at the moment the reason they do not dominate is low population willing to RvR...

I would rather face a FG of albs than a FG of hibs

also i hate the albs more than hibs :)


The prob isnt really instamezz with mids, instastun is the prob as after it you can cast a proper mezz and just sit back and watch as your groups tanks take out the enemy one by one.

I think also that it would be fair that all insta CC would be removed form the game and all AE mezzes to be 1500 Range and Non quickcastable. But then again i´m playing the realm with most adavantages of insta CC so dunno would I want it to be so.

Respect for all that run in 1fg ^^


Originally posted by Xaldrick
The only thing I find really overpowered is that mid has two aoe insta ccs. I can live with the fact that zerkers/savages/warriors can take me out in 3 hits even tho Im a tank class or chanters doing the same on ranged (here's actually the only place you'll find hib magic superior to the other realms), but if you meet mids head on your only really option is to fire off the insta mezz which lasts roughly 8 seconds on determ tanks and gives them a nice immunety timer afterwards. If the bard fails this you're truly doomed as the healer would do either (1) fire off the insta stun and use the lovely safetime to conjure a 1m mezz and pick out targets one by one - or (2) fire off the insta mezz and use the castable stun and pbae everything to bits.
Sure sure druids could then use GP but the whole group would have to be told that before the two groups clashed as you dont get any graphic sign from GP. If this happened and the hibs managed to win the fight, what would they then do when they met the next mid group?
Albs at least have the opportunity to qc 1875 mezz before mids get in range of their instas.
The only sollution I could find would be to strip mids of the aoe stun line for which Im sure to get many flames but take a look at it - even without the aoe stun line you'll be a bard with better armor, a shield and not a round object signaling: HELLO IM A CROWDCONTROLLER, PLEASE KILL ME.


try to get to 50 and not 41... and then again, NO WAY A SAVAGE 3HITTED YOU!.. you might die fast but thats cuz he hits fast or uses quad hit

edit: and not many warriors 3hit people ^^

Elric IA

Xaldrick is a level 50 champ and R4L1 in realm rank (not level 41)

Having myself been once hit for over 1000 with main hand from a zerker 3 hitting a hib tank is possible. Bear in mind they are susing slash weapons on slash vulnerable armour.


Elric, oh no, you cant think of the reason for zerkers hitting hard (speed debuffs and what type of armor you are using)...

If a zerker hits hard they hit hard... No matter if im using slash vulnerable armor or if he has been speed debuffed...


why does everyone complain about a realm which doesnt have some abilities as other realms do. and why cant mithic give unique things to realms which are worse instead of giving them things other realms have. things will balance out so much that all realm will be the same :(


Agree, Mythic is not going to give up their way of "balancing" the game until every classes or RA's are the same..

Perhaps there is hope to see my troll in Plate armor afterall :clap:


Originally posted by bredo
To the original poster. First atleast keep in mind that Midgard almost always has had the str relics the last months. Thats 20% more which means that a 750 hit for any realm with no str relics, equals a 900 from a midgard tank. Also Midgard are as you said focused on melee, thus our blasters are equally weaker, you even documented that in your post.

But as i said, you haven't considered that Midgard has had the str relics most of the time.

pyrdwen mid doesn't have str relics, we have power (which is why u see more BD whines on pryd)


Dunno how you guys keep reading this, i stopped when he put the phrase "overpowered melee" in conjuction with the words "skald" and "thane".


Originally posted by klavrynd
blablabla another one


no, savages still untouched :D


Originally posted by Balbor
I'm sure Sorcerers would swap all there new trick and longer range for that nice instent CC.

Just give me cheap MoC and Purge and I'll be happy ;)


Great post! Stupidity at it's best :great:

Notice my sig? Making a BD so I can feel like a Hib, only in Midgard tho :eek:


Originally posted by vintervargen
no, savages still untouched :D

Heard some rumours that Savages gets nerfed next patch (after 1.62)

Some friend told me that plays daoc, but I couldnt find it and I dont know what they will be nerfing..


The only documented change to savages in the (upto 1.63) patches is to correct a bug where the savage performing his AOE style would do AOE damage even if the style failed


That and the tl is pushing for a parry buff nerf.
They cant nerf savages because h2h is balanced and requires some skill to play, and they cant nerf 2h because it would kill the rest of mid classes, including the already nerfed sbs and the gimps.


Oh, well I dont see that as a nerf tbh.. ofc you shouldnt get the styles' good things if they are missed etc. :)


Originally posted by Tasans
That and the tl is pushing for a parry buff nerf.
They cant nerf savages because h2h is balanced and requires some skill to play, and they cant nerf 2h because it would kill the rest of mid classes, including the already nerfed sbs and the gimps.

Funny thing is - Savages are really a variant of the alb friar with the same concept of a fast hitter with self buffs (although savage buffs cost health and they cant heal/res) - any Albs calling for a nerf should watch out because the other realms have put up with friars for ages :)


I would say the first post on this thread is a whine tbh.

Now.. If this persons chars were on hib / Pryd, i would expect this, as thats the least amount of hibbies on the english servers.. But as its on Excal, where hibbies and middies fight it out tooth n nail most of the time and leave the Albs to play catch up; i would have to say Penfold, Shush..

We have had the conv on here about classes, time and time and time again. If you don't like it, go. Your not forced to play. Mythic aren't gonna change all chars again, in every way, just for 1 person.

If you dont like it, or you are unhappy at any time, you have the option to move to another realm, on another server, or you could leave.

I did, i moved from hib pryd after a year toMid Pryd and I also play on alb excal so im no stranger to being the underdog as it were.

The arguement here could also be ppl not using their chars in grps to their full potential, but i wont go into that, for fear of annoying too many ppl who say they play their characters correctly, and how they are meant to be played. Of which i am sure they are many, but not all.


Originally posted by -Nuked-
in my experience bards may get that instant aoe mezz but it isnt used very often.

?!? I wish!


Originally posted by parisienscot
?!? I wish!

They do, atleast the good ones rarely uses insta. saadyst on the other hand uses insta ALL the time, he insta's and runs us back to ligen to rest while it recycles :p

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