A girls first time is always special


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
sad but true i've lost count of the times i've heard my bf yelling about having a fg with at least 2 rezzers running over him.

if its any conselation everytime i saw you and the baby running about i always thought how cool it was that someones mamma plays.
:clap: for cool mamma's!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004

page 5 in the "Uuuuuh I got ignored by a cleric that was oop after the fights and didn't want to waste her EoY on me".....

honestly, get a grip


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Ezteq said:
if its any conselation everytime i saw you and the baby running about i always thought how cool it was that someones mamma plays.
:clap: for cool mamma's!!

<big hug> ….Thank you for that. That was a sweet thing to say. :fluffle:

Yes, - It sure is a very nice thing to have an interest/hobby you can share with your baby. Well… not much for a baby anymore (twice my size..and ½ my age now).
We both learn a lot from each other and about each other.
3 years ago I had never tried to sit in front of a computer! He learned me.
3 years ago I could only type a few words in English. Im still bad i know….but it's getting better. I still miss out on some words….but most ppl in game understand me by now.

Yeah.. im the lucky one….how many parents have the same passion as their children?

:cheers: For cool Albs, there sons and daughters, mothers and fathers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004
imo. its not rude to not rez someone not in your grp. Clerics have a lot of ppl to look after and are low power a lot of time if on the move after a fight. (no FoP's etc) stopping to rezz everyone they pass will annoy their grp leaders (if they let them stop that is) and leave them even lower power and sitting ducks. needless to say the player is then unbuffed un healed etc. so they are bound to die again pretty fast if they died there once already if the grp jsut rezz and leave them there to recover. if i get a rez then i see it as a bonus. its a good thing. if i dont then i /rel like i would normaly have to anyway. (it comes with dying) not all rezzers (specialy ones in fg's) are out in RvR to go around rezzing everyone that dies. theres a hell a lot of deaths and with porting etc. its not hard to get back to a fight now. they wouldnt get to do much and since they arent bots they want fun too. its not far from the times i get flamed in dungeons for not buffing ppl i nvr seen before that refuse to believe my BB is ooc. they have a job which they are doing. they dont 'owe' anyone anything. if they can help im more than sure they will. if its not convinient then its really no big deal.

as far as the /ignore goes. yes i think its a little too far snapping at your like they did. altho there is im sure 2 sides to every story. and sitting there for 15 mins (is release timer really that long?) maybe there was a few /tells that we didnt hear about in the story. who knows.

end of the day not everyone gets a rezz. and No not everyone is nice.
gotta learn to forget those people if they bother you. posting about them wont make em go away unfortunatley.

just my opinion. ppl spend to much time dwelling on the bad moments and bad people. i play for fun. i always will. if the fun stops. then i stop. Simple


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004
smile its tate n lyle

hehe :fluffle:

true its holiday season after all. lets go kill enemies instead.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
get a grip

a) try playing cleric in a fg that actually wins 1vs1 fights
b) when u actually do that ,think about whether you ever had the chance to do something (ANYTHING)for a person outside the group
c) really , roshia or whoever it was that didnt rez you deserves a big hug and a gratz for actually replying , saying oop or anything really ;)
i wouldnt , just would spam my /y oop macro
d) ive been called rp whore twice so far in 3 years so fuck i care if you flame me or not , at least i have the balls to say what actually happens in fg vs fg fights and not sugarcoat it like the rest of the people that actually talk here

PS : jonathan dont be fucking afk on msn ...... please ....

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