A look at Hibernian realm.



A look at DAoC realms.


After playing this game for 6 months, in Hibernia, i'v noticed few things about this realm so I thought to just discuss some things over here.

Lets first have a look at Midgard\Albion\Hibernian tanks.

Midgard is melee realm, but lets face it, they are too powerful.
Berserkers, Savages, Warriors, Skalds (Very good with 2H) and Thane.

Albion melee classes are average.
Mercenarys, Reavers, Armsmen, Paladins, Friars, Minstrel.

Hibernian melee classes are below average.
Blademasters, Valewalkers, Heros, Champions, Wardens.

* Savages was the best melee class what was added, Valewalkers average and Reavers below average since SI.

* You dont see any Hibernian tanks hit for 900~ while u see Midgard most of the time.



Midgard - Healer - Ranger 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:05 minutes.
Hibernia - Bard - Range 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:10 minutes.
Albion - Sorcerer - Range 1875, Area 400, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:12 minutes.

* Midgard - Healer - has AE Stun, Mana Regen, Root, Insta Stun etc.
* Albion - Sorcerer - has Charm, Mana Regen, AE Lower Con\Str shout, and Root in baseline.
* Hibernia - Bard - DD, Confusion.

* And I like to add that Bard is the most complicated character, has to play speed and twist to endurence in fights, while getting interrupted by Instant spells which makes it a bit hard.



Hibernia - Bard - Who has to twist from speed to end in fights, while has to Mesmerize.
Albion - Paladin - High Armor Factor, High Hits, Average damage.
Midgard - Shaman - Healer and has to Endurance buff every 10 minutes.


Mastery of Concentration

Hibernia - Druid has it, Bard and Warden dont.
Albion - Friar, Cleric has it.
Midgard - Healer, Shaman has it.

* Hibernia should have 1 or 2 more class(es) who should get MoC.


And now the stuff i'v heard from people and have seen myself.

People 'whine' about Midgards Overpowered Berserkers, Savages, and other 2h users. Endurance Buff. AE stun + PBAoE.

And people 'whine' about Hibernias Mana Chanters ( pbaoes ), about that they have Heat Debuff in Mana line and Damaga shield (good for pl).
But really, how much is the % that Chanter uses the Heat debuff + DD ? Hey, its almost 30%.

And Albions Minstrels who have speed5, Damage Buffer Shout, Instant Stun, Melee, Stealth.


And Endurance buff + Midgard the Melee realm tanks = death.


So overall, Hibernia has only 1 so called 'overpowered' class, it is just because mana chanters have Heat Debuff in Mana line.

old.Tomask Writus

I have to agree with most of what is written here, from my point of view that is.

Endurance is one thing that gets on my nerves every fight and half the time it aint the bards fault cant mezzing then switching to drum and manging to play end song before getting a tank on you must be challenge ... and that wit out being instaed to hell. All other realms have a form of un interuptable endurance.

Moc is another thing that need to be looked into aswell another hib healing class should have acces to this imo its helpfull in situations where you just need that edge of healing.

Off the top of my head i can think of many other overpowered chanter except the Mana chanter although im tierd and maybe cant think of any atm but 3 pb's on a standing mezzed group if there given a chance to start up not much hope ;) heat debuff in there mana line makes it even more powerfull ofc.


Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by Myristica
Mastery of Concentration

Hibernia - Druid has it, Bard and Warden dont.
Albion - Friar, Cleric has it.
Midgard - Healer, Shaman has it.

* Hibernia should have 1 or 2 more class(es) who should get MoC.

Wardens imo ^^

Hit ^_^

Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by Myristica


Midgard - Healer - Ranger 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:05 minutes.
Hibernia - Bard - Range 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:10 minutes.
Albion - Sorcerer - Range 1875, Area 400, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:12 minutes.

* Midgard - Healer - has AE Stun, Mana Regen, Root, Insta Stun etc.
* Albion - Sorcerer - has Charm, Mana Regen, AE Lower Con\Str shout, and Root in baseline.
* Hibernia - Bard - DD, Confusion.

hiberia/mid=hp/good armour alb=no hp or armour
and as everyone already knows- insta>all.^^

ps- moc on a friar?


I would say both heros and manchanters are overpowered.

Hero is arguably the best primary tank in the game. Whos the best tank thread is out there somewhere a lot of people seemed to agree on hero. Playing a hero in rvr certainly seems overpowered compared other similar rr characters in my experience.

Im pretty sure every manachanter knows how to debuff+nuke, its kinda hard not to notice when you DD half someones hitpoints away.

Agree with you on CC, against AOE stunn and longer range mezz it can feel really bad without a great bard.


skald 2h is aparently very good :ROFLMAO:

and wth is the point with this if I may be so bold as to ask?


Champions and Heros have arguably the best 2h weapon line out there, in LW - Annihilation has decent damage and is a 9s stun. The lack of doublespecing means that heros can spec high parry and shield while receiving two damage types from LW, while champions can spec LW for the two types, full valor, and decent parry.

BMs are getting better, and become unzerkable basically; VWs as well are receiving boosts to their weapon and a side-positional stun.

Wardens get pbt and the baseline selfbuffs, as well as similar end regen/haste that the friar - though they do lack the damage, they get good defense for it.

Sorcs are a very frail caster class, bards and healers are both buffers and recieve decent armor and hp - its not a tank, but its better than a sorc, and they do get instas.

I havent seen many healers use MoC, but perhaps thats just me; and MoC on a friar = worthless ("WOO ! i healed you for 20 hp a cast uninterrupted for 30s!")

Endurance, ill give you that one - speed and end both as songs on the same class is pretty difficult.

Chanters overpowered, yes - every manachanter uses the ubar 50%debuff/stun/nukex(3 or 4)/farmrps


Once again: Hib needs only 3 classes to fill the support roles of a group as mid and alb need 5 classes for the same abilities. This gives hibernia a big edge in RvR as they can have more damage dealers in a group.


- give sorcs some af shield/abs buff.

- make the use of instruments (bards & ministrels) only needed when starting a song, not to keep it running.

- put a 30 min timer on insta ae stun instead of 10.

problem solved, imo


You seemed to have only looked at the negative parts of hibernia or exagerated/forgotton about things altogether.

Hibernia has some of the greatest RA's out there, Group Purge and BAoD.

It has stun on the classes that can make the most use out of it, casters.

It has PBT on a scale wearing tank rather than on a squidgy caster

Maybe the bard is a hardest character to play, but a sorc has to try and mezz then stay alive after being marked prime target to kill, a healer has to try and CC and be a primary healer.

A hibernia group can also consideralby more flexability on groups than midgard as you will only meet one damage limiting RA out on the battle field BoF. Midgards will meet 2

I am not saying Hibernia is the strongest realm, but suggesting that it is a little more balanced than your rather one sided review suggests


Originally posted by vintervargen
- give sorcs some af shield/abs buff.

- make the use of instruments (bards & ministrels) only needed when starting a song, not to keep it running.

- put a 30 min timer on insta ae stun instead of 10.

problem solved, imo

Not really, the problem with bards aint running the song using an instrument, its starting the damn thing in instaworld 4 win.

Uninteruptable end song would be problem solved for me at least.


Re: A look at DAoC realms.

Originally posted by Myristica

After playing this game for 6 months, in Hibernia, i'v noticed few things about this realm so I thought to just discuss some things over here.

Lets first have a look at Midgard\Albion\Hibernian tanks.

Midgard is melee realm, but lets face it, they are too powerful.
Berserkers, Savages, Warriors, Skalds (Very good with 2H) and Thane.

Albion melee classes are average.
Mercenarys, Reavers, Armsmen, Paladins, Friars, Minstrel.

Hibernian melee classes are below average.
Blademasters, Valewalkers, Heros, Champions, Wardens.

* Savages was the best melee class what was added, Valewalkers average and Reavers below average since SI.

* You dont see any Hibernian tanks hit for 900~ while u see Midgard most of the time.



Midgard - Healer - Ranger 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:05 minutes.
Hibernia - Bard - Range 1500, Area 350, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:10 minutes.
Albion - Sorcerer - Range 1875, Area 400, Cast time 3 seconds and duration is 1:12 minutes.

* Midgard - Healer - has AE Stun, Mana Regen, Root, Insta Stun etc.
* Albion - Sorcerer - has Charm, Mana Regen, AE Lower Con\Str shout, and Root in baseline.
* Hibernia - Bard - DD, Confusion.

* And I like to add that Bard is the most complicated character, has to play speed and twist to endurence in fights, while getting interrupted by Instant spells which makes it a bit hard.



Hibernia - Bard - Who has to twist from speed to end in fights, while has to Mesmerize.
Albion - Paladin - High Armor Factor, High Hits, Average damage.
Midgard - Shaman - Healer and has to Endurance buff every 10 minutes.


Mastery of Concentration

Hibernia - Druid has it, Bard and Warden dont.
Albion - Friar, Cleric has it.
Midgard - Healer, Shaman has it.

* Hibernia should have 1 or 2 more class(es) who should get MoC.


And now the stuff i'v heard from people and have seen myself.

People 'whine' about Midgards Overpowered Berserkers, Savages, and other 2h users. Endurance Buff. AE stun + PBAoE.

And people 'whine' about Hibernias Mana Chanters ( pbaoes ), about that they have Heat Debuff in Mana line and Damaga shield (good for pl).
But really, how much is the % that Chanter uses the Heat debuff + DD ? Hey, its almost 30%.

And Albions Minstrels who have speed5, Damage Buffer Shout, Instant Stun, Melee, Stealth.


And Endurance buff + Midgard the Melee realm tanks = death.


So overall, Hibernia has only 1 so called 'overpowered' class, it is just because mana chanters have Heat Debuff in Mana line.

Before i saw your sig i wanted to write : cry more n00b !
There it is, I said it also , yippie ! I now feel truly part of this forum.


Originally posted by Fightersuntzu
Champions and Heros have arguably the best 2h weapon line out there, in LW - Annihilation has decent damage and is a 9s stun. The lack of doublespecing means that heros can spec high parry and shield while receiving two damage types from LW, while champions can spec LW for the two types, full valor, and decent parry.

BMs are getting better, and become unzerkable basically; VWs as well are receiving boosts to their weapon and a side-positional stun.

Wardens get pbt and the baseline selfbuffs, as well as similar end regen/haste that the friar - though they do lack the damage, they get good defense for it.

Sorcs are a very frail caster class, bards and healers are both buffers and recieve decent armor and hp - its not a tank, but its better than a sorc, and they do get instas.

I havent seen many healers use MoC, but perhaps thats just me; and MoC on a friar = worthless ("WOO ! i healed you for 20 hp a cast uninterrupted for 30s!")

Endurance, ill give you that one - speed and end both as songs on the same class is pretty difficult.

Chanters overpowered, yes - every manachanter uses the ubar 50%debuff/stun/nukex(3 or 4)/farmrps

Well, us poor mids now would love end and speed on the same char, being skald.


You make Hib appear to be the underdog here ?

Just to let you know
Paladins have to twist in combat to give END to the group, granted this is not as complex as a Bard but it has to be done.

The section on mezzing is also incorrect, you'll notice that the bard spec most people go for includes an instant AOE mezz, no casting time - this makes ALB the only realm without any INSTA CC (except smite cleric, which is very rare and centered on the caster, not a ranged shout like the other two realms)

Personaly I think the only overpowered class in the entire game is the BD, but thats another topic.

The game is pretty well balanced at the moment.


Originally posted by scarffs
Well, us poor mids now would love end and speed on the same char, being skald.

Im sure you would, seeing as if it would be a "fair trade" skalds would now have to use instruments to play their songs, im *sure* skalds would just LOVE to play endurance.....


Originally posted by -Nxs-
You make Hib appear to be the underdog here ?

Just to let you know
Paladins have to twist in combat to give END to the group, granted this is not as complex as a Bard but it has to be done.

The section on mezzing is also incorrect, you'll notice that the bard spec most people go for includes an instant AOE mezz, no casting time - this makes ALB the only realm without any INSTA CC (except smite cleric, which is very rare and centered on the caster, not a ranged shout like the other two realms)

in my experience bards may get that instant aoe mezz but it isnt used very often. as soon as its casted it starts to lose its effect so it just isnt worth it.


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
Im sure you would, seeing as if it would be a "fair trade" skalds would now have to use instruments to play their songs, im *sure* skalds would just LOVE to play endurance.....

Why? Paladins dont. Bards can cc and heal while playing end song, skalds having to use an instrument would have no utility in a battel at all other than end song. All realms arent the same after all, i dont see PBT wardens wearing a dress except on friday nights.


imo Hibernia is pretty much good balanced atm, I have played it a bit and I have met them in RvR..

Only thing that is a bit depressive when meeting them in RvR is their mana debuffing chanters :rolleyes:

But you learn to live with it :p


The only thing I find really overpowered is that mid has two aoe insta ccs. I can live with the fact that zerkers/savages/warriors can take me out in 3 hits even tho Im a tank class or chanters doing the same on ranged (here's actually the only place you'll find hib magic superior to the other realms), but if you meet mids head on your only really option is to fire off the insta mezz which lasts roughly 8 seconds on determ tanks and gives them a nice immunety timer afterwards. If the bard fails this you're truly doomed as the healer would do either (1) fire off the insta stun and use the lovely safetime to conjure a 1m mezz and pick out targets one by one - or (2) fire off the insta mezz and use the castable stun and pbae everything to bits.
Sure sure druids could then use GP but the whole group would have to be told that before the two groups clashed as you dont get any graphic sign from GP. If this happened and the hibs managed to win the fight, what would they then do when they met the next mid group?
Albs at least have the opportunity to qc 1875 mezz before mids get in range of their instas.
The only sollution I could find would be to strip mids of the aoe stun line for which Im sure to get many flames but take a look at it - even without the aoe stun line you'll be a bard with better armor, a shield and not a round object signaling: HELLO IM A CROWDCONTROLLER, PLEASE KILL ME.



Originally posted by old.Niljindil
Not really, the problem with bards aint running the song using an instrument, its starting the damn thing in instaworld 4 win.

Uninteruptable end song would be problem solved for me at least.

you run with speed 5 with weaps out, and therefor you wont be targeted as fast.


At the end of the day, the fact remains that in most 1fg vs 1fg fights, the hibs will come out on top. I think that says all that is necessary really.



I can't play the game and WON'T take the time to fix a good grp, so I leave pk with gimp grp and whine on OWERPOWERD relam, GIVE all love to the relam Im playing and nerf the other two!!!

zzzzzzzzzZZZzzz w8 till u get a good grp befor leaveing pk next time maybe u get some buffs good heals good cc.... oooH thats they way u win a fight!



Originally posted by Xaldrick
...your only real option is to fire off the insta mezz which lasts roughly 8 seconds on determ tanks and gives them a nice immunity timer afterwards.

And is the thing that most often gets me yelling "FFS NERF CASTERS!" in a thoroughly mature and grown-up fashion at the monitor :)...

So often, for a Mid tank, RvR consists of: rush out to trouble spot; get mezzed; use Purge; get mezzed again straight away; die. People saying "oh Mid tanks are overpowered, please nerf them" seem to be missing out on this fact.

People say "on but they get Purge cheap"...so what? Purge is on 30 minute timer, and you just get re-mezzed straight away 75%+ of time; IMO it's teetering on the edge of being balanced ATM...


blablabla another one



Originally posted by svartmetall
; get mezzed; use Purge; get mezzed again straight away; die. People saying "oh Mid tanks are overpowered, please nerf them" seem to be missing out on this fact.

People say "on but they get Purge cheap"...so what? Purge is on 30 minute timer, and you just get re-mezzed straight away 75%+ of time; IMO it's teetering on the edge of being balanced ATM...

I dont know what ur doing mate but once ur mezzd and u press purge u are immune to mezz for 1 min at least. You are prob just getting Rooted tbh ^^


Never noticed our bard having any problems getting end song running, but maybe he is just a better bard than most of the whiners here?

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